Liu Guangfu of Siheyuan is a bit bad

Chapter 104 [104] A pair of miraculous hands, a pile of bamboo weaves that seem to have life! !

Chapter 104 [104] A pair of magical hands, a bunch of bamboo weaves that seem to have life! !
"Liu Guangfu, where did you find the person you introduced to Yan Jiefang? You can also introduce such a good girl to us!!"

"Good guy, Yan Jiefang was struck by lightning and turned into an African, but that girl still said that she decided to kill him and refused to leave. Why did you introduce such a good girl to that bastard?"

"That's right, why did you introduce such a good girl to Yan Jiefang? Liu Guangfu, please introduce someone to us too. We promise to honestly give you matchmaking money, and we will never renege on debts like that bastard Yan Jiefang."

On Liu Guangfu's side, as soon as he returned to the courtyard, he was surrounded by the younger generation in the courtyard.

Then one by one, they were all envious of Yan Jiefang's good luck, while shouting for Liu Guangfu to introduce someone to them.

As for the fact that Yan Jiefang was struck by lightning and sent to the hospital, not many people cared at all.

Because compared to Yan Jiefang's matters, what they care about... is the happiness of the rest of their lives and their lower bodies.

Liu Guangfu has always been serious about making money.

No, Liu Guangfu didn't ignore any of these neighbors who said he wanted a partner. After collecting a deposit of three yuan from each of them, he directly took a notebook to register the information and requirements for the woman for them.
There are not many bachelors in the courtyard, but there are quite a lot of bachelors outside the courtyard.

So under the influence of Yan Jiefang's daughter-in-law, Liu Guangfu only registered for a short while, and in the end he received a deposit of 57 yuan.

Seeing Liu Guangfu earn so much money in such a short period of time, Qin Jingru's eyes lit up who stayed by his side all the time; "Liu Guangfu, you are amazing, you have earned so much money in such a short period of time. Already!!"

"How am I so good? This money is not so easy to earn. Now a person charges three yuan as a deposit, and here is 57 yuan. Do you know what this means? It means that I have to find nineteen big girls. Introduce them!!"

Just after telling Qin Jingru that the money is not easy to earn, Liu Guangfu saw the hand extended by his second aunt, which almost made him cry; "Mom, I haven't warmed up this money yet. "

"As soon as you have money, you are restless, so I will save the money for you. You two will need money to get married and have children..." Seeing that Liu Guangfu refused to give it, the second aunt immediately grabbed it .

Seeing that his second aunt was about to take away his money, Liu Guangfu pointed at Qin Jingru in a hurry and said, "Mom, you can't take this money away. I use this money to buy clothes for Qin Jingru. You You don’t want your daughter-in-law to continue to dress like this, do you?”

The second aunt who originally planned to steal Liu Guangfu's money, after seeing Qin Jingru's attire, took out 30 yuan and returned it to him; Now that she’s in the city, she can’t continue to dress like this, otherwise people will think that we abused her.”

"Thank you, auntie." Seeing that the second aunt gave Liu Guangfu 30 yuan to buy clothes for herself, Qin Jingru immediately became shy like a new daughter-in-law seeing her in-laws, then blushed and lowered her head.

Facing the shy Qin Jingru, the second aunt took a look at Qin Jingru's big buttocks that looked very fertile, and the two big grain depots that would allow her grandson to eat enough in the future, and went back to the house with a happy and satisfied face. went.

"You take the money. I'll go to dinner first. After dinner, I'll take you to work together. After dinner, I'll ride a bicycle and take you out to buy clothes..." After handing over the money to Qin Jingru, Liu Guangfu He just turned around and went into the house to get some food. He hasn't had lunch yet.

"Wow, he just gave me 30 yuan, which is a bit too generous. You must know that when my sister married Jia Dongxu, it seemed that the dowry and other miscellaneous things were just given to my uncle and his family. It's only ten yuan, hehehe, my eyesight is really the best!!"

After muttering happily in her heart, Qin Jingru quickly stuffed the money into the pocket of her underwear and put it away, and then followed Liu Guangfu into the house. After entering the house, she didn't eat anything, she just Sitting aside and watching Liu Guangfu eat.Liu Guangfu is tall at 181cm and still growing, and his body shape is also good. He is taller than Xu Damao and a little stronger than Shazhu. In addition, his body is in an important stage of maturation, so he is particularly good at eating at this time.

In front of Qin Jingru, he ate eight big white steamed buns, three poached eggs, a big bowl of soup, and a big bowl of corn paste in one go. In short, he just let him finish the leftover food at noon today.

If Liu Guangfu was a little surprised, Qin Jingru, who can eat so much, not only did not dislike him, but said with admiration on his face; "Liu Guangfu, you are so good at eating, no wonder you can make money so much!!"

"Um, this is me, so even my disadvantages of being so edible have been turned into advantages by automation?

But is she really interested in me?
If she really likes me, her figure, this face, and the fact that she is the original one, which matches my flat face, seems to be pretty good, at least I won't suffer! ! "

After muttering a few words in his heart that Qin Jingru is a good match for himself, Liu Guangfu, who was full, threw his rice bowl to the second aunt to clean up, and then he took Qin Jingru to the backyard to weave things with the tools sponsored by the old man. ;"Let's go, don't worship blindly, let's go to work in the back."

"Okay." Hearing that Liu Guangfu wanted to take him to work, Qin Jingru didn't feel dissatisfied at all, and just followed him happily, and walked towards the place where Xu Damao, the deaf old lady and the others lived.

After walking to the vacant seat next to Xu Damao's house, which is where the bamboo sticks are boiled, Liu Guangfu first took out a few bamboo slices to make a sample of the bamboo slices he needed, and then asked Qin Jingru to help him make bamboo slices according to the samples Then he started to make bamboo weaving with the bamboo pieces that Qin Jingru helped him get out.

The bamboo weaves that Liu Guangfu started making are all very simple and can be used by almost every household, such as vegetable baskets for shopping, vegetable baskets for washing vegetables, and small baskets for fruits and candies.

And Liu Guangfu, who has full-level manual skills, makes these things like playing. It may take half an hour, an hour, or a few hours for others to make a vegetable basket, but he only needs 7 minutes to do it when the materials are ready. That's all.

It takes 7 minutes to make the vegetable basket Liu Guangfu.

It takes 5 minutes to make a vegetable basket.

And it is faster to make small fruit baskets, three can be made in 10 minutes.

Qin Jingru, who often watches people making bamboo weaving in the countryside, was surprised when he saw Liu Guangfu's speed of making things; "Guangfu, who did you learn this bamboo weaving from? Your speed is so fast. And the weaving is so good, even better than the master weaving I saw in the countryside!!"

"What are these? Let me show you what is called real bamboo weaving." After replying to Qin Jingru with a smile, Liu Guangfu immediately finished the weaving of the vegetable baskets, and began to change tools and bamboo pieces to weave small dolls. up.

Qin Jingru was already shocked by seeing Liu Guangfu weaving vegetable baskets.

At this time, after seeing the cute dolls of rabbits, roosters, tigers, pandas, mice, cows, sheep, horses, etc. that Liu Guangfu wove.

Immediately, he rushed towards Liu Guangfu excitedly, then hugged Liu Guangfu and gave him a happy slap on the face, because Liu Guangfu, who was still a big girl with yellow flowers, couldn't get it right, his face turned red like a monkey's ass.

(End of this chapter)

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