Chapter 127

After leaving the coffee shop, Natsuki and Aya Tachibana said goodbye to Shiraishi Reika.During the whole process, Tachibana Aya's expression was distorted and very painful, and her usual smiling expression was completely gone.

Also, you can't explain things like psychological shadows clearly.There is no quantifiable standard at all, and I don’t know how to judge the amount of damage it can cause to people. I can only give a less accurate answer based on the expression of the person involved.

Judging from Tachibana's expression, it was probably a precise crit damage.

Have you gone too far?Xia Zhi thought to himself.

Although she has brought a slanderous impression to her own image that is difficult to clean off, although she always comes to her home to play without invitation, although she often causes trouble for doesn't seem like she is going too far?
However, Xia Zhi felt that he should comfort her. After all, the amount of damage from the critical hit was somewhat beyond expectations.A BUFF monster that could have been reduced to residual health with another A hit, but you killed it with just a critical hit. The mid laner must be screaming MMP in his heart, right?But there's nothing you can do about it.

The belief crit of the top laner's women's clothing box will also kill people, won't it?
The two walked slowly, Xia Zhi sorting out his words.He had to show his concern for her without exposing any trace of regret in his heart, otherwise she would definitely demand it back even harder, and Xia Zhi couldn't resist yet.Even if you go too far, this is a situation that should be avoided at all costs.

"Well..." After about two seconds, Xia Zhi tilted his head slightly and looked at Tachibana Aya: "Are you okay?"

"..." Tachibana Aya glanced at Xia Zhi lightly and said nothing.

"If you don't say anything, I'll just assume you're fine?"

"..." Tachibana Aya still didn't speak, but the painful expression on her face became a little more intense.Not bad, Xia Zhi could tell at a glance that this guy was showing off his acting skills again.But she would definitely not admit it if she was exposed directly.How to do it?

“I originally wanted to invite someone for a meal, but it seems I’ll forget it...”

This time, Tachibana Aya's face showed some struggle, probably struggling to continue acting or to give in to the power of food.She said "Hmm..." for a while, then looked at Xia Zhi: "What do you want to eat?"

"Drink the northwest wind." Xia Zhi said expressionlessly, like an emotionless killer.

Tachibana Aya, who instantly understood that she had been tricked, immediately put on the hurt expression just now, and the pain became more and more intense.

"Do you still have a conscience? You cheated such a painful and beautiful girl."

"If the pain were real, I would really feel guilty." It's a pity that you are a fake.

Really, if you want to act, be more serious...


Li Huacai, who was a little emotional, changed into a dissatisfied expression after knowing that her acting skills could no longer continue.Judging from the scene, it is probably her normal expression now, right?But this might not be the case, maybe there is dissatisfaction on the face, but what should I do if I am a killer with no emotions in my heart?
Xia Zhi felt that it was better to maintain a dubious attitude towards Li Huacai.Even if she doesn't have the talent to be a drama queen, but she has the idea of ​​a drama queen, it's already troublesome enough.

"So, is there any?"

"have what?"


"……have it."

After all, even if she is doing things like her, she has received a lot of help from Li Huacai today. Although she doesn't know whether it is her self-indulgence or Xia Zhi's help, but as a result, she did find her favorite gift. Still pretty good.Moreover, apart from this point, although the lunch at noon is composed of various snacks, you can't pretend that it doesn't exist, right?So it is still necessary to ask back.

As for the time, today is very suitable, probably only today is free.In addition to going to school, I usually stay in coffee shops, and even have dinner in coffee shops.Although sometimes it is indeed made by Xia Zhi, but in terms of the finished product, it is really not a real meal.

Therefore, if you want to invite someone to dinner more formally, you probably have only two choices: eating out or doing it yourself.The first option obviously does not exist, because Xia Zhi not only has no love, but also no money.Only by buying ingredients and cooking them in the apartment can we maintain this kind of life.

And relatively speaking, the latter is more sincere than inviting people to eat out and cooking for others.Saving money is secondary.And generally speaking, the extra money you spend eating out is mostly just used to buy time. Because you don’t have that much time to cook, you spend money to let others do it, put aside the cost of necessary ingredients, and use the excess money. If you treat the expenses as manual expenses, you will find that your time is still quite valuable.

Of course, this algorithm may change according to factors such as the area you are in, the price of goods, the purchasing power of money, etc., but generally speaking, it can still be used as a talking point for self-deprecating.

My time is very valuable - five dollars an hour.

Of course, this money cannot be withdrawn.This is renewal money for your life.There is no way to check the balance, no way to recharge, and no way to withdraw cash, so please cherish it. What if one day the deposit bottoms out?
"What do you mean, please explain it clearly." Tachibana Aya squinted her eyes: "It's really annoying for you Chinese to say something that is not obvious at all."

"This is called implicit. It is a way of communication that requires both parties to have high emotional intelligence. Sorry, I didn't think carefully."

"...what should I say, shit?"

Although she knew that Xia Zhi must be talking nonsense, Li Huacai really didn't know how to continue.Because the grammatical structure of Chinese is a quite, quite, quite complex system. A short sentence, the same vocabulary, and the same order can produce different meanings because of different sentence segments. It is not that Chinese ranks among the top in the world in terms of learning difficulty. It doesn't make sense.

A word has different meanings and different pronunciations. A meaning can be expressed by different words. In the process of sentence expression, it is wildly omitted, allowing you to guess what the sentence means based on the context, and the words are... …Do you know how painful it is for foreigners when they first learn Chinese?It’s as painful as our CET-[-] exam, which we took four times and still haven’t passed.

An international friend who did not want to be named once said: Self-study Chinese is almost the same as self-study mathematics.Xia Zhi didn't know how painful it was to learn mathematics by himself. His mathematics could only be kept above the passing line, but other than that, he was very sad.

Just like when you learn English, you feel very painful, but when a foreigner learns Chinese, this pain will be multiplied several times.So English is really a relatively easy language to learn.

Why am I saying this?Because I want to tell you——

No matter how easy it is to learn English, you still can't learn it.

"You're really not a straightforward person... Then I'll just take it for granted."

Xia Zhi did not refute, and he was not prepared to refute.But when Aya Tachibana started telling the names of dishes in Chinese next to her, Natsuki still couldn't ignore her.

"Then I want steamed lamb, steamed bear paws, steamed deer tail, roasted duck, roasted chicken, roasted goose..."

"Are you the emperor? I haven't even eaten a few of the things you reported...How did you write this thing down?"

Tachibana Aya thought for a while: "I thought about asking you to treat me to a Chinese meal before, and then I searched for famous Chinese dishes. After giving the names of these dishes, I wrote them down. By the way, I can Practice speaking."

"Are you the devil?"

Under normal circumstances, would someone go out of their way to look up the name of a dish and come up with this result, would they use it to even speak English?
"Well, it's pretty easy to understand anyway, and I might be able to use it in the future."

It does make sense to say that. As for the name of this dish, if it was not easy to pronounce, it would not be so widely spread. As for the possibility of being used, isn't this natural?When you don’t know what to eat in the future, can’t you just look for it by the name of the dish?How convenient, it gives patients with difficulty in choosing a way out.

Of course, it is probably impossible to eat all these things in one place... Even if you can eat them, [-]% of the customers will doubt whether they are authentic or not.Even though he may never have eaten the dish, he has no way of discerning what the so-called authentic taste of the dish really is.

"The only things I cook are home-cooked dishes like shredded pork with green pepper, mapo tofu, and braised lion's head that are not too troublesome to make. If you want to eat a Manchu banquet or something, I advise you to take all your wealth and go to China to find it. ."

However, there seems to be no specific statistics on how many chefs there are in China who can cook Manchu-Han banquets, but it should not be too many.Firstly, a Manchu-Han banquet is too extravagant. Not only one person, but also a whole family may not be able to finish it. Secondly, even if it can be done, it will take time and effort, and money will be wasted. What are you trying to do?
Even Shenzhen Man-Han Restaurant probably hasn’t done a full Man-Han banquet for a long time, right?And most people can't afford it...

"That's fine. To be honest, I haven't had much Chinese food yet." Li Huacai was easy to pass.

"There are many Chinese restaurants in Japan, right?"

"Yes, there is, but I haven't been there."

This is a bit strange.Nowadays, with the rapid development of the world, most countries in the world are in a state of "you are among me, and you are among me". Basically, if you want to contact them, you can still contact them, let alone this kind of restaurant.And Tachibana, who is a senior property owner, obviously has the qualifications to go to such a restaurant.

"Why don't you go? I heard that there are many Chinese restaurants in Tokyo that even many Chinese people praise."

"Well, a lot of things have happened. You see, when I wanted to eat before, my parents were busy and I didn't have much spare money, so I just put it off, and then I didn't really want to eat. Even now, a little Now that I have some money, I’m too lazy to look for any Chinese or Western restaurants, I can just find something that can fill me up.”

"In short, you just changed from the time when you had no money to the dead house that you can't leave now, right?" Xia Zhiyan concluded succinctly.

"How rude! I was working seriously!"

Although Tachibana Aya rebutted seriously, the core of the rebuttal was obviously not right...

So, is the Japanese otaku culture that goes hand in hand with the Chinese sand sculpture culture equally terrifying?

(End of this chapter)

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