Bright Sword Rising from Picking Rewards

Chapter 230 Ding Wei’s surprise: preparing to change into German weapons and equipment

Chapter 230 Ding Wei’s surprise: preparing to change into German weapons and equipment

For He Xiaoyang's reward for assisting Li Yunlong and Kong Jie in fighting, and beheading the division commander Lieutenant General Abe Heisuke of the Japanese 41st Division, and Chief of Staff Hirano Minami Sanjo, he was given an additional reward of ten DH.39 universal trainers. Machine, both Brigadier Chen and the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army were very happy about this.

He was also very grateful to He Xiaoyang, and said that if He Xiaoyang needs to assist in combat operations in the future, he will definitely mobilize troops to support him. In addition, he also persuaded He Xiaoyang to carry out covert operations as soon as possible to prepare for a large-scale attack by the Japanese First Army. Counterattack and mopping up operations,

Of course, there is also a promise to He Xiaoyang that if reinforcements are needed during a large-scale mopping up operation by the Japanese army, the Eighth Route Army can be called upon to support the operation at any time.

Even Ding Wei, who had already evacuated from the battlefield in Zhongtiao Mountain and was on his way back, also used the communication equipment of his communications corps to send a telegram to He Xiaoyang, asking if the other party wanted support and also hoped to obtain someone like Li Yunlong. The same moral equipment rewards as Kong Jie.

"Commander He, as long as you need support from our new regiment, I will definitely come over as soon as possible!"

"Even if you don't have the German weapons and equipment like Li Yunlong and Kong Jie, I will still be obliged to bring my troops to support you in fighting the Japanese invaders! Of course, if you can strongly support our new regiment with sophisticated equipment and kill the Japanese invaders, then I will I don’t mind, and I’m very grateful to you. It’s not like you don’t know that most of the weapons and equipment of our new regiment are inferior, and many of them are even cold weapons!”

So after Ding Wei and He Xiaoyang were powered on for a while, he kept trying to persuade He Xiaoyang to give him some moral equipment to replace his new regiment.

"of course can!"

"Let's do this! I am planning a big combat operation today. If you are interested, then come to me in Wutai County! I am going to blow up the airfield deployed by the Japanese First Army in Taiyuan, and They robbed our Commander Yan’s Taiyuan Arsenal!”

In response to Ding Wei's constant and roundabout attempts to persuade him to donate German weapons and equipment,

He Xiaoyang did not feel disgusted at all, but immediately spoke.

"What! The Japanese bombed the airport and arsenal in Taiyuan!"

After hearing the words,

Ding Wei was suddenly startled and exclaimed.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Are you scared?"

"If you are afraid, then forget it and I will act on my own!"

"Captain Ding!"

Hearing Ding Wei's loud reaction and exclamation,

He Xiaoyang misunderstood.

"No! It's not fear! I'll bring the troops over right away!"

"I have to participate in such a big combat operation. Maybe the reputation of our new regiment will be much more dazzling than the achievements of Li Yunlong and Kong Jie!"

Being so stimulated by He Xiaoyang, Ding Wei immediately agreed without hesitation.

At the same time, he also felt that as long as he completed this combat mission,

It will definitely be more famous than the records of Li Yunlong and Kong Jie in northwest Shanxi, and even in major cities across the country.

That was a big move to blow up the airport of the Japanese First Army in Taiyuan, as well as the arsenal!

"Okay! I've prepared your new group of German weapons and equipment, waiting for you to change your clothes!"

"Is 2000 pieces of German weapons and equipment enough?"

As soon as I heard Ding Wei agreed,

He Xiaoyang was also very generous and rewarded him.

"2000 pairs of German equipment!"


"Captain He is really awesome!"

"I, Ding Wei, am not convinced by anyone, I only admire your benevolence and righteousness!"

"I will change the route immediately to assist you in completing this combat mission of bombing the Japanese Taiyuan Airport and arsenal!"

As soon as He Xiaoyang's reward sound fell,
Ding Wei couldn't help the surprise and joy in his heart and exclaimed.

And he also made up his mind decisively that he must immediately accept the replacement of weapons and equipment by the entire Eighth Route Army and assist He Xiaoyang in completing this combat mission.

"Ok, I will wait for you!"

He Xiaoyang spoke softly.

"Thank you, Captain He!"

Ding Wei was also grateful.

Afterwards, the two of them hung up the phone with each other.

Ding Wei also immediately reported to Brigadier Chen that he was going to He Xiaoyang's place to participate in new combat missions and change equipment, and obtained the other party's approval.

Brigadier Chen also readily agreed without hesitation and approved Ding Wei's application to support combat operations.

Therefore, Ding Wei happily led his new regiment to march towards Wutai County where He Xiaoyang was located at the fastest speed.

At this moment, he wished he could arrive at He Xiaoyang's place as soon as possible and immediately have all his new regiments equipped with German weapons and equipment, just like Li Yunlong and Kong Jie's troops, with a completely new look and a higher level of combat effectiveness.
And you can also experience what it feels like to be majestic.

Normally, their firepower is not something to be afraid of. Now that they have such a good opportunity, they must seize it.

(End of this chapter)

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