1979 The Life of Idle Fish

Chapter 543 This foreign devil really doesn’t understand the rules.

Chapter 543 This foreign devil really doesn’t understand the rules.


The topic gradually shifted from the mysterious and mysterious fate to reality.

"What do you think of China's future development?"

Luo Tao said without hesitation: "As a Chinese, I am very optimistic about China's future development. There is no reason for this optimism."

It was difficult for Peter to understand Luo Tao's unreasonable "optimism". He frowned slightly, showing his confusion. In his opinion, this kind of optimism was illogical.


Luo Tao went on to say: "I personally think that if a country wants to develop, it must have a group of heroes who are willing to contribute silently. They are loyal to the country,...

There are many such people in our country. I am very proud to say to you that there is a group of very lovely people who are dedicating their talents and lives to this country.

They have proven by their actions that they are very optimistic about their country, and we are also very confident in developing our country with our own hands.

reason?It is our firm belief that our country will get rid of the current situation of poverty and achieve the great historical goal of building a moderately prosperous life.

We also firmly believe that our country will return to the world of nations with a new attitude in the future. "

The words are inspiring, the confidence is high, and the goals are clear. In short, we Chinese people are very capable.

Luo Tao's words ignited all the Chinese people here. "Moderately prosperous" is not the wish of any one person. It is the wish of the whole country. As long as we live in this land, we have the responsibility to contribute to this great idea. My own meager strength.

The expression on Peter's face was very shocked. He was not shocked by what Luo Tao said, but by the spirit of the Chinese people present after Luo Tao said these words.

Only at this moment did he truly realize something, and truly began to face up to this ancient Eastern civilization that was still in a state of poverty.

Can China stand in the world for 5000 years?The answer lies in the Chinese people he saw today.

A spirit of sharing weal and woe with the fate of the country and the nation influenced the wind of freedom cloaked deep in his soul.

He pursed his lips, with an indescribable smile on his face, and took notes carefully in shock.

He has professional ethics and will never forget the purpose of his trip until his death.

"Then when do you think China will reach the living standards you proposed?"

This question is also difficult to answer. The above said that it will basically be realized by the end of this century...

Luo Tao thought quickly, "In the 21st century, we will definitely achieve a well-off life in an all-round way, but for our "well-off" life, I personally think that we have always been on the road to a well-off life.

It cannot be said that we set a goal, achieved it through arduous efforts, and then stopped moving forward. This is wrong.

Our footsteps will not stop. History has told us that if we fall behind, we will be beaten. Our ultimate goal is to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and achieve common prosperity. …”

Fu Ying seemed very excited while translating. There were several lexical errors in the translation process, and even Luo Tao, who was proficient in loose English, could hear them.

But this does not prevent Peter, as a foreigner, from reading and understanding.

Now he was gradually attracted to the yellow-skinned, dark-eyed, small Chinese man in front of him.

"Yes, this is a great idea and I think you can make it happen."

Luo Tao didn't expect this foreigner to be assimilated so quickly, and he was still a little surprised in his heart.

In short, this is a good thing and should be happy, "Thank you."

Luo Tao talked for so long that his mouth went dry. His throat rolled as he looked at the tea placed on the mahogany table.

"Mr. Peter, would you like to taste the Chinese tea and see how it is different from the coffee you drink?" Luo Tao is worthy of being the prince of loose English. He speaks English very well. He stood up and offered him tea.

Then he poured a cup for Fu Ying, the nearest translator, and finally motioned to the others to pour themselves tea.

"Thank you. I have drunk Chinese tea before, but it doesn't suit my taste. It feels a bit bitter."

With a little expression of resistance, Peter looked at the cup of tea in front of him, recalling the memory of the first cup of authentic Chinese tea he drank when he first arrived in China.

Complained to Luo Tao.

Luo Tao understood him very well, even though foreigners had a history of drinking Chinese tea before modern times, and tea was originally a drink for aristocrats in the West.

But there are only a few people who can get used to drinking tea. After all, their personal cultivation is very low.

I don’t understand the culture contained in tea.

"Hahaha! Once you know something, you will know it again. If you know how to drink tea, you will know how to drink one-third of your life."

Luo Tao was fooled again. When he heard Fu Ying's translation, he slowly raised the cup in his hand and looked at it doubtfully, with a very bad expression.

Everyone else also looked at him and gave him an encouraging look.

At this time, he was a bit stuck, so he had to reluctantly take a sip.

The tea moistened the tip of his tongue and slid down his throat. His expression lit up and his eyes revealed surprise.

Luo Tao caught it immediately and said with a smile: "Isn't it very different?"

He squinted his eyes to show that he was very tall, and made gestures with his hands.

"There is a hint of fragrance that I can't describe."

A gringo is a gringo with too little vocabulary.

Luo Tao was also very happy to be his commentator, "This is Mingqian Longjing in Lin'an, Zhejiang Province. It pays attention to the tea's emerald green color, rich aroma, mellow and refreshing, shaped like a bird's tongue, green in color, fragrant and sweet." , four characteristics of beautiful shape.

The aroma you just smelled was caused by the tea leaves being picked and carefully stir-fried by the tea frying masters, who strictly control the process of greening and greening the tea leaves, and stir-fry the green air of the tender tea leaves to bring out the delicate fragrance. …”

Luo Tao spoke in detail, but Peter was at a loss. He didn't understand what finishing and finishing were?

In addition, Fu Ying, the translator, didn't know much about the tea ceremony culture, so the translation into English was not so perfect.

With the idea of ​​sending Buddha to the West, Luo Tao had to explain it clearly to him.

Only in this way can he understand how to make tea with a hot pot and ruthless iron hands.

Hearing him say: "It's amazing." Luo Tao finally walked out of the tea bureau.

Afterwards, everyone drank tea and talked about things, and they had a great time.

"Mr. Luo, I wonder what you think of China's newly emerging real estate industry?"

I'm asking this question, how else can I watch it while lying down.

Luo Tao has been winning almost all his life. From his birth to his rebirth, he cheated without encountering an opponent.

"I don't know much about real estate, but I am personally very optimistic about this emerging industry. China now needs high-rise buildings.

As far as I know, the current per capita housing area in Beijing is about six square meters. From this, it is not difficult to see that the demand for housing is still very large. If there is demand, there will be a market.

For more than ten years, the higher authorities have been working hard to solve this people's livelihood problem.

At the same time, a lot of work has been done, especially the housing reform launched at the beginning of this year... I think this emerging industry has great potential, and there will definitely be a boom in Chinese housing in the future. "

Although Peter was already convinced by Luo Tao, as a reporter he still asked his doubts.

"Why are you so sure that houses in China will be on fire in the future?"

"This is intuition, and of course there is some basis. As I said just now, it is because of demand, and because Chinese people are most concerned about four things: food, clothing, housing and transportation.

In terms of food, clothing, housing, and transportation, they are most concerned about housing. Housing is very important to the Chinese... When people get rich, in addition to food and drink, they think about buying a house. "

Peter didn't quite agree with this answer, but he couldn't think of how to refute Luo Tao.

He was also taking care of Luo Tao's face and did not want to blatantly say that the income of Chinese people is not directly proportional to China's housing prices.

"Have you ever thought about entering this industry in Xichang?"

Luo Tao didn't even think about this problem, so he blurted out: "We in Xichang have never had this plan, not now, and not in the future."

Peter was surprised by Luo Tao's answer and asked, "Why? Aren't you very optimistic about this industry?"

"Being optimistic about it doesn't mean we will engage in this industry."

Peter thought about it and felt that what Luo Tao said was correct. There were very few people in this world who were both responsible and upright.

He changed the topic and asked what field Xichang would be engaged in in the future?
Luo Tao didn't shy away from it, and said directly: "We in Xichang will be more engaged in agriculture and food in the future.

Because we already have a certain foundation in these two fields, we will be more comfortable doing things. "

Pete immediately approached reporters and asked his questions.

“But as far as I know, your vegetable basket project doesn’t seem to have brought much profit to your company over the years.

In addition, you have many industries in Xichang. When it comes to food, I can understand that Xichang made its fortune through catering. But when it comes to agriculture, I'm still very confused about it? "

Luo Tao smiled and explained to him that although the Xichang Vegetable Basket has not brought much profit to Xichang in recent years, the Xichang Buildings in various places under Xichang have achieved self-sufficiency in ingredients.

What’s more important is that the Xichang vegetable basket has brought dozens or hundreds of villages and nearly 2 people together.

It has made considerable contributions to local development.

“This is one of the main reasons why we want to develop agriculture, after all, farmers account for a very large proportion in China.

Wealth is not called wealth when one person is rich, but wealth is called wealth when all of us are rich... We not only need to eat enough, but also eat well. "

After hearing Luo Tao's talk, Peter showed unprecedented obsession. He even put down the notepad in his hand and applauded Luo Tao's big picture.

The others were even more excited. They had heard that Luo Tao had done a lot of good deeds before, but that was all hearsay. It was very strange to hear him say it face to face today.

From then on, they really regarded Luo Tao as a life mentor.

The round of applause really tickled Luo Tao's itch, and it was very helpful.

When the applause died down, he quickly motioned for them to drink tea.

There are three bottles of boiled water placed under the table, and I am not afraid that they will drink them all.

Did we talk about the price issue that is the most concerning at the moment?
When Peter raised this question, Luo Tao was very nervous and secretly thought that this foreigner is really nothing. Isn't this digging a hole for me?
Knowing that Luo Tao is a sensitive person on this issue, he still tried his best to ask, this person is not a good person.

Luo Tao, as always, did not want to make matters worse, and replied firmly to Peter that he supported the decision made above.

Peter still didn't want to let Luo Tao go on this issue, and continued to ask Luo Tao, "I heard that you were opposed to it at the beginning? How come you have become a supporter now?"

Nonsense. I opposed it before because I knew the history, but now I support it because we have a clear mind and don’t want to die young, even if it means dying young.

Several other people looked at each other, feeling that this Pete was too ignorant and could just ask questions, so how could he pursue him so closely and get to the bottom of it?
But in their hearts they also wanted to hear how Luo Tao would answer.

However, at this time, Luo Tao's heart was not disgusted with this foreign devil who was deliberately looking for trouble, but he still disliked him very much.

The goodwill towards him that I had accumulated before was gone in an instant.

I also despise this foreigner for not knowing how to advance or retreat.

No matter how much unhappiness you feel in your heart, now is not the time to express it. You still have to answer the sharp questions he raised.

"Yes, I was opposed before because I have the right to make suggestions.

But now that the decision has been made, as a participant, I should actively participate, instead of singing bad songs when all the people are working hard. "

Luo Tao's words made people feel a little bit awkward, there was a feeling or illusion of bullying the weak and fearing the strong, and a feeling or illusion that those who know the current affairs are heroes.

Pete frowned, he couldn't understand the logic of God's answer.

When I answer, it seems like there is no answer, and it seems like I am listening to you, which is better than listening to you.

But it also contains great meaning, which makes people wonder how to read and understand.

Peter shook his head with a wry smile and simply jotted down a few sentences in his notebook. Since he used some special symbols, no matter how powerful Luo Tao was, he still didn't know what that group of symbols was for.

Fortunately, this ghost guy still had some eyes and knew that this topic was very unpleasant, so he smiled and directly brought the topic to a foreign country.

His home country - Meijiang.

He told Luo Tao many of the best technological products developed by Meijiang in recent years.

For example, we talked about Apple and Qualcomm, which is 30.00% owned by Xiangjiang Renaissance.

Luo Tao listened very carefully. Regardless of whether it was true or not, this was the first time he heard foreigners talk about their own country's technology and business.

What's more, it is the fourth technological revolution that has opened up the 21st century.

It was very relaxing to talk about various things, especially when we talked about Phoebe Cates, a popular actress of Chinese descent in the American film and television industry.

Luo Tao doesn't know what movies this person has acted in in the United States?I don’t know if she is as beautiful as Hepburn or as sexy as Monroe?

In short, Luo Tao is very unfamiliar with this actor, but that doesn't stop him from listening to the gossip about the Meijiang actress.

It's a pity that there are girls present, otherwise...

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(End of this chapter)

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