Bright Sword Rising from Picking Rewards

Chapter 123 The 239th Regiment was bombed and fell into chaos

Chapter 123 The 239th Regiment was bombed and fell into chaos
Captain Takahito Yamada of the Japs Wing commanded the 239th Wing and continued to march toward Wutai County, where He Xiaoyang's headquarters was located. However, he did not know that a group of JU88 bombers were escorted by a group of FW-190 fighter jets. , is rapidly approaching their airspace.

"Hey! How long will it take until we reach Wutai County? I can't wait to annihilate all those damn Chinese troops! They were the ones who defeated my 2nd Infantry Brigade. !”

Japanese commander Takahito Yamada was riding on his Type [-] tank and chariot, and asked the reconnaissance officer Nagumo Seomi who was panting and ran to him, preparing to report.

The remaining seven Type 7 tanks behind him also stopped at the same time.

As for the rest of the Japanese troops, they continued to march.

"Hai! In about a few hours, we can see the city of Wutai County where the Chinese army is defending!"

"Our reconnaissance troops are already conducting carpet-style reconnaissance in the nearby area!"

"We haven't found any enemy troops leaving the city to fight yet!"

Reconnaissance officer Nagumo Seomi hurriedly reported.

"Yo Xi! There are still a few hours, no!"

"All troops, speed up the march immediately. We must rush to Wutai County as soon as possible, encircle and wipe out all the Chinese troops inside, and wash away the shame of our 239th Regiment!"

When I heard that there were actually several hours left before we could reach Wutai County,

The Japanese commander Takahito Yamada was suddenly in a bad mood, and gave combat instructions with a gloomy face.




After his combat instructions were issued,

Both the reconnaissance officer Nagumo Seomi and the Japanese officers around him agreed in unison.

Immediately, the entire 239th Regiment also began to speed up the march.

The reconnaissance officer Nagumo Seomi also continued to go back to his reconnaissance unit to continue his reconnaissance command work and intelligence collection work.

As for the Japanese commander Takahito Yamada, he continued to ride on his Type [-] tank and chariot, leading his team of tanks and chariots to continue marching towards Wutai County with a menacing appearance.

But at this moment,
Buzz buzz!Buzz buzz!Buzz buzz!
Suddenly, bursts of aircraft engine sounds came from above the heads of Japanese commander Yamada Takahito and his Type [-] tanks and chariots.

Hearing the sound, the Japanese commander Takahito Yamada also quickly raised his head and stared at the sky.

Originally full of arrogance, he thought it was his own aviation force that came to support them in bombing Wutai County.
So when he looked up and stared at the group of airplanes in the sky, he was still very happy.

And I also wanted to wave and say hello to these aircraft groups to show my gratitude to them for bombing Wutai County.

"It seems that our empire's flying troops are very fast! They have arrived at us so quickly and are preparing to go ahead of us and bomb Wutai County?"

Japanese Captain Takahito Yamada smiled brightly and began to wave his right hand towards the group of planes in the sky, smiling.

But when he looked up at the group of planes above his head, he discovered that these planes were not their Japanese planes at all, but German aircraft models.


"How did the German aircraft group appear here?"

The Japanese commander Takahito Yamada was shocked by such outrageous news.

For a moment, his mind was filled with questions, and he said in confusion.

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

But before he could react, a series of aerial bombs fell from the sky, bombarding the Japanese infantry troops who were stunned on the ground.

"Bagaya! It's an enemy plane attacking! Take cover quickly! They are not our Imperial Air Force at all!"

The Japanese commander Takahito Yamada, who was stunned by a series of huge explosions, immediately became furious and roared,

But the 239th Wing under his command was already in panic and chaos at this moment.

There were scattered Japanese officers and soldiers everywhere, as well as smoke and explosions shooting into the sky.

There were also various miserable howling sounds and sounds of death in battle.

The entire 239th Regiment was suddenly bombarded by such a sudden attack, causing the bombing to be extremely chaotic.

(End of this chapter)

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