Yuan Shi Tian

Chapter 527 Innate God

Chapter 527 Innate God

The magic power of the half-step great supernatural power series is so vast. The three-legged golden crow of Donghuang Taiyi hangs high in the sky. The original demons and gods gather their power. Dongyue Emperor and all the gods become one god.

"The innate Dao is immortal, indestructible, indestructible, coexisting with the void universe, coexisting with the three thousand Dao, it is the incarnation of the Dao, it is the supreme of the universe, it is one and it is ten thousand!"

Xuandu Taoist's purple energy spreads across the sky for thirty thousand miles, and the immortals holding disciples' rituals are manifested in the purple air. A Zixiao Shrine is looming behind the Taoist, and the faint sound of heaven echoes from this empty space.

But seeing the majestic and majestic visions of these great avenues, shaking the void area of ​​​​the sea, the aftermath has not been turbulent for a long time, and the whole world is shattered, and it seems to be coming to an end.

Especially in the tens of thousands of worlds in the void, hundreds of millions of creatures can all see these multiple visions, one gold, one white, one red, and one purple, all intertwined.

These are the existences of several half-step great supernatural power series. They are about to achieve innate majestic brilliance. They are the same great brilliance as the origin of the void universe, illuminating all living beings in the world in all directions.


At this moment, in the void of Minghai, countless powerful people roared with fear and fear, watching multiple avenues of visions constantly colliding in the void space, constantly evolving into new visions.

The terrifying information contained in this made these powerful people feel as if they were suffocating, and their minds were completely empty. The profound and extreme sense of terror could make these powerful people go crazy.

After all, the four half-step great supernatural powers impact the innate avenue, which is a feat that has never been done in billions of years.Regardless of whether a few half-steps of great supernatural powers are finally achieved or not, they are enough to be imprinted on the vast river of time and be remembered by all subsequent great practitioners.

Since the creation of the universe, tens of thousands of dollars have been counted, and the realization of the innate supernatural power has shaken the three thousand realms of the universe. For four half-step great powers to come out together and join hands to inquire about the innate avenue, it is indeed an earth-shattering event.

The great road of heaven and earth roared, Zhou Jueyin stepped on the sky road of void, a layer of supreme yin energy boiled up, roaring from the whole body, seeming to pull the bright sky of the vast sky above the sea of ​​​​Ming.

"Yin Tianzi!"

"Yin Tianzi!"

"Yin Tianzi!!"

Amid thousands of calls, Zhou Jueyin walked step by step towards the light of the Tianhe River. Every inch of his majestic figure was blooming with brilliance, and little bits of light were swaying on the black imperial robe.

This powerful man with half-step supernatural powers who is worshiped by thousands of ghosts and gods has evolved into a magnificent image, echoing the other four half-step great powers.

Wisps of Taiyi, Taichu, Taishi, Taisu, and Taiji aura rose up mightily in a moment, and Zhou Jueyin stood with his hands behind his back, and suddenly appeared between his brows.

The five great innate avenues interpret all phenomena and phenomena. Zhou Jueyin is among these phenomena. His energy is so vast that it is unimaginable. Every time he breathes in, he is like a star exploding.

"Fellow Taoists, it is at this moment that you will become enlightened!!" Donghuang Taiyi, Original Heavenly Demon, Xuandu Taoist, Dongyue Emperor, and Zhou Jueyin all spoke in unison in a trance.

Each of the five innate incarnations occupies one side, and the five avenues of gods, immortals, demons, demons, and ghosts collide, gradually entering a state of perfection.The five half-step great powers collided in this way, and a little inspiration suddenly flashed in my heart, and the Taoist magic power and supernatural powers were getting closer and closer to the unfathomable realm.

It should be noted that the way of innateness is not easy. Looking at hundreds of millions of beings in the world, and even worlds as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River, it is the highest ultimate state, making countless beings crazy.

For such a supreme achievement, in the Taoist sect it is the Great Luo Jinxian, in the Buddhist sect it is the Perfect Enlightenment, in the demonic sect it is the Great Self-Contained Demon, and among the other sects it is the great supernatural power.

As the saying goes, one realization is eternal realization, one attainment is eternal attainment. What it means is the Great Luo Jinxian, what it means is the Enlightenment Buddha, and what it means is the free demon.

As long as this step is taken, the sky will no longer be heaven and the earth will no longer be earth. The heaven, earth and universe will take on a new look. All the laws of the great road can be freely interpreted, and supreme magic power and supernatural powers will be obtained.


The opportunity for the perfect achievement of the five innate powers, Donghuang Taiyi, Dongyue Emperor and other half-step great supernatural powers, each one is full of Taoism, and in the light of the Dharma Eyes, they seem to transcend the limitations of the half-step great supernatural powers, and step into the true level of great supernatural powers. perspective.

The way of innate great supernatural power knows all over the heavens, and what they see and hear is completely different from that of all living beings in the future. The essence of the innate is to understand the inner nature of all things, unlike the acquired beings who are obsessed with external appearances.

Endless Dao information bloomed and fell like flowers, like the ebb and flow of the tide. Countless messages poured into the minds of Donghuang Taiyi and others in an instant, and the strong Dao sounds kept ringing.

This unprecedented sight left several half-step great powers speechless. The mystery bred in such a scene made even half-step great powers feel a bit in awe.

This is the information about the three thousand avenues of the void universe received from the perspective of a person with great innate supernatural powers!
Innate people are almost omniscient. Under the seemingly endless influx of information, even those with half-step supernatural powers are somewhat powerless and feel exhausted mentally and physically.

In the billions and billions of nothingness in this side of the Minghai void, under the sight of the five near-innate beings, the origins of the worlds suddenly boiled, and the strong aura of the origins of the worlds shook everything.

Countless creatures in the Minghai Void Domain are worshiping these five enlightened beings. Each of the millions of rays of light of the five enlightened beings carries great will, giving all the creatures born after birth a sense of will. Feeling of insignificance.

This vast power spread continuously from the Minghai void domain, and in just a moment it spread throughout the three thousand domains of the void universe, shaking countless sentient beings in this void universe.

"Innate ones?" In the aftermath of this, a group of half-step masters with great supernatural powers woke up from their long slumber. They opened their cold eyes one after another, with a look of shock on their faces: "No...someone is trying to prove the innate ones." !!"

An old man covered with white hair gently raised his head. His old body contained tremendous divine power, sweeping across world after world, turning them into dust in the void space of the universe.

The old man groaned in a low voice: "How many years has it been? Is it 10 years...or a million years, or tens of millions of years? I didn't expect that someone would dare to try to achieve Taoism. It's incredible."

"Furthermore, looking at the huge momentum, it seems that it is not just a simple innate way, but it is not one of the most superior paths, and it is also an extremely rare path."

"It would be a pity if a person like this fell on the road to innateness!"

This ancient existence in the unknown void realm, the twilight energy on his body dissipated unknowingly, and his energy gradually burst out, eventually covering the world where he lived.

The road to innateness is littered with bones. This ancient existence has survived for a long time and has seen many amazing and talented people. However, there is no one who can truly step into the path of innateness.

"However, looking at this power, it is much stronger than the previous enlightenment people. Maybe... there is actually a slight chance of innate enlightenment!!"

At this time, the beings on the verge of enlightenment in the three thousand realms of the void universe all felt a sense of urgency. Even the great demon became so angry that he crushed several worlds to pieces, turning hundreds of millions of living creatures into nothing.

This is still a great cultivator. They don't know the crazy behavior of Donghuang Taiyi and others. They interpret the great way with the five innate Taiyi, and use the five innate Taiyi to achieve the results of the Tao. It is simply that five people have achieved innateness at the same time.

Such shocking things, just thinking about them, will make you feel ridiculous, but such ridiculous things are being performed on Donghuang Taiyi and others, and the chance of success is not small.

Moreover, one of the three thousand innate avenues is less likely to be realized, and now there are people attacking the avenue. Once the enlightenment is successful, the opportunity left for great cultivators to achieve enlightenment will become increasingly slim.

This makes these old monsters who have been practicing for millions of years no matter how anxious or angry they are. Every time there is an innate person above their heads, the pressure on them to become enlightened in the future will increase.

There are countless sentient beings in the universe. As long as they don’t want to become chess pieces at the mercy of others, they must realize an innate way. If they don’t realize the innate way, they will still be just pawns on the chessboard.

Although the void universe is vast and boundless, and all kinds of acquired beings may be immeasurable, the number of true innate beings is only three thousand, and there are only three thousand in number.

The acquired spiritual attributes absorb the essence of the universe and polish the power of their own essence and spirit. They gradually move from short-lived species that are born and die to long-lived species that can last for tens of millions of years.

However, the immortality of acquired beings is extremely fragile and cannot withstand any wind and rain. A disaster in the void universe can turn countless immortals into ashes.

However, the threshold between acquired and innate is the ultimate sublimation. The Immortal Seed rises up and becomes an indestructible Immortal Seed.It rises and dies together with the universe, holds the foundation of an innate avenue, and is the incarnation of the void avenue of the universe.

The biggest boundary between nature and nurture is the insurmountable distance between the eternal species and the eternal species!
The immortal species can jump out of the fence and come back countless times in the world, while the immortal species is confined to the chessboard and seems to be at ease, but there are also times when disasters from the sky will cause catastrophe.

The spiritual thoughts of a half-step master with great supernatural powers crossed several void areas and descended on the edge of the Minghai void area, carefully watching the enlightenment of Donghuang Taiyi and others.

The entire Minghai Void Domain seems to be unable to suppress this sense of restlessness. The seventh innate being after the Fengdu Beiyin Emperor and the Five Directions Ghost Emperor is enough to arouse the resonance of this void.

At this moment, waves of spiritual thoughts are rippling in the empty space of Minghai. Even if Donghuang Taiyi and others fail to prove the truth, this is an extremely rare experience for the other half-step masters who are watching.

Because no matter whether the enlightenment person succeeds or fails, the half-step masters who are watching can learn some experience from the enlightenment person, and even become the basis for their own enlightenment.

"However, how come there are five enlighteners?" The divine mind of an ancient existence trembled slightly. Looking at the existences in the five directions of the Minghai Void Domain, a ridiculous thought kept emerging in his heart.


Above the void area of ​​the sea, the five enlightened ones who have entered the path of enlightenment stand quietly in the boundless void, overlooking the countless worlds, and the long river of time echoes in their ears, the reverberation of three thousand waves. ,
This is the great river of time pulled down from the beginningless and endless place in the universe by the collision of the qi machines of the five enlightened beings. It is also the key to the innate immortality of the enlightenment.

"Fellow Taoists, our opportunity to become enlightened has arrived, so I will take the first step."

Donghuang Taiyi holds the bronze bell in his arms, and a three-legged golden crow among the demon emperor's Dao Fruit is like a blazing golden sun. The true fire of the sun burns everything in the world, and he steps into the mighty river of time. , the back was submerged by the river of time.


Emperor Dongyue then took a step forward and stepped into the river of time, followed closely by Taoist Xuandu, the original demon, and Zhou Jueyin, each of whom had his own vision of the great road.

The three-legged golden crow flew across the sky, and thousands of immortals and gods came to worship. On this river of time, earth-shattering waves surged. Five people with nearly innate supernatural powers allowed the river of time to rage. roar.

The five beings with almost innate supernatural powers are not only at home on this great river of time, but they are also people who have a profound understanding of the way of time and space.Especially before he is on the verge of enlightenment, he has the ability to overwhelm all living beings innately.

Walking along the source of the river of time, towards the beginning and end of the universe, let the river of time wash away all the dust and dirt of the past and the future, making your physical body more magical.

The so-called way of rebelling against the innate is to cross the river of time with the body of the future and trace all the past and the future.When he finally approached the origin of the Great River of Temporal Light, he made the final leap, achieving the form of the Innate Avenue and turning into one of the three thousand Innate Avenues.

It is precisely because of this that the innate supernatural power is superior to all time and space. Once you have a certificate, you will get it forever. You can roam the river of time at will, travel through billions of timelines, tamper with the past and the future with one hand, and you are the real authority in the void universe. By.

And between innate beings and acquired beings, there are two completely different concepts. For an innate person with great supernatural powers, it is not that the older the innate person is, the stronger it is, but the stronger the innate person is, the older it is.

Just like the Taoist ancestors, the Buddhas, and the demon ancestors, those with supreme supernatural powers all came from the acquired spiritual beings who realized the Tao. They realized the transcendence of the other side step by step, and were respected by all the gods and saints.

However, these three beings who were born after death, and the billions of timelines they contain, firmly occupy the source of the river of time. All innate saints are below these three.

It can be said that these three are the oldest and most powerful innate saints, almost comparable to Panhuang Supreme.

According to ancient legends, the chaos and chaos gave birth to the Supreme Panhuang, who opened up the earth and the sky with his supreme power, opened up this empty universe, and carried the vitality of the great creation.

At the beginning of the universe, guided by the three thousand avenues, three thousand innate gods came to the world to take charge of this empty universe and coexist immortally with the heaven and earth universe.

However, when the universe was first created, the avenue of creation had little vitality, and Panhuang had not yet transformed into all kinds of spirits. Where could the innate divine being come from to rule the world and take charge of this vast universe.

These three thousand innate divine beings are those who have demonstrated the great innate supernatural powers. They have crossed the boundless river of time with their bodies, confirming the transformation of the innate Tao body in the past countless lives.

(End of this chapter)

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