The Pension Plan Expands from the Three Kingdoms to the Heavens

Chapter 585 Marvel Feng Aotian Secret Guest

Chapter 585 Marvel Feng Aotian—Mysterious Guest

Mysterio's mutant ability is space teleportation.

Although the little girl is still young, only 13 years old, she already has extremely powerful combat power.

It's just that this girl has powerful fighting talent and magic talent but has not been fully developed.

In the past, this girl was taken from the human world to hell by a latitude lord demon called Limbo.

According to common sense, not to mention the demons there, even the terrible living environment of hell can kill a human child.

But the mysterious guest did not accept his fate.
Not only did she adapt to the environment of hell, but she also relied on her superpowers to single-handedly kill everyone in that hell dimension.

Where a big sword passes, there is no enemy.

In the end, he directly overthrew the rule of the demon lord who kidnapped himself to hell, and replaced him as the new dimensional overlord of this limbo hell!

This story sounds much more passionate than those novels in which the male protagonist turns his fighting spirit into a horse and fights monsters and upgrades!

It can even be said that he is a born protagonist, and he is the kind of passionate fighting character.

When she was just a teenager, she carried a machete and chopped from the east side of hell to the west side of hell. She cut out a whole lot of people!
It is not easy for such a character to play magic and draw circles!
The fact is exactly as Gongsun Lu expected. Although Mysterio's current methods are a bit cold, the magic door constructed is still very stable!

"Your wisdom is like the stars!"

Listening to Wang Xinyue's sincere praise, Gongsun Lu also nodded his head proudly and looked at the mysterious guest slightly.

Then the other chosen children gathered around her with envious expressions.

Spider-Man Peter Parker, Treasure Girl Jessica Jones, Vibrator Skye, and the future Green Goblin Harry Osborn, as well as the mutant Flicker and Magneto's daughter Polaris Lorna.
Basically, except for a few unknown but very talented kids, everyone present was basically a famous superhero in the future!

With such heroic seeds as mage apprentices, I can create a future version of the Avengers without relying on those from SHIELD.

In addition to them, there was also a very familiar little fat man, it was Pietro.

Unlike Wanda's hard-working and talented child, this kid is a lazy little guy!
In the past few years, his parents, Maxim and his wife, have been busy dealing with the Hydra spies, while Wanda and others are either practicing or helping to deal with Thok's coercion.

No one cares about this kid here.

Every day I either eat or indulge in online games.

Fortunately, the tutoring at home was quite strict and I didn’t learn any bad habits!

However, his figure was completely out of shape, and many of the secret techniques practiced by the Atlantis knights were wasted.

Even his own mutant genes were not well developed.

After Gongsun Lu came back, seeing this boy's appearance, he immediately became furious!

Look at the Flash next door. He has similar abilities to you, and now he is one of the Big Six.

But you!
You are still playing a small role in a marginal position. Do you still think that you will be given a lunch by the screenwriter because the special effects are expensive because of your soy sauce?

Immediately, he was also given a special training by Gongsun Lu.

And he was arranged to be the squad leader in this mage training class. As for whether he could be selected as the squad leader, that was not his consideration!

If he is surpassed by "other people's children", his sister and brother-in-law will definitely give him a love education!

Now when the little fat man saw his god and brother-in-law, he murmured, as if he wanted to say something, but he still held back.

However, his hesitant expression was still noticed by the mysterious guest with the strongest strength and the sharpest senses.

This little girl was also smart. Following his line of sight, she looked around the corner and saw Teacher Wang, who had previously received them, respectfully facing an extremely handsome brother. As if sensing her eyes, Gongsun Lu turned towards her. He glanced in the direction and showed her a bright smile, which only made this little girl's face turn red and her heart pounding.

Even the painting style circle in my hand was a little unstable. It shrunk a lot and almost cut off the head of the little spider who stuck his head in out of curiosity!

Ignore this little idiot who is just in love.

Gongsun Lu turned around and led him back to the library. As he walked, he asked, "How is that Steve?"

Wang thought for a moment and understood who the Lord God should be asking!

"He has regained a lot of consciousness, but he can't get out of bed yet!"

After Gongsun Lu heard this, he paused slightly, lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said to the king:
"Come on, let's go and see!"

In the middle of a special training room in Kajitama, a white man about 27 or [-] years old was lying peacefully on the hospital bed.

His eyebrows are quite handsome, and there is a gentleness of a scholar between his eyebrows, but his distinctive long face is quite conspicuous, enough for any future Marvel mystery to recognize this guy at a glance identity of.

Yes, this guy is Steve Strange, the Doctor Strange who will inherit the position of Sorcerer Supreme in the future.

According to Gongsun Lu's observation of the timeline through the time gem, he will worship Kama Taj ten years later because of a hand injury.

There is no doubt that he was ahead of schedule, and the reason why Strange came to Kama Taj in advance was not due to the sudden appearance of Gongsun Lu and the butterfly effect caused by Gu Yi's death.

Although Gongsun Lu has been clamoring to help Strange and arrange something since he took over the blame left by Gu Yi.

Let him come to Kama Taj in advance, but Gongsun Lu really has no idea of ​​​​doing it yet.

But how did this guy get here through the invitation of those carrier pigeons?
According to Gongsun Lu's original setting, his pigeons will be randomly selected to have magical talents and hero qualifications. However, there is still one requirement, that is, they should be under 20 years old. There is no doubt that Strange does not meet the standards. .

Since it wasn't the pigeons that came to him, there was only one reason, and that was Strange's own initiative to attract the pigeons to come to him.

But how did he do it?

The reason is simple. He is about to die. When he is in storage, he instinctively stimulates his magical talent and attracts Gongsun Ruth's carrier pigeon to him.

This is because Strange suddenly encountered a car accident, and it was exactly the same scene as the car accident that brought him to Kamateki.

But this time he not only lost his two hands, but now his whole body was paralyzed. He was lying in a coma in the hospital and could hardly believe it.

If he hadn't summoned the carrier pigeon that was fighting the children nearby when he was dying, and relied on his instinct to trigger the magic in the letter.

It is estimated that the future Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange, died in an unknown corner.

His situation at that time attracted Gongsun Lu's attention!
Strange's current situation is not a single exception.

After Gu Yi returned from the universe and died, when Gongsun Lu brought the Eye of Agamodo, he realized that the timeline of the universe seemed to be being pushed to a rather terrible result by some invisible hands.

If Gongsun Lu did not intervene, many heroes would encounter various accidents before they were born and fall.

Just like Strange's current situation, this is why Gongsun Lu chose to gather these still very immature superhero seeds when selecting apprentices for Kamateji.

On the one hand, I want to train them well and better stimulate their potential, but on the other hand, I also want to protect them!
Prevent them from being killed by force majeure when they are not yet adults!As for other adults, because they are already on the road to becoming heroes, my rash intervention may affect their paths!
Just when Gongsun Lu was a little dazed thinking about the reason for this sudden change.

He suddenly felt a force erupting on one side of the earth.

It was during the Battle of Galactus that I gave each of the scientists who came to help a piece of divine power to express my gratitude.

Usually they will only help when they are in mortal danger!
It seems that one of these future superheroes is in danger.

Gongsun Lu closed his eyes slightly, switched his vision to the location where the divine power exploded, and instantly saw a piece of dry and barren sand.

(End of this chapter)

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