Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 580 Long-lasting Memories (9) (27)

Chapter 580 Long-lasting Memories (9) (27)

All the grievances, happiness, and anger I had felt throughout the day were all wiped out by her words.

Hua Shiyao, I can’t remember this name wrong, nor read it wrong, nor hear it wrong, that’s what she said, and her attitude completely proves it.No wonder she looked familiar to me, because I had seen pictures of her in that apartment.She herself is more beautiful and more temperamental than that photo, which also makes me feel sick.

My eyes gradually cooled down, and I finally understood why someone would call me suddenly. It was not because someone felt that the value I brought made them choose to ignore the blockade on me, it was simply because this woman knew that he was me. Brother, if you call me over from now on, it’s just disgusting.

All of them are the same, nothing will change anymore. I don’t want to stay in this place anymore. I took a step to leave here, but she grabbed my hand as if she knew in advance that I would leave because I was angry. hand.

"It's absolutely true..." She looked at me and murmured.I tried to break free from her hand, but my strength has never been very strong. To put it nicely, I am a mental worker, to put it worst, I am not diligent in all aspects of my body.

"Let me go." I said to her coldly.

"What I called you to tell you was not a joke. I called you here for business. Don't get me wrong. Of course, I didn't need to come here in person. The reason why I came here to explain it in person was just because it was very important. Importantly, I have to be responsible for my own projects and the people under me. By the way, let’s take a look at what kind of person that genius sister is, that’s all.”

She explained quickly, then let go,

"This is the only thing he asked me for after he broke up with me. I just provided a convenience. It's up to you to decide whether to do it or not. After all, my project doesn't require top talents like you. Only then can it be completed, I hope you can understand this point.”

Her words calmed me down a little, but I was still very dissatisfied with what had just made me wait for so long, and I expressed my dissatisfaction with similar looks.She shook her head slightly with an amused expression.

"It's really my fault for delaying for such a long time because the company had an emergency meeting and I didn't have time to inform you. This is a mistake on our part. We will increase the remuneration appropriately to make up for our mistake. You see, this will work." ?"

I snorted lightly, but I couldn't save my dignity, so she retracted her not-so-serious expression: "If you feel you are still angry, just pretend this never happened."

"I..." If she really took back the contract, the loss to me would be too great. I finally lost my face and nodded to her: "Okay."

She returned to her original travel-friendly expression: "I personally hope that our relationship won't get too bad. Let's do it here. I'll get you a glass of water."

"No, I want to know what you need me to do." I wanted to get to the point directly, but she didn't think so: "Those things can be barely completed even if they are handed over to the laboratory our company cooperates with, and it is not enough for you. It’s not a problem. You are his sister, I won’t cheat you on this matter, don’t worry.”

"How do you want me to believe a woman who abandoned him when he was down and out?" I asked back, but I didn't expect her to be stunned for a moment and look at me with a strange face.

"Did he say so?"

"Is not it?"

She looked at me funny, then walked to the water machine and poured some water: "He didn't tell you, so it's normal that you don't know. But in your opinion, it's more reasonable and right. , probably a lot of people think the same way, but I don’t care about that.”

"Do you know when your brother and I met?" she asked me, I shook my head, and she put the disposable paper cup in front of me: "We are high school classmates and have known each other since our freshman year of high school. ”

I was slightly surprised, but I didn't show it.

"It might have been unintentional at the time, but he helped me a lot, and he happened to be in the same class as me, so it was easier for me and him to get closer than others. We went to college, and he worked very hard. We went to the same university as me, although we majored in different majors, but our relationship has always been very good, much better than you imagine, and this has not changed at all until now."

I don't believe her words. If they are really close, how could they break up?This obviously defies logic.

"I don't know if you know one thing. Maybe you don't know, but your parents should know... He and I have already agreed that we will get married when our lives are a little more stable. He doesn't even have a wedding ring. It was ready. Although it was not particularly expensive and the diamond was not very big, the money he spent to buy the ring was something I watched him save bit by bit... It was once what I thought was the most precious treasure in the world. .”

She gently touched the ring finger of her left hand, as if there was something there.

"Are you engaged? Why haven't I heard any news?" I expressed doubts.

"Of course you haven't heard of it, because at that time, you were as famous as the sun. How could such a trivial matter as your brother and I getting married reach your ears?" She chuckled. But I heard a hint of sarcasm: "Although he said that you didn't recognize him because he had changed so much, anyone with a discerning eye would know at a glance that you didn't care about him at all. You haven't seen him for several years." We've met. If he didn't often see you on TV or in magazines, maybe he might not be able to recognize you."

"He would occasionally talk about you and say how outstanding you have been since you were a child. He said it so much that I started to envy you and be jealous of you. But he never mentioned the fact that he was your brother in front of outsiders. Even I was not allowed to say it. He said that you are a person who does great things and you should not waste your energy on people like him. From that time on, I understood one thing."

She stared at me again, full of oppression: "You are brother and sister, but the care between you is not equal. He pays attention to everything about you, but does not let you know everything about him. He He can appear whenever you need him, but he is unwilling to let you know the slightest bit of news about him when he needs you."

"Do you think this is a matter of equality?"

(End of this chapter)

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