This trainer's Pokémon is too jumpy

Chapter 243 Is It Worth It?

Chapter 243 Is It Worth It?
Wind Speed ​​Dog's continent moves very fast, but Kanto is equally vast. Without Eden using his magical power to protect Zhou You to prevent his head from disintegrating during the supersonic movement, Zhengmei could only spend two or three days "running slowly" It takes an hour to get from Zhenxin Town to Yuhong City.

Feeling the bone-piercing wind blowing towards his face, Zhou You felt the only pain and confusion in his heart before. He really didn't realize before that except Ye Yibu and other elves were in the same situation, which made him late It took two full months to start the aftermath of the original blitz operation.

I didn't want to tell anyone my inner worries, but I was worried that it would affect my concentration while running, so I had to keep it all in my heart.

I hope nothing irreparable will happen due to my own negligence.

It was about two hours' drive away from Yuhong City, and with nothing else to do, Zhou You simply went through the materials Zhulan handed to him just now and flipped through them in his mind.

Coincidentally, he has never deliberately collected related things. The clues related to the unknown totem in the ancient ruins of the four regions of Kanto, Chengdu, Fengyuan, and Sinnoh just came to him one by one. inside.

It seems that I am a little sorry for this coincidence without integrating it again.

The first is the sentence in the information that Zhulan just gave him, "He has the power of perception and consciousness and is alienated from the outside world. We humans, walk with him and go for him."

The "that" refers to Arceus, the creator of the Pokémon world. At the same time, there is a background knowledge that needs to be understood -

About 2000 years ago, the heroes of Sinnoh led the Axe Mantis, Miss Quner, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Naughty Thunderbolt, Ice Rock Monster, Moon Moon Bear, Sly Horned Deer, Black Tail Fish, Big Yula, and Warrior Eagle 10 An elf challenged the alpaca. In the battle, the alpaca recognized the strength of human beings and left the human world.

And when the alpaca disappeared, everyone sighed sadly.In pursuit of alpacas, everyone has traveled far away.

A large part of the large number of ruins discovered in Kanto and Hoenn are the records left by the ancient Sinnoh people who left Sinnoh in search of alpacas.

But this still seems not to be the limit of the ancient Sinnoh people.

Also at this time point 2000 years ago, a kingdom called the "Padia Empire" was established on the other side of the ocean, which was the predecessor of the current Padia region.

And the names Padiya, パルデア, Paldea... Actually, there is another way of translation.

Palkia, that is, Palkia + Palkia, is taken from Palkia's Palkia (Palkia)'s Palkia and Dialga's (Dialga's) Palk'a.

Just by looking at this name, the builder of the Pardian Empire can be imagined.

Padia is on another continent, hello!
Forget about Toyoen Kanto, 2000 years ago, a group of ancient people who probably didn’t even have a big boat in their clothes went across the ocean to Padia, which can be called the end of the world.

Super Sinnohs may be even more outrageous than Super Sinnohs!
Perhaps it was this will to pursue the alpaca regardless of risks that opened the era of great exploration for the descendants of Partia.

Speaking of the Alfu ruins, the people of Johto established this place about 1500 years ago.

After another 500 years, a huge meteorite fell from the sky and hit the earth. The alpaca yelled, "Isn't it just a rock, let me push it back" (Arzeus: not at all), smashing the meteorite and protecting Sinnoh at that time. Mijina of the region, lent the gem of life to the leader at that time to revive the land.

Then on the day of the lunar eclipse, the alpacas were betrayed by humans and fell into a deep sleep.

At the same time, the unknown totem of the Alufu ruins went berserk, driving humans away and sealing the ruins.

Therefore, human beings built the ruins of the god capital that merged the beliefs of the two regions at an unknown location in the north of the city...

Combining materials from multiple regions and known information from traveling around, the document given by Zhulan roughly describes this matter.

The ancient people who encountered the unknown totem ran amok did not force them to appease them, but chose to leave a record of the whole story, and wait for their anger to subside after the passage of time, and then later generations will lift the seal and open the ruins.

After integrating the causes and consequences, it is already clear why the unknown totems went berserk. It is most likely because they sensed what happened to Arceus on the other side of Sinnoh.

The ruins of the Ascana Stone Chamber on the Seven Islands are probably in a similar situation.

Sure enough, these things are still too early for human beings at present, but these ruins really have no direct connection with alpacas, so there is no need to worry because they know the worst of the many world lines.

No matter how dangerous it is, is there still danger of the evil-faced slate in Zhou You's hand and the empty slate that he washed and threw into the kitchen as a chopping board?


Two hours later, Zhou You arrived at the Spirit Center in the northeast of Yuhong City as scheduled.

"Handsome guy, how is the situation now?" As soon as he landed, he anxiously approached the handsome guy in the hall and asked.

The handsome guy said nothing, just shook his head.

The situation is very bad, all the experimental subjects have only a few days to live, if not for this, he would not have told Zhou You, who is an ordinary citizen, about this matter.

For children and elves as young as ten years old, life and death should still be avoided.

Shaoqing, the handsome guy asked with a sigh of relief: "Isn't Eden here?"

"It happened to go to Sinnoh for treatment. Let's not talk about this, I'll go to Joey."

Immediately, Zhou You left the handsome guy and came to the counter, explaining the purpose of his visit concisely: "Miss Joy, gather all the elves who have undergone the experiment, and I may have a way to restore them to health."

After that, before Joey could question, he took out a three-color feather that exuded dazzling iridescent light from the dog's mane.

That was the rainbow feather that Reshiram was suspected of helping him find the Phoenix King not long ago.

According to legend, the Rainbow Feather can even resurrect the dead who have turned into ashes. It should be no problem to restore some elves who have been subjected to genetic experiments to health.

If it doesn't work, let Reshiram ask Feng Wang for a few more to burn!
※Phoenix: 6
"This is...!!! Wait a minute, I'll call them all right away!"

Joey naturally knows the goods, and at the first glance, he realized what the glorious feather in the opponent's hand was, nodded and trotted away without saying a word.

"A rainbow-colored feather can keep you alive no matter what dangers and accidents you encounter, and it can also allow Leftovers and Arthur to borrow strength beyond their upper limit. It is also a priceless and highly anticipated status symbol."

After Joey left, Reshiram's voice rang in Zhou You's mind, asking: "Is it worth using this valuable item on a group of strange elves who have nothing to do with you and whose misfortunes are not your fault?
"There are more tragic situations that cannot be changed beyond your field of vision. This time, there happens to be an iridescent feather that can make everything go well. What about next time? What about beyond your field of vision?"

(End of this chapter)

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