Bright Sword Rising from Picking Rewards

Chapter 105 Wei Dayong after being rescued

Chapter 105 Wei Dayong after being rescued
Wei Dayong and all the Nationalist officers and soldiers who survived the prisoner-of-war camp were escorted away by He Xiaoyang's clone troops and new recruits.
He Xiaoyang himself also led his troops to set fire to the two Japanese prisoner-of-war camps that had been destroyed by bombings, intending to turn these two prisoner-of-war camps into ruins.

As for all the Japanese inside, they were all killed by the clone troops. They were either blown to death, killed by mortars and heavy machine gun fire, or were rushed in and annihilated by the clone troops.

As for all the special agents in the reserve force of Yamamoto's special agent team, they were all eliminated by He Xiaoyang's clone force and the cloned Brandenburg special force.

After He Xiaoyang burned down the two Japanese prisoner-of-war camps, he took the 10 technical backbones he rescued and a group of national army officers and soldiers prisoners, including Wei Dayong, and began to return to his stronghold to prepare for the attack. Assign work and reorganize.


"Baga! What! Our prisoner-of-war camp was completely burned down by unknown enemy troops?"

"All the troops were killed? And even the reserves of Yamamoto's special agent team, none of them survived?"

After the two prisoner of war camps were destroyed,

Soon, Colonel Yamamoto Kazuki in Taiyuan also received such bad news.

He was immediately surprised, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Baga Yalu! Find out clearly for me, what kind of army came to attack our prisoner camp and burned it down?"

"It's impossible for the reservists of my Yamamoto Special Forces to be so weak in combat! Are they so easily annihilated by the enemy?"

"I want to know which Chinese army has the ability to wipe them all out!"

"This enmity, I must retaliate tenfold!"

After the shock, Colonel Yamamoto Kazuki immediately looked ferocious and roared angrily.

Originally, he was training the special agent team here in Taiyuan, but he was very irritable when he received such bad news that was completely beyond his expectations.

Because he could not have imagined in his wildest dreams that an enemy force could destroy two prisoner of war camps so easily. Not only did they burn down the prisoner of war camps, but they could also actually do so with what he considered to be the elite reserves of the reserve force. All of them were killed.

It would be strange if he was not shocked and angry at such a huge loss.

But in response to his rage, the Japanese officers around him, including the Japanese communications soldiers in the communication room, did not dare to take a breath, and waited anxiously for his rage to pass.

But just after Kazuki Yamamoto vented his anger,

After hanging up the phone,

The third commander Yoshio Shinozuka was furious, and he picked up the call again.
And he was abused by the other party for a long time before hanging up.

"Bagaya Road!"

After being scolded so badly by Commander Yoshio Shinozuka,

Yamamoto Kazuki, Colonel, was also furious and roared.

He almost wanted to smash the phone.

After hanging up the phone,

He also immediately hurriedly got into a car and went to see the commander, Lieutenant General Yoshio Shinozuka.

And this time,
The 10 technical backbones and the national army prisoners such as Wei Dayong have also been taken back to his mountain stronghold by He Xiaoyang for processing.

First, Wei Dayong and other national officers and soldiers were given a shower and changed clothes, and then they distributed food, healing medicine, and bandaged their wounds.

However, those technical backbones are treated separately.

"Hey! What do you think these guys will do to us?"

"Will they treat us like coolies like the Japanese troops?"

After changing and washing, Zhang Hao, who was not dead, was also worried and asked Wei Dayong.

"Probably not! Didn't you see that they gave us medicine, healing medicine, and food to eat? If they treated us like the devils, they wouldn't treat us so well!"

Wei Dayong shook his head and said realistically.

"The monk is right! In fact, these troops who rescued us are still very good, but I don't know which troop they are? Although I asked, they didn't respond to me!"

Chen Yejian, another national prisoner next to Wei Dayong, agreed.

"That's good, I also hope to be able to live a new life! I was imprisoned by the Japanese in a prisoner-of-war camp and suffered for so long. It was really like years. I finally managed to escape, so I don't want to be beaten to death. Once again, we have to live those miserable days of not seeing the light of day, and being tortured to death at any time, or dying of illness!"

Zhang Hao also nodded, and sighed sadly.

"We, the group, are asking you to gather together. He has something to say!"

"It's about how to deal with your affairs, please gather together!"

Just after he finished speaking, a recruit under He Xiaoyang, Danzi, hurriedly came to them and conveyed orders to them and the nearby national army prisoners.

Hearing this, Wei Dayong and the other prisoners also looked at each other,
Everyone had their own thoughts and gathered together as instructed, ready to listen to what He Xiaoyang had to say and see how he dealt with them.

(End of this chapter)

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