1979 The Life of Idle Fish

Chapter 628 Ye Jihong, Champion of China's First Model Contest

Chapter 628: Champion of China’s First Model Contest—Ye Jihong
In addition, there are two TV stations, China Television and Yangcheng TV Station, and they are the focus.China's first model competition was filmed and broadcast by them. In addition to providing professional personnel, they naturally also had to provide some financial support to the model competition.

The fight against piracy began in [-].

"One-seventh of the earth is land, and the rest is surrounded by sea water, so it can be said..." The girls in simple clothes walked from behind the scenes to the front of the stage in the voice of Teacher Chen.

Luo Tao also took advantage of the gloomy environment off the stage to admire the youthful, beautiful and picturesque scenery on the stage.

Luo Tao never imagined that he could actually see a beautiful girl wearing a swimsuit in such a large public these days.

Being a model is no longer favored by others, but now she dares to show her arms and thighs, and the tight swimsuits outline the graceful figures of the girls.

"Why do you still have this?" Luo Tao turned slightly sideways and asked Zhu Lin in a low voice, very concerned.

He was really a little afraid that she didn't know anything about it and would be taken advantage of by the people below.There is no thought of appreciating beauties anymore. After all, these are no small things now.

"It's okay. This link is approved by the leadership."

When she said this, Luo Tao's anxious heart was relieved. Since this slightly advanced link has been approved by the leader, nothing major will happen.

The couple exchanged a few words and then turned back to the stand.

Good guy, what's going on?
It doesn't seem to be cold today, right?The most important thing was that it was indoors. Luo Tao couldn't figure out how they did it, and it was over before he even saw it.

He accidentally arrived at the evening wear show, and Luo Tao regretted in his heart that he had finally missed the opportunity to see a beautiful woman openly, but he missed it so perfectly.

The pain in my heart can't be expressed.

He still pretended to be nonchalant, admiring the host who had already walked onto the stage and started speaking.

The evening wear worn by the model was stunning as soon as it appeared. To use the most popular word at the moment to describe it, it is - fashionable.

The four beauties who appeared here were dressed in outfits that could not be made by ordinary domestic garment factories.

Luo Tao just asked if he didn't understand. Why didn't he ask when there was a ready-made guide beside him?

After understanding it, Luo Tao was convinced, and since he couldn't make it at home, he went to a photo studio to rent it!Really manageable.

Luo Tao didn't know about it at first. If he knew, he would definitely not let them go to the photo studio to rent clothes. It's not like he didn't have foreign factories.

It’s easy to get the costumes for this year’s Gallic Chicken Fashion Show with just one phone call.

Since his wife didn't say anything, Luo Tao wouldn't be able to overstep her authority even if she knew about it. She certainly had her reasons for doing so.

After a desperate struggle, the beauties finally selected the "Top Ten" professional models, as well as the most important champion, runner-up, and third runner-up.

"NO.17, Ye Jihong won the Best On-site Impression Award."

"On the 22nd, Hu Jiamei, congratulations on winning the Best Cultural and Artistic Accomplishment Award."

...The host on the stage is still a bilingual host. In addition to the original host, Mr. Chen, there is also a female host from China Television.

Bilingual hosting means embracing the mainland while also taking into account the audiences in the Hong Kong region.

The costumes for this model competition were all provided by Xiangjiang, and the entire competition process was modeled on the Miss Xiangjiang beauty pageant held annually by China Television.

Publicly and privately, we need to take care of the audience and friends in Hong Kong.

In fact, at this time, the people in Xiangjiang also wanted to see the changes and appearance of the mainland, and they especially learned to watch such activities that were in line with international modern standards.

This high-profile model competition held in the Mainland will definitely surprise them and give them a new understanding of the Mainland.

Then the first top ten models in China were selected.

"No. [-], Wang Guoqing."

"No. [-], Xu Yuqing."

"No. 32, Zhang Jingqiu."


When the bilingual host announced their names one after another, everyone was smiling and no one had a strange look on their face.

"Teacher Zhu Lin is invited to come on stage to present awards to the top ten models."

She is the host of this model competition today, so it is only natural that she should go on stage to present an award to the model, not to the winner or runner-up.

When Zhu Lin heard the host invite her to come on stage, he didn't hesitate, stood up slowly, and adjusted his clothes. Luo Tao was not idle and quickly moved her to a position out of the way.

The two of them exchanged quick glances, then smiled slightly and said nothing more.

This is the tacit understanding between them as an old couple.

I really envy others!

Luo Tao, who had sharp ears, could clearly hear Wu Bu's laughter.

I don’t know if she is envious?Or sympathy?In the absence of clarity, just assume she is envious.

Zhu Lin came on stage and shook hands with the two hosts first, "Hello, Miss Chen."

Nowadays, if you see a woman who can't open her mouth and call her "beautiful girl", if you call her this way, you will be assigned a gangster there.

Before the taste changed, the most fashionable address for beautiful women was "Miss". In fact, this appellation is very common in the south now, and the streets of Yangcheng are either called "beautiful boy" or "Miss".

Of course, most people still prefer to be called "comrades". After all, everyone is still like-minded friends.

"Mr. Chen, hello."

Zhu Lin greeted the two hosts humbly and politely, and then presented awards to the top ten models in a graceful manner.

"very good."

"Thank you!"


"Thank you."

When giving each award, she would give the contestants a word of encouragement.

After awarding the top ten models and wearing the red ribbon, they hurriedly left the stage without staying on stage.

Next comes the finale.

Naturally, it was the most representative leader present who presented the awards to the first, second and third place players. As for Luo Tao, he did not have this blessing today and could only enjoy it.

The awarding of this model competition went very quickly, and it was over before anyone could react.

In fact, this saves you from listening to those long speeches, which are annoying to death if you think about it.

Watch them holding the trophy and walking around the stage.

As they got closer, Luo Tao really felt that their temperaments were very good, not inferior to those big-name female stars from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, especially Ye Jihong, who had a little bit of Zhu Yin between her eyebrows.

Luo Tao himself still prefers her temperament. After all, it is not uncommon for one person to combine the advantages of two major female stars in Hong Kong.

At this time, the aesthetics of the mainland are basically completely linked to the aesthetics of Hong Kong stars.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't want to shine.

... "Mr. Luo, this is Chen Jihong, this is Bai Qing, and this is Yao Peifang."

Backstage, the staff introduced Luo Tao to the top three winners of this model competition who had just completed interviews with the media.

This is not Luo Tao's pretense for personal gain, but a small request from their organizer. How can he refuse even though he is here?
When they saw Luo Tao, they were still very surprised. They all smiled to cover up their nervousness.

"Hello." He shook hands with them one by one.

"After watching your competition, I think it's very good, and my old thoughts have been baptized. ... You have vividly demonstrated our Chinese beauty, which shows that your professionalism is no worse than those of foreign supermodels." ,…

I think what you are missing now is a stage, a stage for the public..."

Luo Tao said a few words in an old-fashioned way, but he didn't know if they listened, so he nodded with a smile.

"Yes, there is some prejudice against our profession in China, but we will definitely prove ourselves..."

What Luo Tao didn't expect was that Chen Jihong was so eloquent, and when she talked about exciting things, she also had a hint of Northeastern flavor.

After praising them for their courage, they asked her about their doubts.

"Are you from the Northeast?"

"Ah." She didn't react for a moment and was stunned for a second, "I'm from Bingcheng. How did you know?"

Now she looked like an ignorant girl, looking at Luo Tao with doubts.

Luo Tao smiled and said: "I heard that you speak with a Northeastern flavor." Then he continued: "Bingcheng is good, a small iron tower in the east. It seems that it is not by chance that you took this road. There is still a bit of fate in it. I’m here!”

Luo Tao's ramble made several people present laugh. They all felt that this statement was a bit far-fetched.

Seeing that they didn't believe it, Luo Tao still didn't give up. Now he wanted to prove himself, so he asked Bai Qing and the others, "Are you two from Yangcheng? Or from Shanghai and Hainan?"

"I'm from Shanghai."

"Me too."

They wondered why Luo Tao was so sure that they were either from Pengcheng or from Shanghai.

They were puzzled, but they still answered Luo Tao's question honestly.

The reason why Luo Tao was able to narrow down the range of their native places was not because he knew them well, but because of his common sense.

Nowadays, the only domestic cities that can form a qualified model team are Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. There are also small-scale model groups in other big cities, but only Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou can participate in large-scale modeling competitions like this one.

For small model groups, competitions usually look down on them and will not invite them. In addition, as long as there is a good talent that they like, they will be recruited and placed in the teams in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

These are basic operations, nothing surprising.

Luo Tao drew pictures of gourds and ladles, amusing everyone present with just a few words.

When the staff saw that the conversation was almost over, they asked in a formal tone: "Mr. Luo, can you and the three beautiful ladies take a photo together?"


Seeing that there were many reporters surrounding the interview room who had not yet left, Luo Tao knew that this photo must be taken.

The most important thing is that they are relatively quiet today and have not asked: What do you think of Mr. Luo?What do you think about that?
It’s so annoying to meet such a reporter!

Of course, they are still a little short of "Really? I don't believe it."

Without their random questions, Luo Tao was in a good mood, and he was very willing to cooperate.

Heart to heart.

The three of them hurriedly gave way to seat C. Luo Tao stood between Chen Jihong and Bai Qing, and immediately thought to himself that he made a mistake. How could he carelessly forget the height of this model? Their height is not ordinary.

The three of them are all about 1.7 meters tall. The height Luo Tao has always been proud of is only a few centimeters taller than them.

But in front of the high heels they were wearing, his few centimeters of innate advantage no longer had any advantage.

But once the words are said, it is impossible to take them back!
cough!Just be embarrassed for a while.Next time, just be more thoughtful and don't just take pictures with the models.

I have seen people riding ocean horses, but I have never seen people being slipped away by horses.

Show a standard international smile.

The flash of the camera kept flashing and the clicking sound was endless.

I don’t know how many photos they want to take. Seeing that they have no intention of stopping, the photographer is bold enough to ask.

"Mr. Luo, there are three ladies, please go to the left."

Luo Tao was also very sincere. He moved unconsciously and listened to the command very much.

"Okay. Click~"

Well!Not only had I been a mute guest for a while today, but I didn't expect that I would also be a photography model.

This day has been so boring. If I hadn't been accompanied by a beautiful woman, I wouldn't have had the time to listen to your gossip.

I took several more photos.

Luo Tao glanced to the right and looked at the person in charge, indicating that it was OK.

He was aware of his actions and immediately received a warning from his boss.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Luo has other things to do, please forgive me." As if he was a dog manager, he methodically chased the reporters who were enthusiastically taking photos.

As he spoke, two or three bodyguards rushed up, protecting Luo Tao on the left and right, as if the head of the clown country was riding in an open-top car, facing the enemy of life and death.

While they were doing their business, Luo Tao calmly shook hands with the three of them, said hello to the reporter, and then slowly left the temporary interview room backstage.

Not far out, "Xiao Wu, do you want them to stop following you and go do other things?"

"Mr. Luo, they are all bodyguards hired by the company. Apart from protecting you and Teacher Zhu, they have nothing else to do."

Xiao Wu is the person in charge of Xichang in Guangdong Province.

"Oh." If he hadn't told them, Luo Tao would have regarded them as ordinary company employees who were temporarily captured by Xiao Wu to be his bodyguards. Unexpectedly, they were actually the hired bodyguards.

Since they were invited, they are working now, so it is not appropriate to chase them away at this time.

"Next time, don't do this. It won't have much effect."

Those who are not professionally trained bodyguards really cannot have much effect on some sudden dangerous situations.

It seems that all of them are quite energetic. At most, they can be effective against ordinary people, but they have to take a break when they encounter a practitioner.

"Hey, I've written it down." Xiao Wu was very knowledgeable and knew that one was right and the other couldn't be repeated. He dared to continue speaking against his boss's wishes.

Luo Tao didn't care whether he heard it or not, and strode towards the big meeting, preparing to have a round with Zhu Lin.

After the model competition ended and the leaders were sent away, Zhu Lin held a meeting to summarize experience with them. Luo Tao listened for 2 minutes and came out after feeling that it was not interesting.

"Monthly Ticket Recommendation Ticket"

(End of this chapter)

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