Bright Sword Rising from Picking Rewards

Chapter 234 The heavily protected Japanese Taiyuan Airport

Chapter 234 The heavily protected Japanese Taiyuan Airport
Facing the overwhelming news about Ding Weilai's sneak attack on Taiyuan City's airport, Lieutenant General Yoshio Shinozuka, commander of the Japanese First Army, stood at his headquarters with a stern face, reading through the pages. All the newspapers were thrown aside without saying a word,

This was one of the rare times when he was not grumpy, but soon a cruel sneer appeared in his eyes.

His gaze also changed to become more fierce,
"Baga! Do you want to blow up my Taiyuan Airport?"

"A mere branch of the China-Tuba Road, talking so shamelessly? And these damn news media, actually exaggerating and publicizing such news? It seems that there must be senior officials of the China Army behind this news, adding fuel to the flames. Otherwise, the propaganda offensive would definitely not be on such a large scale!"

"And this is completely inconsistent with the combat style of China Tubal Road. China Tubal Road's usual combat policy is mainly based on guerrilla warfare and ambush operations. It has never been so expensive to publicize that it is going to Attack those who sneak up on the enemy!"

"Who is the mastermind behind this?"

"Hmph! Forget it, let's leave this problem to those losers in the intelligence department to investigate!"

"As for the attack of these China Tubal Route forces, especially the China Tubal Route officer Ding Wei who was openly targeted, I will definitely make sure that they all have no chance of coming back!"

"After I hang all their corpses on the top of Taiyuan City, I will definitely be able to deter all the incoming China Tubal Road! And then we will also let our news media carry out a massive propaganda offensive and carry out counterattacks and slaps in the face. It's a propaganda campaign by China Tuba Road!"

"If you want to blow up the Taiyuan Airport where our imperial army is stationed, China Tubal Road is not qualified!"

"These Chinese Eighth Route Army troops with inferior weapons and equipment have no strength at all and can blow up my Taiyuan Airport!"

Then, Lieutenant General Yoshio Shinozuka, commander of the Japanese First Army, showed a murderous look and smile, and said coldly.

"Immediately send me additional garrison troops at Taiyuan Airport, two elite infantry brigades, an air defense combat unit, and tanks and combat vehicles!"

"In addition, give me the 14 troops of the Sixth Division, the No. 20 Division, and the No. 8 Division, as well as the tens of thousands of troops from the No. 30 Sixth Division and the No. 40 First Division, and prepare them for mopping up. The Northwestern Shanxi Headquarters of the China Tubal Road, I will take down all the China Tubal Road in one fell swoop!"

"Also, let me have the intelligence agency monitor every move of China Tubal Road, and find out what is happening to that damn Yamamoto Kazuki now? If he is dead, bring his body back. If he is still alive, Catch it for me!"

"What I hate the most is that when I go out on a combat mission for so long, I end up being a piece of trash whose whereabouts are unknown!"

Lieutenant General Yoshio Shinozuka, commander of the Japanese First Army, finally gave the order with a cold look in his eyes.




After his combat order was issued, all the Japanese officers who were called to the headquarters by him agreed loudly.

As the responses sounded one after another,
These Japanese officers were also quick to carry out the combat orders of the commander, Lieutenant General Yoshio Shinozuka.

That afternoon, the entire Japanese airfield in Taiyuan was under full martial law, and two elite Japanese military camps were stationed at once.

All of a sudden, the entire Japanese Taiyuan Airport was protected very tightly.

The posture of the Japanese army was completely a defensive posture that was about to face the attack of a powerful enemy, and they did not underestimate the enemy in the slightest.

Because the Japanese troops stationed here are elite troops among the elite.

Moreover, they were unwilling to successfully attack the Taiyuan Airport where they were stationed.

Otherwise, their end will definitely not be very good.

They could not withstand the rage of Lieutenant General Yoshio Shinozuka, commander of the Japanese First Army.

(End of this chapter)

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