1979 The Life of Idle Fish

Chapter 626 Going to Yangcheng

Chapter 626: Going to Yangcheng...


With the great weapon of rebirth endorsement, Luo Tao was quite handy in doing this. In just two days, he sorted out the things needed in the early stage of the development of the Shanghai-Hai Special Zone.

Based on history and the current situation, Luo Tao has accomplished the tasks assigned by his leadership very well.

As soon as the materials were handed over, the leader praised them greatly and said hello to Luo Tao several times.

Nothing?The important thing is that the leader implicitly expressed that he can come to him in case of trouble in the future.

This sentence is more important than the others, and this is what Luo Tao wants.

Luo Tao has had a lot of contact with this person in the past two years, but not too much. He knows that he is very cautious in doing things. Now that he says this, he clearly regards him as one of his own.

That should be what it means.

At this time, Luo Tao was very excited. He was very happy for himself. He was happy that he finally got to talk to this generation.

In the past, with the support of the Xu family and Liuyang Gong and other older generations, the past few years have been smooth sailing without any troubles, but in the past two years, it feels like it has gone downhill.

Although Luo Tao also got to know several members of the next generation, as well as the next generation, water from afar cannot quench his thirst for nearness.

What Luo Tao needs now is to get to know the next generation, especially Jincheng who is now in a high position.

As for Guangling, it is beyond reach, and due to some objective reasons, the friendship between the two of them is nothing more than a casual acquaintance.

He cannot give Luo Tao too much help. After all, he is not a small person now, but a very important person.

The old leader has spent the Spring Festival in his district for two consecutive years. This not only means developing a characteristic area, but more importantly, he has a heart-to-heart talk with Guangling and plans for the future.


After the Lantern Festival, Ermei and Liang Chao also came back to work one after another.

The young master of the Luo family, Xiao Shiyue, also welcomed the second semester of the second grade. In the blink of an eye, the little guy became a second-grade Young Pioneer. Time flies so fast.

Today's little October has become more and more stable, and he has the temperament of a rich man's son.

The most important thing is that his weight has gradually decreased with age. Now that he has lost a little weight, Little October has lost the chubby cuteness before, and has become more sunny and handsome.

If there are edges and corners on a boy's face, he will naturally add a bit of the most straightforward and domineering special temperament.

Little October itself has inherited the most exquisite facial features of his parents. Because he has a kind face (following his father), he does not have the domineering look of a king. Instead, he comes across as a gentle and modest gentleman, giving people a kind of fantasy. Feel close to him.

The little guy's height has also increased a lot. With his growth, he will be able to surpass his father in a short time. The height difference between the two of them is only a head and a half.

Luo Tao was happy from the bottom of his heart for the changes in Little October. Even though he was as successful as himself, deep down he still had the simplest thought of hoping that his son would succeed.

If there is a child who is both smart and handsome, he will probably wake up laughing in the middle of the night even if he is not dreaming.

His son was his pride, but his daughter was his nightmare.

The little princess in the family, even if she is one year older, she is still the same naughty and clever girl, unruly and a little willful.

She didn't go to school, and she started to mess around when she mentioned this matter, and started to use her lack of literacy as an excuse. Later, as the whole family joined in, they started to enlighten her, and from then on, her stunt of being illiterate no longer worked.

However, now she has changed her opinion, saying that studying at home is the same as studying at school. She also considered her family's financial income and took the initiative to apply for studying at home, so that she can save a small amount of money. You can buy her food and toys.

My daughter is definitely a natural logic genius. She does not need to study or undergo professional training. She is very good at talking nonsense... She is eloquent and can make the unreasonable into reasonable.

Last year, she was forced to take her to learn painting and calligraphy from Mr. Pan, so that she could be exposed to traditional culture from an early age.

She was very obedient at first, but the good times did not last long. Within two days, she began to spend three days fishing and two days drying nets, finding various reasons not to go to the studio to study.

Even if she went there reluctantly, she would study selectively depending on her mood. When she was happy, she would hold on to the knowledge, but when she was unhappy, she would love whom?He opened his big eyes and pretended to be dumbfounded.

If the little girl hadn't inherited his father Luo Tao's IQ, this girl would definitely be a complete scumbag. If he, the father, didn't do it well, he would have to get her a college diploma in the future.

The little girl is not only cute, but also very cute, and her mouth is super sweet. These are the weaknesses of the elderly, even Mr. Pan, who is highly educated, is no exception.

Mr. Pan turned a blind eye to the little girl's mischief and would sometimes play with her.

The old and the young are in the studio of Liulichang, but they are lawless.

It's getting warmer now, and this crazy girl has nothing to do, chasing the dog around the yard.

She wasn't too tired, and of course, neither was the dog.

The two of them can actually play together, chasing each other one after another...

From time to time, her girl's silvery laughter could be heard outside the window.

Luo Tao read history books in the midday sun, learning the valuable experience of judging the situation.Zhu Lin also temporarily put down the female celebrity in his hand today, no longer staring at the clothing design, and took advantage of the sunny weather to tidy up the bedroom.

Unless the couple goes out for too long, they generally don't let others help clean up their bedroom.

Firstly, the couple did not have this habit, and secondly, there were many inconveniences in it.

"This girl can't be idle for half a minute, she just knows how to play every day." Zhu Lin entered the house from outside the courtyard, stopped in the living room of the east wing, and told Luo Tao who was reading in the study.

He was concentrating on reading a book and replied: "There are several times when a child is not naughty and gets bored. What else do you want her to do besides playing?"

As he spoke, he took off his glasses and looked at the little girl sitting in the courtyard playing with a pomegranate under the sun. He saw her whispering to the pomegranate about something worthwhile to be happy about.

"I don't expect her to do great things in the future, as long as she can live happily every day is enough."

"Huh, just spoil her." Zhu Lin said angrily and entered the bedroom.

"How can you call me spoiling her? It's obvious that you can't control her. How can you blame me? It's inexplicable." Luo Tao looked at the word "福" on the bedroom door with aggrieved eyes and muttered in a low voice.

What Zhu Lin said just now is an absolute slander to Luo Tao. Luo Tao loves the little girl, but when it comes to education, he has always held high the great banner of Zhu Lin educating children, firmly and unwaveringly.

She has never been involved in educating her children, playing the role of a good person, or preventing her from educating her children.

Zhu Lin is still very strong and experienced in educating children. It is almost thanks to her that little October has changed so much now. Without her strict supervision and teaching, little October would never be what it is now. Spirit.

It is such a mother with rich experience in educating children, but she has embarked on a path that she never imagined, and was completely defeated by the little girl who gave birth to a calf.This is why Luo Tao has such low requirements for the little girl.

It is true that the most powerful master in the family cannot educate her, let alone others.

As long as you don't hit anyone, bully others, or be arrogant, as for the little girl's naughtiness and willfulness, you can choose to look at it.

There are such naughty little clever ghosts living in Baihua Courtyard, and the originally ancient and vicissitudes of the courtyard has become much cuter.

On the 18th of the first lunar month, Yanzi came. After handling matters in the capital, Luo Tao followed Zhu Lin to fly to the big city in the south - Yangcheng, to participate in the [-]th organized by Xichang Maple Leaf Garment Factory under the instruction of the proprietress Zhu Lin. China's first national model competition in [-].

Preparations for this model competition began in the middle of last year, and it has taken almost a year to select outstanding model contestants from various units across the country.

Competitions will be held in each region, and the top [-] will be determined, and then they will go to Yangcheng to participate in the national model competition.

Luo Tao has not participated in this matter from the beginning until now. It's not that he doesn't understand this business. In his previous life, he had been in the modeling circle of [-]/[-].

In this circle, he is also a well-known veteran.

He is known to the world for being "old, naughty, and tough".

Mainly because I don’t want to make the same mistake in this life as in my previous life and get involved with these models.There are many popular people, whether you have it or not, you have it.

Nowadays, Luo Tao has to pay attention to his public relations image when he goes out.

We must not stumble before our great cause is accomplished.

Now that he is going with his wife Zhu Lin, there is no need to have such doubts.

When the couple got into the car, the peacefulness of Baihua Xiaoyuan for many days was immediately overturned by the little girl's broken voice.

This time I went to Yangcheng for only a few days as planned, so I didn't plan to take the little girl with me. I would have to suffer this at such a young age.

Most adults think about their children, but little kids don't understand their parents' feelings.

Not taking her with you means that you are no longer a good friend with her, and getting angry is the minimum reaction.

But the couple couldn't see the little girl's willfulness.

Knowing that the little girl would show up like this, the two packed their bags and hid early.

After half a day of running around, a group of people arrived at Yangcheng Baiyun Airport.

"Thank you for your hard work." Luo Tao shook hands with the comrades who picked him up at the airport, and thanked them for waiting at the airport.

"Mr. Luo said something serious."

After saying a few simple polite words at the airport, he went to the Baiyun Hotel that had been booked in advance with the factory director Ren and several people in charge of Xichang, Guangdong Province who came to pick him up.

Baiyun Hotel is a very famous high-end hotel in Yangcheng now and in the future.

Baiyun Hotel is still a high-end hotel built before the reform. It started construction in 2000 and was completed and accepted in early [-]. It took four years and an investment of [-] million. Baiyun Hotel was officially put into use.

With a height of 120 meters, it was the tallest building in China at the time. There were more than [-] guest rooms. At that time, it was definitely one of the few super luxury hotels in the country.

The history of Baiyun Hotel occupying the number one hotel in Yangcheng lasted until the opening of White Swan Hotel in Liwan area in [-].

The reason why I didn't choose to live in the White Swan Hotel, which has better conditions and is more famous, is because the Baiyun Hotel is closer to the city, and there is less unnecessary travel for Mr. Zhu to handle the work of the model competition.

All the way from the airport, Luo Tao kept staring at the tall buildings outside the car window, and it took only a few years for him to see the changes he has now.

When I came last year, I saw several buildings that had only been under construction for a long time. Now they are covered in colorful clothes, and it seems that they are ready for trading.

Time flies so fast!
At the same time, he also looked at the crowds and vehicles rushing on the avenue.

Luo Tao felt that there must be more people in Yangcheng than in the capital city, and there were many more cars than in the capital city. Not only were there yellow-colored ones running on the avenue, but there were also more expensive bluebirds, Santanas, and even crowns were very common.

Along the way, I also encountered several high-end cars such as Daben. Nowadays, one Daben can buy several houses.

It's a pity that no one can realize this truth at this time, otherwise there wouldn't be so many Shaobao people who would buy these iron dumplings just to save face.

Buy a house if you have money now, don't buy a car, it's not worth it.

The cheap ones cost over RMB [-], and they don’t have air conditioning or airbags. Even listening to music is a hassle.

If you think about it, except for the few cities in the south with kidney deficiency, the housing prices in other big cities are only about [-] yuan.

One Santana can buy a one-bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom in the capital, or a house within the third ring road.

After a while, we arrived at Baiyun Hotel.

Although the location of Baiyun Hotel is unique, there is still a small hill not far away, about 200 meters away from the road.

There are towering trees on the hills, and the scenery is unique.

The atrium of the hotel uses three original ancient banyan trees, and then uses waterfalls, landscape stones, and pools to form an elegant space.

It's very pleasing to watch.

Using buildings to accommodate trees is not only very advanced, but also a very far-sighted idea.

"How is it? Isn't Yangcheng more prosperous than the capital city?"

Luo Tao agreed with this, but he didn't see it that way entirely: "You can tell from the flow of people and cars on the street that Yangcheng is now more prosperous than the capital. However, this is all temporary. As long as the capital is given some time, Yangcheng is still not as good as Beijing."

As the heart of the country, the capital still has some confidence in it. The capital cannot be poor no matter where it is poor. This is common sense and everyone should understand it a little bit.

More than 90.00% of the urban development in the country and even in the world is developed here.

The great development of Beijing is not now, but in the near future.

[Monthly Ticket Recommended Ticket]

(End of this chapter)

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