This trainer's Pokémon is too jumpy

Chapter 272 This little pony, you don't want your teacher to know about your embarrassment, do

Chapter 272 This little pony, you don't want your teacher to know about your embarrassment, do you?
In just one week, Zhou You and the elves almost roamed the streets and alleys of Fenglai City, but there was no progress in searching for Zeraora in the mountains.

This can no longer be described as bad luck, Zhou You clearly realized that Zeraora was obviously avoiding humans on purpose.

As expected, it is inconvenient not to have superpowers or waveguide powers...

However, the day before they left Fenglai City, they unexpectedly encountered a mysterious figure by the river. This started from their last camping trip by the river in the early morning of that day.

The mountains near Fenglai City were ordered by the new mayor to prohibit humans from entering. For a long time, the deliberately fabricated tragedy and the curse of Zeraora who died in the wildfire have been deeply imprinted in the hearts of every new generation. It has become an absolute forbidden zone in people's hearts.

The tourists who come to Fenglai City from all over the world are chasing the prosperity of the big city and the atmosphere of harmonious coexistence of people and elves, so they rarely come to the mountains.

The only people who can go into the mountains are a very small number of people who have nothing to do like wandering around, and some rangers who know the truth.

Therefore, he rarely released Reshiram and Zekrom to breathe fresh air, and the two salted fishes, the water wave dolphin and the fluorescent fish, were temporarily thrown into the river to get in touch with nature.

As always, the elves went out in groups to play, while Zhou You stayed in the camp to build a campfire and prepare to cook.

It was a rare trip to Hezhong. Before leaving, he planned to try making local specialties using the unique ingredients here, so he went to Team Plasma's property last night to buy their synthetic meat.

In fact, the Plasma team is not without its merits. If synthetic meat can really be promoted and the cost can be reduced, it might be a good thing.

Seeing his life, he could not bear to see his death; hearing his voice, he could not bear to eat his flesh.

It is really difficult for Zhou You to speak to intelligent creatures...even if it is a normal law of nature.

"It seems that I have bought too much, maybe I can make one more dish." Looking at the surplus ingredients on the portable cooking table, Zhou You asked the black and white dragon who didn't go to play together, "Leshiram, Czechro Tom, do you two want a sandwich or a burger?"

One or two dishes would definitely not be enough to feed a monster of this size. Fortunately, the black and white dragons that have escaped from their bodies are actually in a semi-spiritual state, and do not need food to survive. Faith is their source of strength.

But trying something new once in a while should still be refreshing.

"It's all fine, but there's one thing I need to remind you." Reshiram pointed out the truth in a complicated tone, "These are not synthetic meats, you have been deceived."

Zhou You was stunned.

The slightest goodwill left in his heart for Team Plasma disappeared in an instant.

Although the black and white dragons have certain powers, they can only work when they take the initiative to "see", so that sometimes the truth/desire will not be revealed in the first place.

"It's too much for them to deceive people's feelings like this." It's not that synthetic meat is so expensive! ?

"Those believers at the lowest level were just deceived by Quecchis just like you. That person's purpose from the beginning was to restore the kingship and religious authority."

"Hmph, trick N into waking me up, and then use technology to control Kyurem in advance, who has almost only instinct left. When the two are combined, I will put my consciousness to sleep, so that I can get an absolute weapon to rule the entire United States."

Because they have traveled to parallel worlds, Reshiram and Zekrom fully understand the specific operations of Quechis, and they also have a certain understanding of the organization Team Plasma.

Kuiqisi, a rare pure bad species among the leaders of several generations of evil organizations, belongs to the colorful and colorful that remains black no matter how it is washed.

"Then what do you two think?"

Zhou You was very curious about the black and white dragons who knew the cause and effect, especially Zekrom, who had been controlled by Quecchis for a short period of time (although he was separated by Gongping with the white dragon after a while).

Will you want to find out the base of Team Plasma in advance to raise Quecchis?

Or are you going to sit back and watch the battle between black and white dragons in this world?
Ssangyong looked at each other after hearing the words, but did not reveal their own thoughts, but asked instead: "You are the trainer, what is your own opinion?"


Zhou You doesn't think he has such a great ability to be the trainer of these two - you both have to train a hammer after level 100.

After thinking for a while, he said seriously: "The events of the Plasma team and the Rocket team are different. The Rocket team has no merits at all, but the rise of the Plasma team is accompanied by the collision of two concepts, which in essence also brings great benefits to Hezhong and even the whole world. new ideas.”

War drives the development of technology/ideas.

"But during this period, many elves were also released. They may not be able to wander in the city or survive in the wild. I don't know how many tragedies will happen."

Powerful to change, want to sit back and watch the situation develop, but don't want anything irreparable to happen.

It was only a small help to the handsome guy before, but the situation intensified and eventually led to the Rockets launching a terrorist attack on the Quartz Conference, which almost led to a tragedy and intensified the Quartz Alliance's restructuring.

Zhou You's mentality is becoming more and more contradictory, and he must be cautious when affecting the main event of a region.

Seemingly seeing through the other party's inner struggles, Reshiram warned: "You should strengthen your inner beliefs!"

"Social existence determines social consciousness, and social consciousness will react to social existence!" Zekrom reminded.

After being exposed to the way of thinking and doctrine of the other world, these two dragons seemed to be different from those 500 years ago.

Zhou You's brain went blank.

Which heartless person gave Reshiram and Zekrom a word of Mazur!

If they were led astray by the knowledge of another world, they would have to apologize to Ken Sugimori (the designer of Black and White Dragon)!
In any case, Zekrom's reminder did allow Zhou You to find his own answer.

All principles of social development are changeable, only the development of human interests remains unchanged...

Just when Zhou You's answer was about to come out, the sound of leftovers coming from far and near came from a distance.

After a while, Gouzi ran up to him.


"Did you find something interesting?" Zhou You asked curiously, "Is it a human or an elf?"

It couldn't possibly be a phantom beast. After this week's exploration, Zeraora must have seen that he was the trainer of these elves and would not take the initiative to sacrifice himself.

The Leftovers shook his head with a smile (although its expression seemed to be smiling all the time), and arched its head to the back of the tour.

"Okay, okay, I'll come up now, don't mess up lunch."

It's about lunch, and the leftovers are instantly motionless as if petrified.

Zhou You rode Gou Zi, who took him to the river and saw what the other party called "interesting things."

It was a big-headed foal with a butter-coloured body, a red mane, sky-blue underfur, and a tail.

At this time, it was motionless in front of a giant tree that had been partially split.

It seems to be stuck while practicing moves.

"Leftover, have you brought any help?" Hearing the familiar footsteps, the little pony started talking.


Zhou You replied with the sound of the shutter of the camera.

(End of this chapter)

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