find marriage

Chapter 128 Dangerous People

Chapter 128 Dangerous People
A week has passed, and the investigation on ME has not come down so quickly. However, there have been a lot of rumors about ME on the Internet recently, and the one involving unfair business is the least serious one.

Yu Zhaoyi didn't look much at it, nor did he mention it to Jiang Huan. He didn't seem to care much anyway.

The engagement has been put on the agenda, just next week.

Time was tight, and Jiang Huan almost handled it all by himself. Originally, Yu Zhaoyi wanted to help, but Jiang Huan was worried that she still had to go to work, so he asked Yu Zhaoyi to tell her about the decorations he liked, and he would just finish it.

A week has not been long, but the weather has become much warmer.People walking on the road almost no longer wear down jackets, and they all put on coats with brighter colors. Early spring is here.

Jiang Huan was still waiting for Yu Zhaoyi at Qingying's door, but after picking her up, he did not send her home, but drove in the opposite direction.

Yu Zhaoyi took a look and said casually, "Going to Mingshan Villa?"

"Smart." Jiang Huan praised him without hesitation.

Yu Zhaoyi was actually curious, how did Jiang Huan arrange the scene?A few days ago, when she said she was going to help, he stopped her...

"Is it ready?"


Judging from his arrogant expression, Yu Zhaoyi really has a lot of expectations for the scene. The atmosphere is strong, but free, gorgeous and bright, but lively and modern...

It is indeed rare to decorate in this style, but she just believes that Jiang Huan can show all these contrasts and advantages.

Along the way, there was an evening rush hour, and the traffic was so congested that it was almost impossible to move.

It takes more than ten minutes to drive a short 100-meter road.

Yu Zhaoyi lowered the car window. There was a heavy sound of cars passing by outside the window. The air was slightly cool, but it was different from autumn.

The same suitable temperature, but the feeling is different.

One is bleak and sad, and the other is full of vitality.

There was a building at the corner ahead. Yu Zhaoyi asked Jiang Huan to stop in front and have dinner before leaving.

The car was parked on the first floor of the basement. The two of them didn't think about what to eat, so they prepared to look at each floor.

It wasn't a holiday, and because of the epidemic, there weren't many people in the mall.The two of them were taking a leisurely stroll in a garden.If you had told Jiang Huan six months ago that you would like to go shopping in the future, he would have given you a sneer at most.

Now, Jiang Huan really fell in love with Yu Zhaoyi when he went shopping.

It feels good to do something without any purpose.

Jiang Huan likes to grasp the essence of things. Only by grasping the root causes can we improve efficiency. He never thought that "aiming aimlessly" could also become a kind of happiness.So what is the essence of "aimlessness"?
He looked at Yu Zhaoyi beside him.

Happiness depends on her.

The two walked around on the first floor of the shopping mall. They didn't see a restaurant, but they saw a supermarket.

Yu Zhaoyi just happened to think that the paper towels at home were almost used, and he was not hungry for the time being, so he simply went to the supermarket first.

After being with Jiang Huan for a long time, Yu Zhaoyi has become a prodigal. In the past, when buying things, he lived within his means and consumed them appropriately. Now he buys things that are useful but not useless. As long as he wants to buy something, he just grabs it randomly.

Looking at the items in the shopping cart, Yu Zhaoyi frowned.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Huan lowered his head and saw her looking angry and helpless. He felt funny in his heart and asked. "Look at these things." Yu Zhaoyi pointed to the full shopping cart, "I am consuming irrationally now."

Irrational consumption is already a very civilized description. To put it crudely, it is nouveau riche-style consumption.She buys everything she wants. The nouveau riche must be more tactful than her.

Yu Zhaoyi fell into the judgment of himself, thought for a while, and was about to take out some and put them back on the shelf.

Jiang Huan stopped her, pointed at the items in the shopping cart, and said seriously, "Where are you being irrational? Canned sesame paste, which is used when making noodles, and lemons, which can replenish electrolytes in case of sun exposure. Hot pot base ingredients, the freedom of hot pot at home..." Finally, he concluded, "They are all quite useful."

"...Then do you think I have taken too much?" Yu Zhaoyi looked at the hot pot bases in the shopping cart, clear soup pot, three delicacies pot, spicy pot... five kinds of bases, she took a total of Fifteen packs of hot pot base...

"It's not much, isn't it just three packs of each kind?" Jiang Huan said seriously.

Yu Zhaoyi stared at him suspiciously for a while, then was amused by him and patted his arm, "Then go check out."

Anyway, he has money.

The consequences of buying too much are not only happiness, but also another kind - not being able to carry it.

I bought more than 700 items without restraint and divided them into four large shopping bags when I checked out.Jiang Huan tried to lift four shopping bags by himself, but failed.

Yu Zhaoyi helped him pick up two relatively light ones and walked to the garage together.

Put your things in the car first and then go to eat.

After visiting the supermarket for a while, the two of them were a little hungry.

The garage was empty, and the two chatted as they walked, asking what they wanted for dinner.

What to have for dinner is a problem of the century, no one can figure it out right.

Suddenly a strong light came on not far away, which made the two of them unable to open their eyes for a moment. They squinted to see that there was a car in front of them and suddenly rushed towards them.

Yu Zhaoyi was so frightened that he could only stand there blankly, at a loss.

Jiang Huan quickly dropped the two bags of things in his hands, grabbed Yu Zhaoyi's arm, and hid sideways with her next to a pillar.

The car didn't hit them directly, it only stopped one meter in front of them.

Guan Ying got down from the driver's seat, still looking carefree, glanced at the two of them with a smile, and then turned his attention to the snacks and supplies scattered on the ground, "Hey, I went to the supermarket. Very interested."

Yu Zhaoyi had not yet recovered from the shock, and looked at Guan Ying with a bit of confusion.Jiang Huan's eyes were only cold.

Guan Ying raised it without moving, put a smile on his lips, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and walked towards them again.His smile was half sincere, cold and vicious, like a poisonous snake slithering out of a cave that never saw the light of day.

Danger and palpitations were all Yu Zhaoyi's impressions of him.

Jiang Huan moved, but before he could hold him back, Yu Zhaoyi saw Jiang Huan swing his fist directly at Guan Ying.

After a muffled sound, Guan Ying's head had already turned to one side, and his body that was still sloppy just now finally bent down.

Yu Zhaoyi exclaimed and ran forward, trying to stop Jiang Huan from continuing to beat people.

But just a second before she grabbed Jiang Huan's arm, he punched out again with great speed and force. Guan Ying fell to the ground and spit out blood from the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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