Chapter 143 Negotiation
At this time, the reinforcements of the Frankish Kingdom were encamped.

"Everyone, tell me what you think? His Majesty the King is already urging us, and even some big nobles are sending letters, urging us to take action quickly!"

Marshal Damian, who was over fifty years old, sat upright in the upper position. His face was serious and there was a hint of exhaustion in his voice.

He disagreed with the old King Philip II's war against the orcs, because it was a dream to fight against the entire orcs with the strength of the Frankish Kingdom alone.

Even though the orc clan is in decline now, they were the overlord race in the Safa continent before, with a very deep foundation, and it is simply not something that a Frankish kingdom can defeat.

As for why the old King Philip II launched the war so eagerly for quick success, Marshal Damian, as an old courtier of the kingdom, naturally knew what His Majesty the King thought. Of course, the old King Philip II alone would definitely not work.

Therefore, in recent years, the new generation of hawk nobles and the kingdom's Western nobles have contributed a lot to this, and they all have competing interests.

Because the nobles of the Western Region of the Frankish Kingdom were at the forefront of facing the Orcs, they suffered the heaviest losses in every war. Therefore, they did not want to continue like this, so they contributed the most to this war.

Most of the new generation of hawk nobles are dissatisfied with the corruption of the kingdom's internal forces. They want to get the opportunity to make meritorious service, and then gradually replace these bloated nobles.These new generation of hawkish nobles were supported by the old King Philip II to fight against the increasingly expanding nobles.

Unfortunately, the entire Frankish Kingdom will be brought to a pit of fire by this group of hawkish nobles who want to gain war benefits.

This is what Marshal Damian thinks. Therefore, he does not agree with the war plan of the old King Philip II, and he is even more dissatisfied with rescuing this group of nobles from the west of the kingdom who want to cause trouble.

However, he was the marshal of the Frankish Kingdom. He could not refuse and had no power to refuse the requests of the old King Philip II and the great nobles.

"Hahaha, those damn nobles know how to speed up the march, speed up the march, but is it so easy to speed up the march? If you don't handle it well, if the orc army seizes the opportunity, it may lead to the whole world. If the army is destroyed, then they will blame us for not being able to lead the army! But haven't they thought about it? If it weren't for their persecution, would we have been defeated so easily? "

At this time, a younger officer stood up indignantly, and as soon as he opened his mouth, many colleagues around him echoed him.

"That's right, we didn't speed up the march just because we wanted to speed up! If they were caught by the orc army because of speeding up the march indiscriminately, will they bear the blame? Why don't they put the blame on our heads? superior!"

Since someone fired the first shot, naturally someone took it immediately. No wonder they were so angry. It is true that in the past few years, some nobles have forgotten the cost of random command in the past, and now they want to reach out again.

If the Frank Kingdom and the Orc Clan were still in the same war mode as before, then these nobles would definitely not stretch out their hands to save their lives. However, in recent years, the Frank Kingdom and the Orc Clan have suffered heavy losses, so the wars in recent years have been relatively It's gentle, like he's acting.

Therefore, some nobles were formed, and they wanted to stretch out their hands indiscriminately.However, this war is now related to the great cause of the kingdom, so under the severe blow of the old king Philip II, there are very few nobles who reached out this time.

Therefore, Marshal Damian's staff this time are all young hawkish nobles.Although Marshal Damian does not agree with this war, this does not affect him as a representative of the hawks.

"However, not only His Majesty King Philip asked us to speed up, but even the great nobles also asked us to speed up the march. If we disagree, will it be too..."

If someone refutes, someone will agree.Therefore, an officer with a slightly calmer face stood up. He was hesitant to speak. Obviously he did not want to get into too bad a relationship with his colleagues, but he did not dare to refuse the offer of His Majesty King Philip and a group of nobles. Require.

"Yes! Now the defense line in the west of the kingdom has been breached by the orcs. If we don't speed up the march, then according to our current march speed, when we reach the third line of defense in the west, it is estimated that The army of the orcs has already entered the central part of the kingdom, and even if we reach the destination as required, it will obviously be of little use."

At this time, a moderate officer stepped forward, and his speech was more acceptable than the speech of the previous moderate colleague.

Because the speech of this moderate officer was indeed correct. Although the old King Philip II and a group of nobles were not happy about the military intervention, the words did make sense.

If they did not speed up their march, by the time they arrived at the Western Defense Line as scheduled, the orc army would have already reached Aachen, the capital of the kingdom.

Even if reinforcements arrive at this time, it will be useless.After all, the first mission of the reinforcements was to support the nobles in the western region of the kingdom so that they could resist the invasion of the orc army.

Therefore, Marshal Damian only asked everyone what they thought, and did not clearly express his intention to reject the order of the old King Philip II.

As the moderate officer finished his speech, many hawkish officers were dissatisfied, but did not speak out against it because it was related to the great cause of the kingdom. They could feel a little unhappy and complain, but they still knew what to do. , after all, they all came from the nobility of the Frankish Kingdom, and were closely related to the interests of the Kingdom, so everyone was very cautious in dealing with this war.

After all, if the Frankish Kingdom is over, the little nobles who were born in the Kingdom will also be done away with.

This is a battle to overwhelm the fate of the Frankish Kingdom, so everyone is very careful. Even if the Frankish Kingdom fails, there will be other human forces to help, but the price is too heavy, so if we can avoid this If there is such a tragic price, then no one will refuse.

Seeing that the officers no longer objected, Marshal Damian nodded calmly and said:
"Then speed up the march. We can't keep our comrades in the West waiting for too long!"

(End of this chapter)

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