This trainer's Pokémon is too jumpy

Chapter 514 Lucia: Are You Here to Discuss Academics or to Compete?

Chapter 514 Lucia: Are You Here to Discuss Academics or to Compete?
Between dreams and friends, Lucia chooses illusory responsibilities.

Although Zhou You knew that the other party could not succeed, he also supported the girl to pursue her dream.

It's just... that even an 11-year-old girl is precocious enough to think about this kind of problem, this world is somewhat outrageous.

In the afternoon of the same day, the R1 gorgeous competition in Changshou Town came as scheduled.

Apart from some familiar old faces, this time he also saw another player with a sense of déjà vu.

It was an apprentice bard wearing a green hat and a green cloak, holding a harp shaped like a dream.

Shangzhi, a poet from the Sinnoh area, and his partner, the speaker, are chasing legends about giants in order to compose a song praising the legendary giants that drag the continent.

Participating in the gorgeous contest is just a matter of interest.

"So there really are bards in this world?"

Looking at the performance of the sound box cricket "singing" Shangzhi's accompaniment in the first round of the first round of review, Eden thought thoughtfully, thinking that Zhou You was talking nonsense before.

Zhou You emphasized: "This is a very old profession. But I only learned it in the extracurricular class of the Children's Palace, and I can't compare with professionals like him."

It's just a little strange that there are bards in the Sinnoh region.

Not only that.

Sinnoh pops Baofen, Galar pops curry, the treasure of disaster from the east is sealed in Padia,

And Bodhidharma, a thing with regional characteristics, is completely missing in Guandu, but appears in large numbers in the ruins of the Hezhong area.

In this situation, people can only lament that the fashion trend is a reincarnation, and the cultural exchanges of ancient people in this world are far more frequent than people imagined.

Although he is not interested in culture and fashion, Arthur in the Poke Ball is very curious. What is the legendary giant that dragged the land?
Could there be such a huge and powerful elf?
"I know this."

Eden still remembers the myth that the trainer mentioned to himself: "In the myth, the giant who dragged the continent is Regi Chikas. The Reggie family we met in the world tree before is that it uses its own appearance to fabricated from a material."

Arthur was shocked and created the legendary elf of the legendary elf!

Even a Reggie Ellechi is several times stronger than Freeze Bird. How strong will the Reggie Chikas who created them be?


I remember Jojo said before that Reggie Chikas was in the Snow Peak Temple, right?

Bringing a filial son is even eager to try!
Facing the excited Arthur and his filial son, Zhou You couldn't help but feel dumb. He thought about the legendary elves all day long. You are really brave.

"Regichkas is indeed in the Xuefeng Temple, but you won't be able to see it unless you meet the conditions. Besides, it's still unknown whether it will drag the mainland as it did in the myth."

After saying that, he shook his head unconsciously, and he might as well ask Regiccas when he had the chance.

The ultra-ancient elves were huge in stature, and their shrunken posture is only due to their adaptation to the current environment.

Maybe in the past, Regichicas really had the power to be hundreds of meters high and drag the continental shelf?

Just as Zhou You and the elves were thinking about going to the Xuefeng Temple one day to find out the truth of the myths and legends, Giratina, who had been floating nearby, suddenly joined their telepathic chat group.

"It's a plate movement."

Dai Xiaozi: What is that?

Giratina doesn't seem to have any intention of explaining in detail.

Although the elves were a little confused about this, Zhou You suddenly understood.

If the thousand-year reincarnation on this planet is related to astronomy, the myth about Regichkas this time is a matter of geography.

"It turns out that the truth of the myth turned out to be plate movement? What about the cause of the sea and land war? Is it a geological tectonic movement?"

Seeing that the elves still had expressions of unclear meaning, Zhou You explained carefully: "Do you still remember the primordial soup theory that Dr. Oak mentioned when we were on the Orange Islands? In contrast, there is another theory in the theory of continental drift. a primitive continental view."

To be precise, it should be called Pangea/Supercontinent.

That is, in the distant past (hundreds of millions of years ago), this planet actually had only one extremely huge continent.

And these various regions today are actually just the product of the split of Pangea due to planetary rotation, celestial gravity, uneven density, etc...

Listening to the trainer's explanation, Arthur became more and more puzzled. What is the relationship between the crustal changes and Regichkas dragging the continent?
"The so-called myths are nothing more than ignorant people's interpretation of unknown phenomena."

Even scientists can't conclude that dreams are the ancestors of all elves, and can only use vague descriptions such as "supposedly" and "thought".

Even so, Dr. Ohki would occasionally accuse them of being the scum of academia - don't use rhetorical techniques in such rigorous materials as illustrated books!
Don't put things from legends in there casually, Indian elephants or something, isn't that a fantasy creature that appears in fantasy novels! ?

That's right, the research results of modern scientists cannot be guaranteed to be correct, and the myths that have been handed down from hundreds of thousands of years ago cannot be guaranteed to be true.

More often, it is just that the ancients passed on the things in front of them, combined with imagination, superstition and tradition, to the young people.

And even if the original myth has a very high reference value, it is destined to become ambiguous after passing through dozens of generations.

This is also something that mythology scholars such as Zhulan and Wangluo have been worrying about—studying mythology is really not a job that only needs to know a little about ancient Chinese translation.

Unless you know someone who has experienced the myth... but who knows if there are misunderstandings or lies?
"That is to say, the reason why the myth of 'Regischkas dragging the continent' is spread is that humans who dare not approach it are in the Pan-Ancient Continent...Wait, were there humans back then!?"

When exactly were the continents of this world created and when did they split apart?

Before Zhou You could further ask the witnesses of the myth about the truth of the legend of Regichkas, he saw his name displayed on the big screen at the venue.

It sounds like he is indeed a contestant in the gorgeous contest.

Thinking that it would be difficult to judge the authenticity if Reshiram was not looking for the other party to ask too many questions, he simply let go of his doubts for the time being, and slowly stepped onto the stage after making some preparations.

At the venue, Miss Vivienne was still the moderator in charge of the progress of the conference, and the scorers were Mr. Su Musa from the Pokémon Fan Club, Mr. Conkenstein, Director of Conference Affairs, and Ms. Joy from Changshou Town.

I always feel that this configuration is similar to last time?
Zhou You, who didn't deliberately remember this point, didn't feel anything was wrong for a while.

"Arthur, it's up to you."

But he still remembered that the judges said last time that his temperature in the first round of performance was too low, and he could raise it a bit next time.

"Oath to the Flame of Victory!!!"

 There is a saying that when Ruby and Sapphire was released more than ten years ago, Masuda Junichi once mentioned that the legendary sea and land war did not actually exist, but that the crust changed that year.

  Although it is not clear whether it is true, but in the gem reprint, the several battles of Fengyuan Ersha are indeed real events.

  I don't know whether it is the parallel world setting difference or simply eating books.

  But books are for eating, gf and tpc are not set to eat once or twice, this is normal.

(End of this chapter)

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