This trainer's Pokémon is too jumpy

Chapter 542 Celebi Hunter

Chapter 542 Celebi Hunter

After realizing that the elf held by the humans was rabbi, Salund immediately used "forest healing" on him to recover from his injuries.

However, this kind of conventional treatment method seems a bit insignificant to Shirabi who has been attacked and has consumed his power to travel through time and space.

"Abba, can't the jungle treatment cure it?"

"No, my ability alone is not enough."

The father and son were a little worried. If the moves alone were not enough to heal each other, they would have to rely on the lake water in the center of the forest affected by the sacred tree.

The water there can heal all wounds, and even the dying elves can be revived for a moment.

However, for Sarund, who rejects other races, let alone human beings, even other elves are never allowed to get close to the sacred tree.

"But if it's Celebi, maybe..."

Salud, who was called Abba, recalled the legends left among them, presumably other Salud also hoped to know their origins from the rabbi.

It's funny to say that I just didn't want Coco to explore her origins, but she didn't expect that she was now interested in the same thing.

Watching the communication between one person and one elf, Xuecheng couldn't understand half a sentence - he didn't have the blessing of the forest like Xiao Huang.

Probably aware of the other party's doubts, Ke Ke could explain in extremely poor human language: "Deep in the forest, the sacred tree can heal Rabbi."

So this person can speak human language?

"Hello, I'm Xuecheng. You mean there is something deep in the forest that can heal Celebi. Is the sacred tree far from here?"

If it is farther than the distance from the city, it may be too late in terms of time.

In addition, I am still being chased by elf hunters, it is better to find a safe place for treatment.

"Shrabbi and I are being chased by someone, and someone wants to hunt Shihrabbi, will it be dangerous to go to the sacred tree you mentioned?"

Facing Xuecheng's question, Keke was momentarily at a loss for words, as he is not very good at the other side's language yet.

Fortunately, Xiaozhi taught him a universal answer before.

"no problem!"

Xuecheng nodded, since the locals said it was all right, then it was all right.

However, in order to treat Celebi's injuries faster, Salud decisively prepared to quickly approach the center of the forest by using vines to weave through the woods.

However, when it walked out of the research facility with rabbi, a powerful destructive light hit it head-on without warning!
"It's that Bankelas!" Xuecheng recognized the elf that attacked them.

The elf hunter really came after him!

Could that green elf be a match for Bankiras?
Salud, who was attacked by the destroying light, was not in a hurry. He dodged the oncoming light cannon with a slight mistake.

The missed light cannon blasted into the facility, causing violent earthquakes and explosions at the same time. Before being attacked by the aftermath, Zarud and Coco stretched out vines and approached the opponent from the branches of the trees.

As for Shirabi who was still asleep, he was parabolically thrown into Xuecheng's arms by the former.

Because the dark ball suppresses rationality and forcibly consumes life force to increase the intensity, Bankelas is overpowered but insufficient to adapt to the situation. It frequently uses all its strength and falls into a brief freeze.

"Be careful, he doesn't only have one powerful elf!" Xuecheng, who took over Celebi, quickly reminded him to prevent Salud and its trainer from accidentally missing it.

But the masked man who called himself Bixias didn't care at all about Bankilas, who was about to be attacked by one man and one elf, and turned to look at Celebi in the opponent's arms.

"Hand over Celebi, or I'll make you look good!"

As long as you get the power of rabbi, hold the authority to travel through time and space in your hands.

No one in the world can stop any of his plans. No matter how strong the enemy is, he can travel to the time when the opponent has not yet become stronger to deal with the opponent himself. He will have unlimited wealth at his disposal!

"You're dreaming, I won't hand over the rabbi to someone like you who hurts others at will!"

Facing the threat, Xuecheng hugged Rabi Shi a little tighter, and looked at the battle on the other side with some anxiety.

While Bankilas' body was immobilized due to the full force light cannon recoil, Salud used "Energy Ball" and "Grass Knot" to injure and restrict Bankilas' movement.

During the period, he grabbed Ke Ke who came to help and threw it aside, and then hit the vitals of Bankiras, who was limited in movement, with a strong "arm hammer".

In the jungle, Sarud is very good at fighting, even if he fights against the so-called quasi-god's late-formed Pokémon, he will not lose the wind in the slightest!
With these three moves, even if it is as strong as Bankiras, it will have to say that it owes it three or four tubes of blood.

Even so, Sarud, who has a lot of combat experience, did not take it lightly, but moved away from the arm hammer to mobilize the surrounding energy to start "Sunny Day".

However, after the smoke and dust caused by the explosion dissipated, Bankilas, who should have been seriously injured or even lost the ability to fight, was still standing, staring at them fiercely with a cold face, and even stood firm as if he had not been attacked at all!
"You guys want to stop me?" Bixias laughed wildly, "It's useless! It's the same if you kill you and then snatch the rabbi!"

The power inspired by the forced consumption of vitality can even bear the damage that should lose the ability to fight!
Consuming the life of elves like Banjilas regardless of the cost, even the elves of the king of heaven can resist it!

Although this will cause the elves to suffer more serious injuries, who cares about the feelings of tools and consumables?
Once it's worn out, just replace it with another one.

"Get rid of them! Rock avalanche!"

Seeing this, Salund's eyes could not help but a solemn look flashed, this was the most difficult enemy he had seen after leaving the group.

In the face of this kind of elf who is prone to rockslides, earthquakes, destruction and death, and destroys everything around him, even if his attributes are dominant, he needs to be cautious.

But Coco is around the corner, and it's hard to give it a go.

"Coco, you take rabbi and that human to go first!"

Before he finished speaking, the overwhelming rock shells set off by Bankiras swept over everyone and the elves present.

Everyone was trying to find a cover to dodge, but they saw the giant beast stomping on the ground, which immediately caused a huge and violent earthquake.

Just when the scene of the doomsday like the earth-shattering is almost despairing.

A youthful voice with anger and hatred looming seemed to come from the shadows.

"Dream demon, energy ball!"

In the next moment, an emerald green sphere strengthened by a sunny day and shining like a jewel version shot straight at Bishas who was laughing wildly!

Not only that, a dark figure approaching quietly pierced Bixias' waist with its sharp claws... the dark ball placed next to it!

(End of this chapter)

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