Chapter 275 Accident
Joanna said: "Since this house is given to you, if you like a foreign girl, you can bring it back."

After hearing this, Ye Chen quickly said: "Stop teasing me, how could I do that kind of thing?"

"Okay, if you don't mess with this apartment, I'll give you a debt worth 2000 million, are you willing?"

Ye Chen nodded quickly: "Of course I am willing, but if I don't want to be a fool."

After all, Ye Chen doesn't have any real estate in Beautiful Country.

Now I still live in a rented house.

Therefore, it is also a very good thing to have a real estate.

Moreover, the value of this apartment is far more than 2000 million. You would be a fool not to take it.

On the same day, Marven went through the transfer procedures with Joanna.

Ye Chen saw that the overall effect of the completed sample was very good.

The next step is to submit it for review.

Movies from Beautiful Kingdom also need to be submitted for review, but it is much simpler than Dragon Kingdom.

As soon as Ye Chen returned to China, he received a call from Lei Gain, asking to treat Ye Chen and Zhao Jinmai to dinner.

Originally, Lei Gain wanted to invite Ye Chen to eat at the club, but in the end, Ye Chen took Lei Gain directly to a roadside barbecue stall.

Mainly because we are all friends, there is no need to go to such a high-end place.

And this kind of roadside stall tastes delicious.

Both of them drank a lot.

Regain also saw Ye Chen's drinking capacity this time, and was forced to lie down on the table by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked at the time and it was almost time. After all, it was not safe for Zhao Jinmai, a girl, to come home too late.

So, Ye Chen stood up and was about to check out. As he stood up, he bumped into a wine bottle.

The bottle fell to the ground and fell directly to the ground.

Then, Ye Chen heard a cursing voice coming from behind him.

Ye Chen turned his head and saw a bald man with a dragon tattooed on his body and a floral t-shirt on his upper body.

There were still wet marks on the man's shirt, as well as some broken glass.

"Damn it, who doesn't have the foresight to throw bottles of wine around?"

This man looks very fierce, and he always curses when he comes up.

At first glance, this person is not a good person.

Ye Chen also realized at this moment that he might have accidentally knocked over the wine bottle just now.

The knocked down wine bottle exploded and splashed onto his clothes.

So he quickly bowed to the elder brother.

"I'm sorry, brother, I really didn't mean it. I just accidentally dropped a wine bottle and accidentally stained your clothes. Please see how much I'll pay you."

Ye Chen's attitude was very sincere. After all, Ye Chen didn't want to cause trouble.

In addition, there is Lei Jiayin and Zhao Jinmai who are already drunk beside him.

However, that checkered gangster was very unreasonable. Seeing Ye Chen's sincere apology, he even felt that Ye Chen was an easy person to bully.

He looked up and down and grinned: "Boy, do you think just apologizing is enough? Do you really think my brother is so easy to fool?"

"To pay for the clothes, do I need some money for clothes?"

"Who the hell do you look down on?"

Hua Shirt also looked aggressive at the moment, making Ye Chen even more speechless.

I didn't say anything, and I didn't say I looked down on anyone. You just made it up in your own head, which really makes people speechless.

But naturally he couldn't say these words in front of a flowery shirt.

At this time, the floral shirt was also aggressive, and he came to Ye Chen's face step by step.

As a result, Hua Shirt discovered that Ye Chen was even a head taller than him, and most importantly, he thought he looked familiar.

Fortunately, Ye Chen has developed the habit of wearing sunglasses and a mask when going out.

Just to prevent being harassed by paparazzi and fans.

So at this time, although they thought Ye Chen looked familiar with the flowered shirt, they didn't recognize it immediately.

His eyes fell on Zhao Jinmai standing aside.

At this moment, Zhao Jinmai was drinking juice and didn't look at her.

Hua Gezi licked his mouth, a glimmer of greed flashed in his eyes.

Now he just wants to settle things quickly, because he has focused all his attention on Zhao Jinmai at the moment.

This was his most promising actor, and after all, Zhao Jinmai and he were together. If something happened to him, how could he be worthy of him?

"Brother, do you think this is okay? I'll pay double the price for your clothes. We still have something to do. I'll give you the money. How about we leave first."

But at this moment, the big man in the flowery shirt stopped talking to Ye Chen and came directly to Ye Chen's table.

He was supporting the table with one hand, and the other hand was stuffed into his trouser pocket.

Zhao Jinmai was very beautiful, but this gangster looked at Zhao Jinmai who was drinking juice, with an evil smile on his face.

Ye Chen was speechless.

Being stared at by this big man, Zhao Jinmai didn't feel anything at all. This girl was too worried.

The big man sneered: "Little sister, it's very dangerous to go out drinking with a group of men so late. My brother will take you home."

Ye Chen was speechless, this big man was really thick-skinned.

At this moment, this big man's mind is full of dirty thoughts.

In fact, everyone knew what this big man was thinking.

And the people drinking with this big man all had their hair dyed in colorful colors, and they all painted dragons and phoenixes, looking very cool.

No need to ask, this is a bunch of gangsters.

Zhao Jinmai rolled his eyes at the big man, and then set his eyes on Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was about to speak, but Rega suddenly waved his hand, rounded his arm, and knocked down the big man's hand on the table because he didn't know what he was dreaming about.

The big man with a checkered pattern now focused all his attention on that table.

Now being hit by Regain, the big man lost his center of gravity and fell directly onto the table.

Immediately blood spattered out.

"How dare you hit someone."

The big man got up and rubbed his nose.

At this moment, he wiped the blood on his body and was furious.

The big man pointed at Ye Chen and cursed.

Ye Chen was also speechless.

He just kept saying nice things and didn't do anything at all.

What does this have to do with me.

Besides, Lei Jiain obviously drank too much, but he just had a nightmare unintentionally and beat his hands randomly, but the result was that the big man was so miserable.

It can only be said that this big man is too unlucky.

Zhao Jinmai couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

After all, the look of this checkered man now is too miserable.

Ye Chen really admires Zhao Jinmai.

Surrounded by a group of gangsters, this girl was not afraid but actually laughed.

But at this time, Ye Chen still didn't want to continue causing trouble, but now these gangsters were angry.

So Ye Chen continued to apologize and said: "Brothers, don't be angry, my friend really didn't mean it."

At this time, the big man already felt that his face and IQ had been greatly insulted.

At this moment, he didn't know whether the drunken boy lying on the table had just acted accidentally or on purpose.

But he made a fool of himself after all.

So I have to find my place today!

(End of this chapter)

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