1979 The Life of Idle Fish

Chapter 539 The meeting is over, reform representatives, advise Huang Yuanchao

Chapter 539 The meeting is over, reform representatives, advise Huang Yuanchao

The meeting was extremely intense, and the mood of the delegates was also very excited.

The personnel were changed, the positions were changed, Luo Tao didn't know what happened?He also lost the title of member of the Economic Committee.

New identity, new mission.

After the personnel change, the meeting room was full of price issues all day long.

Most of the representatives are willing to change, so as to dilute some factors that are detrimental to society and unstable in the current domestic situation.

The higher-ups are talking about big prices, but the people at the bottom are also talking about small prices.

"I said that the price of eggs has increased by another ten cents today. Looking at this situation, it will continue to rise in the future."

"Who said it wasn't? Have you heard? The higher-ups have been discussing this matter recently."

"Well, I thought it was a big deal. It's just here. Who doesn't know that when it comes to changing animal prices, the higher authorities didn't just start this year. They started thinking about changes when our economy got better..."

This man sat on the stone steps of the park and talked, and the others listened mesmerizedly.

When Luo Tao comes back from a meeting every day, Su Guilan always asks, "Are these prices going to go up again?"

Luo Tao will also reply very sincerely: "Prices will rise, but they must rise within a reasonable range and within everyone's purchasing power."

Luo Tao may have said something against his will.

The temporary rapid increase is only temporary, and the increase method that affects the overall development will only be abandoned by the public.

Time has quietly come to April, which is a season of beauty and peach blossoms.

In early April, the prices of vegetables such as pork, fresh eggs, sugar, and street vegetables (common vegetables eaten in season) began to rise, and the original hidden supplements were replaced by explicit supplements.

Covert subsidy is a type of subsidy given to employees in urban and rural factories, and the corresponding subsidy is explicit subsidy.

Specifically, it indirectly affects consumer choices by subsidizing the production or circulation of selected goods so that the price of the goods is lower than the market price.

Subsidies do not directly pass through the hands of real consumers and are often not understood by ordinary people, so they are commonly known as "hidden subsidies"; the latter is because the subsidies can directly reach the hands of consumers and are visible and tangible to consumers. Therefore, it is commonly known as "Mingbu".

There are so many things here that I can’t explain them clearly in a short while. Even if I explain them clearly, you won’t be able to see them.

Employees in the capital receive a monthly subsidy of ten yuan per person.

Workers in areas outside the direct jurisdiction should have a lower salary.

Ten yuan seems like a lot, but compared with the rate of rising prices, it's far from enough.

Taking the most commonly eaten pork as an example, meat has increased from about two yuan per catty to two and eight yuan per catty now.

The biggest increase is for those out-of-season vegetables. A pound of tomatoes is now sold in the market for more than four yuan per pound.

The price of eggs has also risen sharply. In Su Guilan's words, "It's time to sell eggs individually."

As the prices of a large number of commodities increased, the capital city ushered in the first wave of small-scale panic buying after Shanghai and Shanghai. Some citizens stocked up on vegetables, meat, and kitchen ingredients.

As for the current increase method, most people really can’t bear it for a while.

When Sister He goes out to buy groceries, she will complain a few words when she comes back. Today, the price of some groceries has increased again.

My mother, Su Guilan, is definitely the best complimenter, "Really? Then you haven't heard anyone say it's still going to go up, right?"

"I've heard this a lot, and many people think it won't go up too much... Our place is not as evil as what the newspapers say, and people rush in to buy things."

Sister He looked young when she said this. Moreover, the panic buying reported in the newspapers was not from the capital city, but from other cities in the south.

The current capital city can only be said to have an undercurrent, but it has not yet reached a complete outbreak.

However, some people have quietly started to prepare, but most people are still in a dazed state.

When Su Guilan knew that no one was rushing to buy it, her heart dropped.

She looks at the rising prices from the perspective of a small citizen in the capital. In her opinion, as long as no one is grabbing it, it means everything is normal.

When everyone starts panic buying, it only means that the problem is serious.

To put it bluntly, this is a typical follower. When others rush to buy, you also rush to buy. If others don't move, you don't need to move.

"That's good. You don't need to buy too much food in the future, just enough to eat. We are just a vegetable seller, so are we afraid of running out of food?"
If you want to buy, buy things that we don't have at home. "

Sister He was carrying a large basket and nodded with a smile. She also very much recognized the facts Su Guilan said.

This situation happens every day. My mother, Su Guilan, is like an inspector observing the water level of the levee. Once she finds that the water level exceeds the warning line, she will immediately take corresponding measures.

In mid-April, the conference ends.

In addition to personnel changes, two things really touched Luo Tao. One was the price issue that everyone had been paying attention to, and the other was the land transfer issue.

Paragraph [-] of Article [-] of the law clearly stipulates that no organization or individual may appropriate, buy, sell, lease, or otherwise transfer land.

At this meeting, the word "rent" was removed. It seemed like two words were simply removed.

Little did they know that the influence of these two words would quickly spawn a trillion-dollar industrial chain at the speed of Bangzi Country's escape.

Land leasing has been recognized in a legal sense. No one will argue about this matter in the future. The Xichang Vegetable Basket Project will use this as a cornerstone for its next major development.

At the end of the conference, it was also the founding day of Qiong Shen.

In addition to the above-mentioned things this year, a new phenomenon also emerged. This was the first time that someone actually voted against this meeting.

This man didn't even want to be famous, but the media was clinging to it. For a moment, the matter was reported in the newspapers.

Apart from this person, Ma Shengli and Wang Jun had the greatest influence on Luo Tao during this period.

At the beginning of April, there was an award for "Outstanding Chinese Entrepreneurs". These are all internal awards, and this matter has nothing to do with Luo Tao.

A total of 20 people were selected nationwide. Somehow, Wang Jun, who has always been low-key, suddenly participated in this high-profile awards event.

This is completely out of line with his usual style.

Besides, he also comes from a top-notch family, so participating in such an event would be a loss of status.

Looking at other restaurants, people just sit on the Diaoyutai without making any sound.

If this is abnormal, there must be a demon.

After many inquiries, Luo Tao finally figured out that it was this guy who proposed this award event.

Luo Tao laughed loudly after hearing this. He really didn't expect that Wang Jun would fail in business and changed his plan.

But Luo Tao still couldn't figure out his true purpose. However, one thing is certain, this guy must have something up his sleeve.

His old man has reached a new level, and he can't help but take advantage of this east wind to move forward.

Otherwise, we won’t be able to wait for such a good opportunity in the future.

Luo Tao also knew how to assess the situation and immediately stopped the overt suppression of Chunghwa Electric and began to be humble and fully support other domestic home appliance companies.

Prepare to cultivate a large number of rivals for Chunghwa Electric to prevent it from becoming lonely in the future.

As for Ma Shengli, Luo Tao didn't know how to evaluate him.

However, from an outsider's perspective, he can only be described as a fat person.

But from the perspective of insiders, he is currently riding a tiger with difficulty, and has reached the point where he has to go to the dark side.

After all, the media had previously praised him too highly, as if he had become a factory god who could "do everything in one package".In the past two years, he had lost his way due to being "guaranteed", but the factory workers had been "guaranteed" and found new hope.

Luo Tao met him again after the conference. When he saw him again after more than a year, Luo Tao had an illusion that Ma Shengli, who was "good at one package", was gone.

Now he is more like a puppet, looking like he is still mighty, but in fact he has no energy inside.

The two just exchanged a few hurried greetings. He didn't take the initiative to talk about his current situation, and Luo Tao didn't ask.

At this time, the shortcomings of his company had already appeared. If the mess was cut quickly and some paper mills that were difficult to operate were abandoned, the lifespan of Mashengli Paper Group would definitely be far longer than its original history.

This kind of approach is something that most people don’t even need to think about, and they can make a decision immediately.

But for Ma Shengli, a person who has been strong and stubborn all his life, this is a problem.

In fact, the reasons for the failure of Mashengli Paper Mill were both internal and external.

Needless to say, the internal cause lies with Ma Shengli himself. He was too blindly arrogant, hot-headed, and committed personal heroism.

The external factor is the system of the 80s.

Another point is that he is not popular.

This is basically a common problem among entrepreneurs in the 80s. Few of these people can handle internal and external relations well.

For example, few of the people selected in this entrepreneur selection landed safely.

They fell down, walked, and escaped. Some people are still missing.

If you look at it this way, you will clearly know that it is not easy to receive awards this year.

Although most of them have been forgotten, their names will eventually be found on the way to reform history.

The only person in the country who has won two May [-]st Labor Medals is Ma Shengli.

In this era of flaunting individuality and forging ahead, Ma Shengli is a pioneer on the road to reform and opening up.

"Breaking the iron rice bowl and breaking the iron wage" is easier said than done.

"Contracting national brands" has become a common practice after 92. There are many well-known companies in later generations that did not start on the road to wealth by learning this trick.

Someone said: "The most difficult thing in the world is to do something that no one has done before and you don't know how to do it; and the most valuable thing in the world is to do something that no one has done before and you don't know how to do it."

When people leave, the building becomes empty, and everything in the world comes to an end.

Although it is a defeat, it is still an honor.

Qiong Province.

As soon as the smell of gunpowder here dissipated, Luo Tao in Beijing felt the joy the fastest.

"Taozi, did you know? The Qiong Province was just established yesterday, and today housing prices have started to rise again.

Let me tell you, now is a great opportunity. If you don’t take advantage of it, what are you waiting for? "

It's not hard to hear the excitement deep in Huang Yuanchao's heart.

Luo Tao was not interested in the big cake he was talking about, but his attitude was still the same as before.

He also did not forget to warn him, "You kid, remember, prosperity will inevitably lead to decline."

"Ahem, you've said this dozens of times, and I can hear it ringing in my ears. Remember, don't worry, you won't forget it. Once you find something wrong, you'll withdraw immediately."

Luo Tao knew from the tone that this guy's tail was up.

Don't say more to him, because no matter how much you say to him now, it won't help, and he will definitely not listen.

"Give Liu Lang the phone and I'll have a few words with him."

Huang Yuanchao curled his lips, held the phone, and said to Liu Lang beside him, "Here, Master Luo is looking for you."

Luo Tao here clearly heard what Huang Yuanchao said, what is Mr. Luo?This is obviously a word filled with anger and anger.

Liu Lang didn't dare to be negligent, so he lit up his cigarette and hurriedly answered the phone, "Brother, you can give me my instructions if I need anything."

When Huang Yuanchao saw him like this, his eyes showed contempt, and he smoked alone, ignoring the two people on the phone, sitting on the sofa and dreaming about the small money that was about to come to him.

"There's nothing wrong with me, but something is wrong with you?"

For Huang Yuanchao and Luo Tao, he was polite to him for the sake of being young, but now he is not polite to Liu Lang.


"I'm talking about you, remember, don't think that a pie from the sky will fall on your heads.

It looks like the wind is calm now, but once the wind rises, a wave can swallow you up to the bone.

Don't think that I am being alarmist and blocking your path to wealth, because there are some things that you cannot see. "

Luo Tao's words were stern and his tone was so unquestionable that Liu Lang felt that this was not an easy matter.

With Luo Tao's current status, there are certain things that he cannot say casually.

Furthermore, he was the one who encouraged the two to come to Qiong Province to seek gold, so there was no need to lie to them again at this time.

Maybe there are some changes at this meeting...

The more Liu Lang thought about it, the more he realized it was a possibility. He tensed his back and quickly asked, "Brother, is it as serious as you said?"

"If you don't believe me, you can try it." Luo Tao replied coldly.

This time Liu Lang was really frightened.

"Then...then, brother, what should we do now? We have put all our worth on this. You have to show us a clear way."

The words vaguely revealed that we were coaxed here by you, and you must be responsible for us.

"If you know you are afraid, then remember it carefully. Don't be hot-headed and take advantage of money when you see it. You must stay awake at all times and count every step you take.


As long as the house price exceeds several times the average annual income of ordinary people, it means there is a problem. At that time, it is up to you to decide whether to leave or stay! "

Luo Tao gave the two of them an open-book exam, and he had no control over whether they listened or not.

I just hope that if they fail, don't blame Luo Tao for not reminding them.

After hearing this, Liu Lang memorized Luo Tao's words very carefully, making sure not to forget a single word. He swore that this was the first time in his life that he had taken it so seriously.

"Thank you, brother, we will remember it."

"I hope you can all remember it." After all, they were brothers who had endured hardships together, and Luo Tao couldn't bear for them to suffer.

He added: "When you are impulsive, think more about your family. You are their support."

After saying this, Luo Tao hung up the phone directly.

That's all he can do. The situation will change in the future, and no one can say that he is sure of victory.

[Monthly Ticket Recommended Ticket]

 Thanks to the boss [Stony Nicholas] for the [-]-coin reward, and also thanks to other bosses for their monthly ticket support.
(End of this chapter)

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