This trainer's Pokémon is too jumpy

Chapter 347 Reversal Battle

Chapter 347 Reversal Battle
The opponent of the second round of the team against the pioneering area is the "Zijin Versus Club" team composed of male students Du Zi and Fan Zhuan.

※The food court guard trainer and the inventor of the reversal battle in the gem replica.

At first Zhouyou and Lila didn't pay much attention to this combination - they looked like a pair of very ordinary junior high school students, but with the arrival of Yaxida who flew to Larus City to run a doubles team for them, Only then did they learn very surprising information from each other.

Male student Du Zi is the famous food court king in Zijin City, while Fan Zhuan is a rare and powerful superpower.

"A powerful superpower?" Zhou You was a little curious about Yaxida's evaluation, "How powerful is it? Is it stronger than Lila?"

"How many times have I told you that mine is not a superpower?" Lila beside her muttered softly.

She has the special ability to sense the voices of elves and become one with them. Although she has always emphasized that this is just an overly powerful "empathy", a certain ordinary trait that is so strong is what the world calls of superpowers.

"No one knows how strong Fan Zhuan's super power is, but there are rumors that his super power is even stronger than the super power elf, but I guess it's just a rumor."

Yashida laughed, obviously not believing this kind of thing.

Zhou You, on the other hand, was deeply dissatisfied. How could Pokémon be better than a well-trained human being?
Seeing that both Zhou You and Lila seemed interested, Yashida explained: "Anyway, I heard that he used his super power to invent a service called 'Reverse Battle'. , all attribute restraints in the domain will be reversed."

As the name suggests, reversal combat means that a move that was originally very effective will become very ineffective when used, and a move that originally had no or little effect will become extremely effective when used.

Resistance becomes weakness, restraint becomes resistance.

For example, water hitting fire has little effect, while fire hitting water has twice the effect.

In a nutshell - junk resistance (ice/worm/grass) has turned into heaven-defying resistance, and attributes with a wide range of attacks (fighting/earth) have fallen to the bottom.

"Is this really something humans can do?" Lila was shocked. Although she also had special abilities, the power of Fan Zhuan was a bit outrageous.

Superpowers are still within the scope of ordinary people's cognition, but the trainer himself expands the space/field to affect the restraint rules within a certain range. This is already an almost miraculous ability!

"Any questions?"

Zhou You didn't seem to think there was anything wrong: "Wouldn't it be possible for the elves to open the "magic space" to make fast slow and slow fast? "

"Of course there is a difference!" Lila, who specializes in super powers, immediately explained solemnly, "The magic space just disrupts the cognition of the elves in the area through super powers, and this kind of disturbance is very ineffective for unresponsive elves. It will have a severe impact on elves with fast reflex nerves, and this is the reason why the trick space reverses the 'speed and slow'."

"In the final analysis, the "Trick Space" is nothing more than disturbing the senses and reactions of the elves, but the reverse battle that reverses the restraint relationship in the area is already a superpower at the law level! "

Zhou You threw up his hands helplessly when he heard the words, so what can you do if others are so strong? If you want to question that mortals can't change the laws of physics, I'm going to tell you about the achievements of Xiaozhi, the master of inverse attributes.

Leaving aside the strength of this super power, the reverse battle is a bit troublesome...

"Wait a minute, how strong Fan Zhuan himself is has nothing to do with us. Isn't the next battle between elves and elves?"

Facing the question of traveling around, which sounded reasonable, Lila and Ahida showed rather complicated eyes.

"Jojo, isn't it common that the trainer's superpowers can be used in battle?" Ahida replied naturally.

Zhou You: "???"

"How can there be absolute fairness? Is it fair to prohibit the use of superpowers, waveguide power, and even Lila's super empathy?"

Seeing the astonished look of the other party, Yashida knew that Zhou You didn't understand: "The elves brought about by regions, seasons, rich and poor and their cultivation level, or the racial abilities of elves, resistance to attack and skill learning, Or the physical condition and intelligence among the trainers, aren't these all conditions that can bring about differences."

Could it be that just because there is a deaf-mute trainer, all other trainers are prohibited from using speech or hearing to fight?

In other words - just because the giant butterfly has no mega evolution, we cannot prohibit the mega evolution of the giant needle bee.

"You're obviously sophistrying." Zhou You retorted without the slightest hesitation, "At least there must be a benchmark with a wide range of knowledge, like Kanto, which is very traditional, and the use of special abilities such as superpowers is not allowed in official battles. , if there is no difference, wouldn’t it be a battle of gods.”

Hearing this, Yashida showed a regretful expression: "Why do you think Kanto prohibits trainers from using super powers in official battles?"

Because there is such a trainer in Jinhuang City whose super power is stronger than that of a super elf, and she is also moody and causes many accidents due to personal reasons.

Zhou You is speechless, and this is the crux of the co-authorship.

The reason why the Hoenn Alliance does not ban special abilities such as waveguides and superpowers is also very simple. The people with special abilities here have always behaved well, never causing trouble and never losing control.

Seeing that Zhou You could understand this, Yaxida immediately said: "No matter what, just like I am also advertising for the battle in the open area, that Fanzhuan will not let go of the opportunity to broadcast the Cheer Cup Doubles Conference on Quanfengyuan Radio Promote your own reversal battle.”

What Zhou You and Lila will face next is bound to be a reversal battle.


Lila pondered: "Isn't my super-powered elf very popular in reverse battles?"

Weak Dou Kegang resists ghost/evil, which is a relatively good attack surface and resistance.

"It's easy to make mistakes by thinking about it with your brain. Let's use the attribute comparison table to analyze our elves."

While talking, Zhou You took out the attribute restraint table he drew from his backpack, and when he turned it over, it became an attribute restraint table in the reverse battle mode.

"Don't you know a lot about reversal battles? Otherwise, why would there be a reverse restraint relationship table!?" Yaxida complained helplessly. It can be seen that Zhou You has done his homework in this aspect, and he probably didn't do it in the first place. I plan to go to Zijin City to try the reversal battle.

However, this inverse attribute restraint table looks very old. If Zhou You didn't choose an old paper to write it on, it means that he has studied this pattern a long time ago?
Why do I feel like this newcomer who trains the family Doraemon is so good at everything and can give back everything...

Zhou You explained calmly: "Oh, I drew this by myself when I was new to battle. I looked at the front myself, and Xiaozhi showed it to him on the back when he came to play."

 On April [-]st, it should be updated.

(End of this chapter)

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