Bright Sword Rising from Picking Rewards

Chapter 252 The famous Li Yunlong (recommend my new book From Arms Dealer to King of Military Indust

Chapter 252 The famous Li Yunlong (recommend my new book From Arms Dealer to King of Military Industry)
The Taiyuan Airport of the Japanese First Army has already been dispatched by Lieutenant General Yoshio Shinozuka, the commander of the First Japanese Army, and Hideyoshi Kusuyama, the chief of staff, to conduct garrison and defense operations. An elite Japanese division was also deployed there to assist in operations.It can be said that they have strong troops and strong defense, just to prevent Li Yunlong and Ding Wei from blowing up the airport in a sneak attack.

Although for all the Japanese officers and soldiers, whether it is the senior Lieutenant General Shinozuka Yoshio and Chief of Staff Kusuyama Hideyoshi, the other division commanders and chiefs of staff, or the Japanese officers in each unit, Li Yunlong and Ding Wei The Eighth Route Army, which had poor weapons and equipment and did not have its own flying force, simply had no way of blowing up their heavily guarded Taiyuan Airport.

But just when all the top Japanese soldiers, officers and soldiers thought that this was how things would end, waiting for them to encircle, suppress, and annihilate the entire Eighth Route Army of Li Yunlong and Ding Wei who dared to attack,

No one knew that the whole of Taiyuan, even the foreign public settlement, and all the cities that had not yet fallen, would be sensationalized by the explosive front-page headlines of major news newspapers on the same day.

"The Eighth Route Army Li Yunlong and Ding Wei are expected to blow up the Taiyuan Airport, which is heavily guarded by the Japanese First Army, at 11 o'clock tonight!"

"The Japanese Taiyuan Airport is in danger. Two capable officers of the Eighth Route Army vow to completely blow up the place tonight!"

"What a shock! Li Yunlong and Ding Wei of the Eighth Route Army declared war on the Japanese First Army. The final battle will take place at the Taiyuan Airport tonight. Who will win?"

"For the first time since the war began, the Japanese First Army was shamelessly told by a small officer of the Eighth Route Army that they would blow up Taiyuan Airport, which was recently heavily guarded and airtight by the Japanese army, tonight. Is this a lie or an exaggeration? Or is it the good news that is about to come true?”

"Who are Li Yunlong and Ding Wei? They dared to blow up the entire Taiyuan Airport of the Japanese army tonight, and even beheaded Lieutenant General Yoshio Shinozuka, the commander of the Japanese First Army, and Hideyoshi Kusuyama, the chief of staff?"

All of a sudden, all kinds of attractive front-page headlines from major newspapers were spread out, along with the hard-working shouts of newsboys and sales staff at newsstands.

This suddenly shocked all the citizens and attracted a large number of citizens to frantically buy the latest newspapers.

In particular, newspapers with photos of Li Yunlong and Ding Wei were particularly popular and sold out.

Because everyone is very curious about what Li Yunlong and Ding Wei look like, and why they are so brave and dare to fight against the Japanese First Army head-on with such great fanfare and blatantly.
He even threatened to blow up the Taiyuan Airport, which was heavily guarded by the Japanese First Army tonight and even wild cats and dogs could not get in.

It was a real sensation,
Japanese First Army Headquarters,

"Bagayalu! The damn Eighth Route Army, and these two damn Eighth Route Army officers, Li Yunlong, and that Ding Wei, they are all going to die! Die!"

"What on earth have they done to make so many newspapers, even foreign newspapers, publicize the news that they are coming to blow up our Taiyuan Airport!"

"Who is the mastermind behind this matter?"

"Are all our intelligence agencies just doing nothing? Why didn't they report any information to me? Didn't they find out?"

"They are really useless! They are all trash!"

"Damn it! Send more troops to me right away and guard the Taiyuan Airport tightly. I want Li Yunlong and Ding Wei to fight so hard that they can't get there. In addition, we have to annihilate them all, as well as our command. The Department must also ensure the safety of me and Hideyoshi Kusuyama, Chief of Staff, and never allow the beheading scene like the 41st Division to happen again!"

"Also, finally inform me of our intelligence agency and ask them to report to me the current location and situation of Li Yunlong and Ding Wei before the sun goes down in the evening, as well as the person behind the scenes who instructs so many newspapers to publicize our bad news. Who is he!"

Then, Lieutenant General Shinozuka Yoshio, the commander of the Japanese First Army, learned that he, Chief of Staff Kusuyama Hideyoshi, and the heavily guarded Taiyuan Airport were suddenly published in major newspapers to make money, and became famous. After the news,
He immediately became murderous and burned all the newspapers brought by his subordinates. He was furious and roared again and again.

And issued a series of combat instructions.

(End of this chapter)

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