This trainer's Pokémon is too jumpy

Chapter 125 Green vs. Lambda

Chapter 125 Green vs. Lambda

While the others were teleported away and involved in the battle, Qinglu's exploration went extremely smoothly.

Although there is no copy of Pokémon Eden, the Yongjira he carries is a genuine super-type Pokémon. Convenient skills such as "teleportation" are only more familiar than Eden.

The moment he was disrupted by the teleportation trap, he subconsciously released Yongjira and teleported himself and Kami Turtle back to the entrance of the 2nd floor of the basement. Unfortunately, it was still a step too late and failed to pull anyone back.

"You said that the other people are still in the building and their vital signs are stable."

After confirming the status quo from Yongjila, Qinglu pondered: "Very well, it seems that we don't need to pay too much attention to them for the time being. Acting separately is actually easier to divide the enemy, and it is also a test for their command system."

Including Xiao Zhi, he didn't suspect that the other three might be invincible even to the Rockets' rogues, and that international policeman obviously had his own unique skills.

Being separated in this situation is not a fatal thing.

Thinking of this, Qinglu simply asked Yongjira to use his telekinesis to fly into the air without touching the ground to avoid triggering the teleportation trap again. In this way, he defeated the enemies in front of him in the maze-like base and explored the entrance to the third underground floor.

The base where people come and go is built in the shape of a maze, and even various organs are placed. The founder is somewhat seriously ill.

Not long after that, the broadcast above the head rang:

"Pass my order, all members of B2F and B3F, except the researchers, immediately put down the task at hand, go to surround the child with the frozen bird, and snatch the elf in his hand!"

"Repeat! All members of B2F and B3F, except the researcher, immediately put down the task at hand, go to surround the child with the frozen bird, and snatch the elf in his hand!"

It was Zhou Youzai who deliberately released the frozen bird to attract cadre-level enemies, hoping to seize the controller of the teleportation equipment or the elevator ID card from the enemy!
"Hmph, short-sighted people, how can such an embarrassing weak elf like Frozen Bird compare to the researcher's technical crystallization and themselves."

Having said that, as enemies, those scientific researchers who have gone astray will of course become their targets.

Since Zhou You had distracted a large number of enemies, the speed of Qinglu's exploration increased again, with many fewer obstacles, and soon reached the stairs on the next floor at a corner.


"Yongjila, you have worked hard, go back to the poke ball and rest first."

When I first entered the basement 3 of the Rockets base, the research equipment and culture tanks everywhere attracted the green eyes.

No matter what kind of equipment these are, they are almost the crystallization of the most cutting-edge technology in the past few years, even his grandfather's research institute does not have such a large number of cutting-edge equipment.

His eyes skipped over the instruments, and his green brows became tighter and tighter.

Having been influenced by Dr. Oki, he can easily distinguish the price and function of these things, so he can feel it more deeply than others...

Team Rocket's financial resources, cutting-edge technology, cruel methods, and lack of bottom line are definitely not comparable to those of ordinary evil organizations!
I don't know if they can be called "spirits" soaked in the culture tanks, each of them is the product of genetic experiments.

Some mutated and grew indescribable limbs, some were the creations of different elves put together, some were implanted into unknown things and grew sarcoma all over the body, and some even left only the brain soaked in the solution...

A case of experiments that disregarded human relations and broke through the lower limit made Qinglu's face livid and furious, and he immediately had the idea of ​​​​destroying everything in the entire base immediately.

Don't look at Qinglu, who is arrogant and narcissistic, he looks like he's the best in the world all day long.

But in fact, the object of his admiration has not changed since he was a child, that is, to surpass the legend of both civil and military talents and become a grandpa who became a champion and established authority in the field of scientific research.

These bottomless researchers and experiments are simply trampling on his dreams!

Just at this moment, a researcher who walked with wind and wore a white coat that looked like a cloak ran over in a panic from a distance.

This researcher with glasses and high myopia was obviously frightened by the chaos in the base and lost his mind. He desperately wanted to leave the base and go up to the surface to surrender to Junsha!
"Cammy Turtle, water cannon!" Qinglu gave the attack instructions without thinking.


A half-meter-thick water column with an indomitable momentum hit the Liushenwuzhu researcher head-on...

The imaginary scene did not appear, but the researcher dodged to avoid the water cannon!

Even so, the opponent was still brushed aside by the high-pressure water cannon.

I saw the researcher whose glasses were blown away by the water to nowhere, staring fiercely at the blue green eyes, who seemed to be highly myopic.

What's even more frightening is that the opponent's face, which was scratched to the edge by the water cannon, fell off piece by piece as if it had been crushed!

"Hey, brat, how did you see through my disguise?" the researcher shouted in a low tone.

This person's name is Lambda (code name), he is the cross-dressing master of the Rockets with superb disguise skills, and he is also a member of the 4 cadres!
Today, Lambda, as always, disguised himself as someone else to steal the base's materials and products to sell for money, but unfortunately, he ran into the siege of Junsha and the international police.

After hearing the broadcast from Apollo just now, Lambda subconsciously judged that the base was going to be cold, so he decisively disguised himself as someone else and planned to "surrender himself" to escape.

The mere police couldn't stop him, the master of disguise!

Then a face-to-face was attacked by Qinglu indiscriminately...

Faced with the enemy's question, Qinglu chose the simplest stinky mouth: "I don't care who you are, I still need a reason to attack such rubbish like you?"

"Kami Turtle, water jet!"


Sensing the anger in his trainer's heart, and feeling unhappy about the tragedies in the base, the Kami turtle burst into a jet of water and rushed towards the researcher whose face was constantly falling off.

"Tsk, unlucky!" Lambda cursed secretly, but chose to fight, "Go, bite it!"

A fat brown and cream-colored rat with two huge incisors was quickly dispatched and stood between Lambda and Cammy Turtle.

This is the Rada that is rampant in the Kanto area and is called "house mouse"!

By the way, the names of Lambda and Radha are surprisingly only one letter apart.

"A house mouse on the rotten street, this kind of mediocre elf who often haunts the sewers is very suitable for an ant crawling on the ground like you."

Qinglu still takes time out of her busy schedule to have a bad mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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