Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 312 312 Tropical Rainforest Exploration Mission (31)

Chapter 312 312. Tropical Rainforest Exploration Mission (31)

Then there was another soft gasp that was deliberately concealed. The source of vitality came thousands of miles away. This weak body has suffered a lot for it, but in front of humans, it still wants to work hard to show its good condition. It seems that he can hold up the sky for them and protect them for a while.

Tang Qinqin's psychic ability became even more excited the moment the source of vitality responded.

This also made her understand that it wasn't the elves in the forest that excited her, but the boss of the source of vitality.

Tang Qinqin slid under the tree along the spider silk and slowly walked to the source of life.

Just when I was about to ask him if there was any emergency that he had come here all the way, he seemed to smell something and took a deep sniff.

Tang Qinqin subconsciously slowed down.

"I have traveled thousands of miles under the stars and the moon recently, trekking through mountains and rivers. The journey is long and my body is very tired."

It finally took a breath, and then said: "I am very hungry at the moment. I wonder if you would like to entertain me?"

After the words fell, Tang Qinqin was stunned for a moment.

Hey, this was something she didn't expect. The boss of the source of vitality would also be hungry!

Aren’t they supposed to be inhumane?
Then what should it eat? She doesn't have this kind of knowledge reserve!

Xiao Qi, who poked his head out of the accompanying space to check the situation, stretched his waist before lazily reminding him.

"Qinqin, have you forgotten the treasures you collected for the person in front of you?"

A word woke up the dreamer, and Tang Qinqin slapped his thigh.

Aura stone!
She hurriedly poured out the spiritual energy stones stored in her backpack and pushed them all over.

The source of vitality finally came to "feed" and swallowed all the spiritual energy stones in one gulp with satisfaction.

Tang Qinqin could sense its existence, but he couldn't see its specific image, so naturally he didn't see this "scary" scene.

The source of vitality controls the vitality of all things in the world, and its image is ever-changing. It can transform into wind, rain, grass and trees at will.

However, under normal circumstances, it is invisible and colorless. In nature, only wild animals and plants that are sensitive to rich vitality can sense it.

The "demon wind" that Tang Qinqin personally felt before was actually not caused by the source of vitality itself, but a ceremony performed by the creatures in nature who sensed its arrival to welcome it.

Rain Forest Beings: This big boss hasn’t been here for a long time, and I almost forgot all about the welcome ceremony...

After the source of vitality swallowed all the spiritual energy stones in one gulp, he felt his stomach for digestion with satisfaction.

Tang Qinqin heard that its breath was stable, and was about to bid farewell to it and continue the task of collecting leaves. A large number of leaves of different types appeared on the ground in front of him, and they were neatly stacked.

"My reward."

The somewhat arrogant voice of the source of vitality came.

Visually observing that these leaves were only a lot closer to the mission target, Tang Qinqin was flattered and filled with joy: "Thank you very much, dear senior, you have helped me a lot! Can I continue to do something for you?"

While talking, remember to count the leaves and put them away properly.

The source of vitality paused.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even though its strength is not as strong as before, its magical power is still the same, plus it has just swallowed a lot of spiritual energy stones that can help with recovery.

As soon as it saw Tang Qinqin, it could "see" what she had experienced recently, and naturally it also "saw" the fungus spore incident.

The fungus spores were actually one of the reasons why it came here.

The reason why it is not included in the database of species known to mankind is that it is a mutated fungus, which is developed from a change of a fungus known to mankind.

Its occurrence has a lot to do with the massive destruction of forest vegetation in the rainforest, resulting in the aura of decline.

That gas not only corroded some insects and small animals, but also plants, fungi, etc. Under the "transformation" of the decaying gas, they became beyond recognition and their temperament changed drastically.

The fungus that has been "close" to players before has mutated in the direction of infecting small mammals, primates, and even humans.

If given time to develop, they will control human bodies like parasitic insects, turning them into walking zombies with stiff movements and abnormal behaviors, losing all advanced human emotions.

Until they mature, they will grow a beard on the human head and continue to release "parasitic spores" to capture the next "puppet".

At that time, the whole world will quickly fall into darkness, which will probably be the true arrival of the so-called apocalypse...

However, what surprised the source of life was that the players had "fighted" with the mutated fungus a few days ago.

It is still in the early stages of mutation and is still in a controllable stage. The "bad face" can also be regarded as a warning.

All things in the world are blessed by the source of vitality to thrive, and a mature natural environment will slowly develop its own "local officials" to take charge of more detailed survival matters that the source of vitality usually cannot take care of.

The source of vitality is leaders, and local officials like them are the "spokesmen" stationed in various places.

We generally refer to them as "nature".

The work that nature has to be responsible for is more detailed and complicated. It has to urge all things on the land to form a complete and complete food chain and ecological chain. Each perform their duties, flowering blooms, bearing fruit, courting courtship, the ultimate goal is to keep this piece of world thriving and full of vitality.

The dragon gave birth to nine sons, each of which is different.

The nature derived from each place also has its own temperament.

Some are soft-tempered, some are hot-tempered, and some are sinister.

Of course, the power of time can change a person, and it can also change nature.

Due to its unique geographical advantages, the Amazon rainforest has become the largest tropical rainforest on the planet. It also has large rivers with abundant water flowing through it. It is rich in species and full of vitality. The derived natural local officials are full of aura and kind-hearted temperament.

But after experiencing rounds of deforestation and destruction of forest vegetation by humans, this "rabbit" began to sharpen its teeth and prepare for revenge.

It wants to tell the greedy humans that it is not a little white rabbit that can be slaughtered by others. If it doesn't restrain itself and makes people anxious, it doesn't mind "tit for tat" and let them taste the revenge from nature!
The mutated fungus quietly changed its development direction with its acquiescence, intending to serve as a hidden sharp blade, a way for them to retaliate when humans continue to do evil and disrespect the great nature without repentance.

The main reason why the source of vitality comes here is to talk to them, convey its and the plan of the planet itself, comfort them, and calm them down.

(End of this chapter)

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