Chapter 235 Snacks
Qiao briefly drew his ideas on the drawing again, "See if you can put it together to make her dress more elegant than usual."

"It's like a cheongsam. In old photos from the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, there are many girls who are not that good-looking. But when you put on a cheongsam, your whole temperament changes. At least you can have a noble, intellectual, and elegant look. ranking."

"At this time, I am afraid that the acceptance of designing cheongsam is a little low, so I can only choose a coat and a base layer underneath."

At this time, most of the custom-made clothes were autumn and winter clothes, and Qiao made a bold suggestion.

"Okay, I'll give it a try." Zheng Qing felt that his mind had been opened up. He took the design drawings that Qiao had drawn and walked to the workstation. He was so immersed in it that he couldn't extricate himself.

Seeing him immersed in it again, Qiao stopped disturbing him.

When she came out of the office, she saw that the children were bored and wondered what fun things could be in the factory. She looked at her watch and saw that it was already past ten o'clock and she could go home.

"Mom, let's go to the market to buy vegetables. We'll just go back and make lunch."

Seeing that it was getting late, Mother Qiao agreed on the spot: "Okay."

Qiao spoke to Sister-in-law Qiao again and left first. It was Zhou Xiaoyuan who drove them to the vegetable market, and he drove the truck back to the transportation team.

There are a lot of things in the vegetable market.

While Qiao's mother was buying kelp, tofu, miso, etc., Qiao and Qiao Ping's children were buying popsicles.

"Everyone can choose one. You can eat whatever you want." Qiao said generously.

"I want milk popsicles."

"I want orange flavor."

"I want to eat this discolored one."

Several children were so happy that they all chose the long-awaited popsicles.

After buying the popsicles, they heard a bang, and Qiao was startled again. Qiao Ping was a little kid. Together with Zhou Xiaojiao, he ran directly to the popcorn stand and said, "Sister-in-law, come and see, it's Pop the popcorn.”

Joe walked over to look again and found that the popcorn was fried with an iron tool that was round in the middle and narrow on both sides. There was a fire roasting the iron underneath, and it was ready when there was a bang.

"Then let's have some popcorn, and put some sugar in it." Qiao saw Zhou Xiaojiao, Zhou Xiaodi, Qiao Duo, and Qiao Lu all drooling again, and was led to want to eat it too.

"Sister-in-law, if you put more candy, you'll have to pay more!" Qiao Ping was afraid that she wouldn't know, so he stamped his feet anxiously.

Qiao teased him again in a funny way: "But I think it tastes better if you add more sugar. Didn't I hear before that Xiaoping, you have some lucky money saved? Can you spend it?"

Qiao Ping was very hesitant to give up, but after looking at her, he gritted his teeth and agreed: "You can spend it."

Qiao was stunned again. Unexpectedly, Qiao Ping really agreed. He ran to the popcorn uncle, bargained with him on the price, and urged him to put more sugar. He was simply stingy.

When the bang came down, a large bag of popcorn was packed out. Because more sugar was put in, it smelled better, attracting many children nearby.

Qiao Pingna yelled and ran over quickly to pack the popcorn, determined not to give it to any stranger or stranger.

"Sister-in-law, let's go quickly and eat when we get back."

"Second brother, but I want to eat." Qiao Lu was young and couldn't control herself, looking at him eagerly.

Qiao Ping reached out and took out a handful and shared it with everyone.

Joe found again that he ate the least, and asked why.

"It's okay, I'll just taste it and save it for tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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