Start by building an extraordinary civilization

Chapter 180 The possibility of sentient beings evolving life civilization, species selection

Chapter 180 The possibility of sentient beings evolving life civilization, species selection
This time, the coverage of Evolution Small World and the World Barrier did not completely cover the entire football field at the first opportunity.

There is nothing that can be done about this, because Yuan Shi does not have much extra force at this time.

If you want to expand again, you can only have more force power later.

No matter what, the entire football field needs to be covered, right?
Afterwards, Yuan Shi walked towards the sports building on the side of the football field.

Yuan Shi has already thought about the life that will be assimilated this time and the life civilization that he wants to evolve. There is one in the building over there.

With the induction field, Yuan Shi quickly found the target, a lot of cockroaches.

Xiaoqiang, who is known for his strong vitality, is the target chosen by Yuan Shi this time.

Well, I have to say that Xiaoqiang's vitality is indeed very strong.

In this foggy apocalypse, Yuan Shi has not seen many creatures and insects for a long time.

Even if there are, there are only a few, barely surviving in the room. As for the place shrouded in fog outside, it is like a dead zone.

On the contrary, the number of cockroaches Yuan Shi discovered this time was very large. According to Yuan Shi's estimation, there must be at least tens of thousands in the entire gymnasium.

There are even many cockroaches, constantly coming in and out of the edge of the fog.

And these cockroaches are a little too active.

Although the cockroach has a real body and is repelled by the life and mental force fields, Yuan Shi's induction force field cannot deeply sense the changes inside the cockroach's body.

However, Yuan Shi could also sense that these cockroaches were larger than other cockroaches and had extremely active vitality.

Some are like the mayfly human beings in the second era. After being affected by the power of monsters, they quickly deformed into human beings, but the reaction was slightly smaller.

In other words, these cockroaches may be undergoing distortion due to the influence of the power in the mist.

I just don’t know how long the transformation process of these cockroaches will take, and what impact it will have on the human survivors?
Yuan Shi's expression was a little solemn. If these cockroaches would deform into insect monsters, what about other insects?
Is the lifeless environment outside really as dead as it seems?
Could it be that those insects and some animals are being transformed by the power in the mist?
And based on the number of insects, or even the number of other animals, the current human survivors have little advantage.

At that time, it will be another disaster for mankind.

Moreover, it is possible that human beings, who are already endangered now, are about to become completely extinct.

Unless, humans also possess various magical abilities.

However, human growth takes time.

Looking at the cockroach in front of me, it is obvious that it grows much faster than ordinary humans.

Or, like these cockroaches, humans have to stay in the fog for a long time and accept the erosion and transformation of its power?
However, when I think of those deformed humans before, I feel that this method is a bit unreliable.

Although Yuan Shi is not the original human being in this world and does not have much sense of belonging to this world, he never wants all humans in this world to perish.

When the time comes, he will be the only one left living in this world. Yuan Shi frowns when he thinks about the loneliness in it.

To be honest, he actually likes to be alone, especially after possessing the original force, he can be alone for a long time to study the cultivation of the original force and other various abilities.

However, he does not need to communicate with others at all. He is a human being, not a machine or a stone.

As for the humans he cultivated.
To be honest, my recognition of them is far lower than that of humans in this world.

Otherwise, he can stay alone in this stadium. With his current assimilation of his body, he doesn't need too many supplies at all.

As long as he survives this period of time, he will completely get rid of material constraints, and even increase in strength, physical enhancement, etc., he can obtain by cultivating species civilization.

When thinking about this, Yuan Shi, who had just stepped into the area with the most cockroaches, suddenly fell into deep thought.

Through Qian Jin's experiment, Yuan Shi is already very sure that humans can also integrate the Force, and they will not be greatly affected.

It's just that the material that human bodies are made of has changed from the material in the real world to the material that has been eroded by the Force and fused.

So, can he integrate more of the Force into more people's bodies and let them create their own species civilization?

If possible, Yuan Shi can also let them use the vitality generated after the death of the creature to strengthen themselves;
As well as receiving a small portion of the Force feedback to continue to expand their own biological civilization.

Yuan Shi himself harvested most of the Force and the knowledge and information derived from the evolution of biological civilization.

In this way, it can be said to be the best of both worlds, and others gain the power to protect themselves.

And Yuan Shi can also save the tedious time of opening up a small world on his own and evolving life civilization. Isn't this the legendary ability to become stronger while lying down?
Think about it, if billions of people around the world work for him, the speed at which he becomes stronger will not only fly up, but even the speed of light cannot stop him.

Well, it is a pity that the world has experienced a doomsday catastrophe, and judging from the current situation in Yucheng, I am afraid that the number of humans in the entire world will not exceed [-] million.
Well, maybe it won’t exceed tens of millions, right?Maybe even less.


Involuntarily, Yuan Shi sighed sadly, not only for the human beings in this world, but also for himself because of the loss of many wage earners.

Forget it
Yuan Shi shook his head. No matter whether this idea was feasible or not, with his current strength, he could not complete this plan.

At least he has to wait until he has completed the assimilation of his brain and has more spare energy before he can start implementing it bit by bit.

Sensing the cockroaches around him again, Yuan Shi directly opened the defensive barrier and scraped through the surrounding corners and cracks, catching hundreds of cockroaches.

Looking at the dense and fast crawling cockroaches, Yuan Shi felt dizzy and wished he could just use the power of the defensive barrier to mass them all and crush them to death.

You know, although the civilization he has evolved now is mainly based on insects.

However, this does not mean that he likes bugs.

It should be said that he is very indifferent to bugs. Now that there are hundreds of cockroaches crawling together in such a dense crowd, it makes his whole body hairy just thinking about them, let alone what he can see directly now.

However, thinking of his goal, Yuan Shi could only endure the discomfort, walked out quickly, and put these cockroaches into the world barrier.

(End of this chapter)

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