1979 The Life of Idle Fish

Chapter 638 My way is in Yunnan

Chapter 638 My way is in Yunnan
On the 21th.

At the beginning of the morning, there is a thin layer of gauze-like water-white airflow floating in the distance, as smooth as smoke, surrounding the navy blue mountain love and lush trees. The mountain looks lonely and mysterious, and the treetops Wearing a white gauze, she looks like a girl about to get married. She looks pretty and lovable.

In this morning scene, a group of people left Menglang City and went to the towns and rural areas below to see the construction work of schools and hospitals.

"Liu is in charge, the mountain scenery in your Menglang area is really great. It truly fits that sentence. Beautiful mountains and beautiful water are even more beautiful with beautiful people. I believe that only by overcoming this difficulty, with this unique natural condition, Menglang The area has great development prospects.”

Looking at the scenery with regional characteristics outside the window, Luo Taobo praised it without hesitation.

Before coming to Menglang, Luo Tao had some knowledge about this area in advance. It is within the territory of Ailao State. In addition, this area is also a major tea-producing county. There is an ancient tea garden of nearly [-] acres in Huimin Township. Although he has not seen it with his own eyes, Just by hearing about it, I know how prosperous the tea industry is in this area.

Secretary Liao, who is very utilitarian, also gave Luo Tao extra lessons last night, which gave him a deeper memory of Menglang ancient tea.

The ancient tea tree in Menlang has a long history. It is unclear which dynasty it originated from. If we only look at the planting history, it has a history of more than 300 years. People here say that Simao tea originated from here.

Menglang is one of the origins of tea trees in my country and the hometown of Simao tea. This argument is reasonable.

However, latecomers grouped almost all the tea produced in the Simao area under the brand name Simao Tea.

Broken down, there are many varieties of tea in the Simao area.

Menglang ancient tea has a unique aroma, bright red soup, and excellent quality. Among the teas produced in the Simao area, taking the common raw grass as an example, the tea has an obvious aroma after brewing, the tea soup is yellow-green and bright, and the taste is refreshing and stimulating, but bitter. The taste is heavy, but there are still many gaps in quality.

In addition, the barley rice in the Menglang area is still famous. When I was in the capital, I heard Jin Ye talk about palace meals, and he also talked about Simao barley rice (this shows that this small place has no strength and does not deserve a name) .

In addition, this area is also a good place for growing fruits. Originally, Yunnan Province has good soil for growing fruits.

"Mr. Luo is right. With the help of the whole country, we will be able to get out of the predicament quickly and rebuild our home with the care of the party and superiors.

To be honest, apart from being poor, the only things left here are these beautiful scenery that cannot be exchanged for money. "

Responsible Liu followed Luo Tao's words, and his eyes drifted to the mountains and rivers outside the car window. His tone was a little ashamed and helpless. Since he took office, Huimin has not accomplished a few achievements. The difficulties are one after another.

In the dead of night, he was also wondering whether he was the disaster star who specifically brought disaster to his hometown. When others took office, it was smooth sailing, with no merit or fault, why was he so unhappy?

Ahem!As soon as he finished speaking, Secretary Liao pretended to cough twice and reminded Liu to be careful when speaking and not to say anything out loud.

He criticized very seriously: "Liu is in charge, what does it mean to be poor and only have these beautiful scenery that cannot be exchanged for money? You are also a cadre trained for many years. How can you have such negative thoughts that are not conducive to local development?"

"Leader, let me review." He was so frightened that his body was like a small green pine growing on a cliff. If he was not careful, he might fall to pieces.

Secretary Liao looked at him fiercely, and his expression became a little more pleasant, "You should do a deep self-examination. If you have difficulties, just say difficulties. Well, why are you talking about these things that are not conducive to development?
Everyone knows that Menglang is poor, but this also shows that the work of your team has not been done well. As the squad leader, you have to bear the main responsibility... You must dare to take responsibility, dare to do things, and dare to follow this new path of market economic development. way.

Well, don't complain all the time, don't be full of complaints, and always remember that you are a cadre trained by dnag. "

Luo Tao was amazed by what Secretary Liao said. At this time, he really understood why he was Secretary Liao and he was now a small boss.

To be able to achieve this position, there is no real ability to sit still.

Secretary-General Liao is not only eloquent and high-minded, but he also has a damn wide road ahead and even sings the tune of market economy.

If nothing else, Luo Tao still finds him pleasing to the eye even if he closes his eyes.

Mr. Liu was given this general training. He basically didn't have to think about refutation. He bowed his head and admitted his mistake. He was a qualified person in charge. In addition, Secretary-General Liao would not really punish him.

After all, after difficulties occurred, Liu Guangzong still had the courage to take responsibility, take the lead and fight on the front line.

In addition, Secretary-General Liao also deeply agreed with what he said. Menglang is like this, Simao is like this, and Yunnan Province is not like this. Looking further, isn't it like the whole country?

Shame and helplessness are felt not only by the person in charge of Menglang, but also by people with lofty ideals in all regions of the country. Who doesn’t want to eat well, drink spicy food, and live a wealthy life with lights and telephones upstairs and downstairs?

Director Liu was even more ashamed to review and assure him that in the future, he will dare to take responsibility, speak less and do more, follow the new path of market | economy, and lead the people of Menglang on the road to prosperity and prosperity.

The accompanying reporter from Dian News quickly captured this scene and recorded this exciting moment with a pen as thick as a raft.After the leader finished speaking, Luo Tao gave some kind words to Mr. Liu, "Secretary Liao, I think Mr. Liu is also eager to lead everyone to get rich. Now that such difficulties are happening again, he is also concerned and confused. Although his words are not It's very appropriate, but it can be seen that Mr. Liu is a good cadre who wants to do something practical for the folks in Menglang."

"Mr. Luo is too considerate of us. If something is wrong, it is wrong. President Jin often tells us: Only by recognizing ourselves can we make progress. Being blindly confident will definitely lead to bitter consequences."

This guy is really interesting. He never misses any place that can be photographed.

But what Mr. Jin said seems very familiar. It seems that "humility makes people progress, pride makes people fall behind" is more elegant.

Luo Tao really didn't want to remind him to try to be more restrained when taking pictures in the future, otherwise he would be shy when he walked up. In fact, he didn't want to offend a special talent like him, so he put on a few perfunctory words with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Luo, we are all laymen in the economic field. We only work as coolies and do not understand the actual situation here.

You are an expert in this field. I will trouble you more in the future to help us and come up with ideas so that we can take the good things from the mountains out and let the people in the capital have a taste.

There are also beautiful mountains and rivers here. I think these are all wealth, which are rare in the north. "

From time to time, Secretary-General Liao would say something about long-term development and construction. At this time, Luo Tao suspected that this guy would not be in the same industry as him!
If you have to kill him, always grab your own topic about future development.

By understanding his resume, it is obvious that he is not, otherwise he would not be stuck working in Yunnan Province in his early fifties, and his achievements are not outstanding. If he had been, he would have gone to Guangdong Province to develop, and it would be much more affordable to work there. , as long as the officer's promotion speed is whizzing.

"Secretary Liao, today I listened to what you said, which is better than ten years of reading, so I have to convince you that you have a long-term perspective and are very reasonable.

As long as we protect these beautiful mountains and rivers, I believe it will pay off in a short time. "Luo Tao is someone who has been there and knows very well what good mountains and good waters will mean in the future. As long as there is an opportunity, he will vigorously promote the concept that green mountains and clear waters are mountains of gold and silver.

Not for anything else, but for our common people to get up in the morning and open the windows to breathe fresh air.

Secretary Liao had a smile on his face and looked extremely satisfied.

"Haha, I'm also in the research stage and haven't taken any action yet. I didn't expect Mr. Luo to have insight into this good mountain and good water, which is wealth. Let's have a good exchange today. If this is a good way, we can put it into our plans in the future. , but it will benefit more than 3000 million people in Yunnan Province, and even the whole country!"

He was very excited, so excited that he even lost his face. Just study it. Environmental experts had proposed a prototype of this concept a few years ago.

What to communicate with each other?I think you, an old boy, just want to take it for yourself and gain both fame and status.

This person has some skills, but not much, and he is very fickle. No, he is a person with more than enough skills and excessive utilitarianism. He has never changed. It is his words that are too bewitching to Luo Tao. If he is not careful, he calls him a brother.

well!The road is definitely narrower this time.

Luo Tao didn't bother to talk about the little calculations in his heart, and he would not stop talking about it. This good idea of ​​benefiting the country and the people was not his idea.

This is the result of decades and generations of practice, theory, theory, practice and repeated demonstrations. There is no need to sweep away one's own treasures and tell others. As long as it can benefit the common people, it is worth communicating with each other.

He replied calmly: "Leader | Leader, why do you think our Menglang and Simao areas can produce good tea? In addition to the suitable climate, good mountains and good water are the basis for producing good tea...

As long as we protect these beautiful mountains and waters, and have money to develop tourism in the future, I believe that as long as we build roads and make our reputation known, Menglang will definitely be like the Forbidden City, filled with tourists all year round. "

Luo Tao didn't care whether what he said was right or not. As long as it made sense, he would post it. He would fool him first and then talk about other things.

The future must be well described to them, as lifelike as if they have seen it before.

Seeing his approval, Luo Tao felt happy. Hey, from now on when talking to others about environmental issues, he can say: My way is in Yunnan.

The journey is not far, but it can also be said to be a long journey. In the small car, several people have already found ways to get rich from the ecological environment, and are drawing a green development picture for Menglang, Simao, and even Yunnan Province. blueprint.

At about [-] o'clock in the morning, the group finally arrived at Changba Township, where they were inspecting this time. When they arrived, they couldn't help but shake hands and exchange greetings.

Half an hour later, we actually went from the township office area to the township middle school, township health center and other places to inspect the construction work.

(End of this chapter)

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