This trainer's Pokémon is too jumpy

Chapter 473: Being invited to tea by Junsha every day

Chapter 473: Being invited to tea by Junsha every day

No matter how legitimate it is, if you accidentally hurt someone, although there will be no punishment, verbal criticism in a symbolic sense is still necessary.

At the same time, this is also the protection of the trainers who have conflicts with the marine team.

As soon as I walked into the Shuijing City Police Station, I saw many leftovers of the same kind and ran out of the Poké Ball on their own, chasing other Kati dogs and laughing and playing.

"That wind speed dog is leftovers, it is very famous among us."

Junsha, who was watching the dog play, revealed as if casually: "After leaving the police dog base, he shined, and even helped the trainer get a good result at the Quartz Conference. My sisters are very happy for him. "

After all, according to the original plan, this katti dog, which is not suitable for working as a police dog, will be dismissed in a short time and will be assigned to other affiliated organizations of the alliance or trainers who have a cooperative relationship with the alliance, so that they can see it display its talent It is a very gratifying thing.

While speaking, she took out tea from the cabinet and made tea for the boy who brought criticism as if she were entertaining a guest.

During this period, Zhou You habitually observed the police station.

A large number of umbrellas, rain boots, and raincoats are placed at the door. There are no Dharma baboon dolls like Kanto, but a star-shaped hand-made origami hanging by the window where the stars and moon can be seen.

Junsha's complexion is slightly darker, and her partner police dogs include not only the Katy dog ​​family, but also the Thunderbolt family with the characteristics of Fengyuan area.

The lightning rod characteristics of this blue quadruped elf with a golden mane can well avoid the risk of thunderstorms in the wild. When dispatched in groups, the "negative" characteristics can also echo with the "positive" characteristics, and the collective Improve special attacks.

In general, there seem to be subtle differences between police stations and Junsha in different regions.

"Are the Leftovers and I so famous in Junsha?" Zhou You, who was holding a black tea, expressed his doubts.

"Hmph, this is a police dog reserve. Even if it is sent out, it will be monitored and observed for at least one or two years."

Junsha (the appearance of Shuijing City) shook the ballpoint pen in her hand, and recorded the transcript in vain: "According to the real-time feedback data from the Poké Ball management system, since the leftovers were given to you, the quality of all aspects has improved at a speed far exceeding that of the police dog base. Growth, Jojo, do you have any idea about this?"

The techniques for cultivating katti dogs at the Kanto police dog training base are already well-versed. The individuals are stable and excellent, with comprehensive and balanced nutrition. Even the training methods are jointly created by fire experts and training masters. Dogs have a suitable training program.

Although Junsha's profession basically only requires "Intimidation" and "Heart of Justice" Cady Dogs, the "Fire" trait is more used in firefighting (Junsha is actually in charge).

But it doesn't make sense that a newcomer who just set foot on the road can raise a katti dog so well?
Even if he is a student of Dr. Oki.

“How did I breed a katy dog?”

Facing Junsha's question, Zhou You subconsciously took a sip of black tea.

The general four-legged animal group training program that has been used last year, began to find Qinglu to customize it at the beginning of this year.

The data detected by the other party shows that it has grown significantly since it was handed over to him, at least it has little to do with Qinglu.

And the way traveling around raises katy dogs...

Infuse the fire of life, high-intensity exercise, special fire stone, the fat of Xiaoxian's milk love, and start to fill up with various fruits in the second half of the year.

Zhou You said firmly, "Of course it is with love."

Hearing this, Junsha suddenly fell silent, clapped her hands and summoned a wind speed dog named Laika, and leftovers were drawn out together.

Then she pointed to two wind speed dogs, one big and one small: "Compared with the normal wind speed dogs, the current leftovers are one or two sizes larger, with more colorful and shiny hair, and more flexible and fast bodies. It's also faster... Oh no, you even gave it an exerciser that binds it, and according to the battle records, even the flames are far higher than the normal wind speed dog, hey!"

The battle between Zhou You and Lila three days ago was not a secret. Many citizens of Shuijing across the sea from Larus City watched the battle between the trainers who manipulated the legendary elves.

Compared with the elegant freezing bird and the unprecedented other form of the fire-breathing dragon, what Junshas are most concerned about and the most incomprehensible is that the one that relies on the unimaginable flash charge in a battle to create Fei Leigong, Yandi, Snorlax's wind speed dog!

Junshas are professionals in raising Katie dogs, but none of Junsha's wind speed dogs have such a brutal record!

Even if it is called a legend, it is still a bad legend, right?
Zhou You, who felt that he couldn't hide it, had to tell the truth: "Well, it's actually because the leftovers have received the blessing of Phoenix King, and the "ignite" feature also makes it easier to store, digest, and absorb nutrients..."


Half an hour later, Zhou You was sent out of the police station by the amiable Junsha, while his own mood was relatively complicated.

"Woof?" Leftovers turned and licked his trainer.

Isn't what you talked about later a good thing? Why do you have such a strange expression?
Zhou You was full of unease: "A good thing is a good thing..."

Junsha, who learned that this newbie was good at breeding Kati dogs, planned to cooperate to explore the possibility of "fire-making" properties.

One of them is to wait for the opportunity in the future to hand over a small number of fire-catching dogs from the police dog base to him for breeding and control experiments, and based on the results to judge whether to start long-term cooperation.

Zhou You likes katti dogs very much, and it is not difficult for him to breed katti dogs - just let the leftovers give some fire to katti dogs at the beginning of breeding, and then slowly strengthen their physique.

But one leftover is about to tear the house apart, and dozens more of the same kind are going to cause a quarrel?

Leftovers: The angelic smile is full of honesty and honesty (pretend).

"Forget it, anyway, it's something after the end of the Fengyuan Alliance. Let's think about it then."

Zhou You shook his head, no longer imagining the scene, riding the leftovers and jogging towards the beach within the speed limit.

Apart from the Katie dog, Junsha also chatted with him about the Ocean Team and the Howler Whale King.

An elf like the Roaring Whale King is too large to be loaded in an ordinary elf ball. Even if it can barely fit in, it will appear extremely cramped and uneasy.

Therefore, this one was not tamed, but was raised loosely in the sea near Shuijing City. Even Joey went out to sea by boat to heal his injuries.

This also led to the accident this afternoon.

But after learning that Zhou You may have a way to quickly cure the opponent, Junsha simply told him the location of the Roaring Whale King after the transfer with a try attitude.

"Shuijing City is the old nest of the Ocean Team. I'm afraid they won't stop here. Instead of letting them cure the Howler Whale King, it's better for me to do it myself, and heal it earlier so that it can return to the sea."

"Woof?" Hearing this, Shanghan began to use teleportation to speed up. At the same time, he was also curious about how such a big elf could be hurt.

"Don't underestimate the ship as a weapon, even the Old Ones may be killed by the ship."

 I still don't know what Zernias, a book friend, said in the reply that was deleted by the system...

(End of this chapter)

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