1979 The Life of Idle Fish

Chapter 525 Chapter 527 If you don't take me to play, I will be naughty

Chapter 525 Chapter 527 If you don't take me to play, I will be naughty

KFC not only captures other people's children, but also captures its own children.

The two little guys at home want to eat it every once in a while. They euphemistically call it: know yourself and know your enemy.

Children can't refuse food if they like it, but Luo Tao won't let them eat at a KFC restaurant. It's really not a good influence, so he asked Sister He to buy it.

If the two little guys went there in person, Luo Tao's face would only get redder and redder.


early december.

Snow has fallen in the capital, not very heavy, but as dense as stars, falling on the Bell Tower, the moat of the Forbidden City, Chang'an Avenue, the Temple of Heaven, the banks of Kunming Lake, the peaks of Fragrant Mountain, and inside and outside the Badaling Great Wall.

A land of snow.

The paleness outside the city, the hustle and bustle inside the city.

When snowflakes drifted into the window lattice of thousands of houses, the whole capital was boiling, and the enthusiasm seemed to melt away all the sorrows of people this year.

the next day.

The sun once again visited this land, and the white snow that had fallen all night looked like a blundering monkey in the alley.

The older ones had already disappeared without a trace, and the younger ones also found a place to hide. If you look carefully, you can still find some clues.

The smaller ones will simply play tricks and lie down on tree trunks and eaves. If they are provoked, they will jump down from the trees or eaves to tease you when you are not prepared.

This thing is the most naughty.

Baihua Courtyard showed a busy scene in the early morning.

"Girl, don't be naughty. What are you going to do to see my brother?"

The whole family got up early in the morning and were busy cleaning the snow in several yards.

Everyone was busy working, but the little girl was naughty. She didn't work, so she continued to be a disservice.

She had just filled a small cart with snow, but she just wanted to beat it up. When she came in front of her, she bulged her cheeks and was overthrown.

She wore a knitted hat on her head, which seemed a bit too big. Whenever she was angry and moved a lot, she would cover her eyes.

Then he stubbornly helped put it on with his hands.

"I'm not naughty, so I won't sweep the snow."

He pouted to express his dissatisfaction to Luo Tao.

Luo Tao didn't find it funny when he saw her angry look. He knew that Xiao Jiujiu was in her heart. She just wanted to play in the snow.

Now that they are all cleared out, she will have no more fun to play with. This is still very clear in her heart.

Luo Tao walked up to her and tempted her: "If you are naughty again, we will have a snowball fight later, and dad will not take you to play."

She rolled her eyes, and asked suspiciously, "What is a snowball fight?"

Children just forget to eat and not to fight. They are so forgetful.

Luo Tao could only say to her: "Your mother knows, ask her if snowball fights are fun." By the way, he tricked her into going to the kitchen.

The yard is cleaned.

"Mom, don't you want to eat something before you go?"

Su Guilan put on a scarf and hurriedly carried the thermos bucket outside.

"No, I'll send this porridge first, and eat the same when I come back."

On December 12, a daughter of Xu Le's family came to Xu Le's family. The whole family was overjoyed and named her Xu Hui.

My mother, Su Guilan, found something to do. She cooked three meals a day and delivered them herself. She sometimes stayed at Xu Le's house to take care of the children at night.

This behavior made her daughter-in-law a little jealous.

As soon as he entered the house, Zhu Lin served the porridge and said, "Our mother now has this little fun."

Luo Tao sat down and patted the head of the little girl who was already eating. "You eat before grandpa comes."

She was very reasonable, "I'm hungry."

"Everyone is hungry. Who ate it? Did you use your chopsticks? I think you deserve a beating today."

She met Luo Tao's gaze, but neither father nor daughter wanted to give in. After a while, the little one realized that ginger is still hotter with age.

She pouted her lips and snorted. Those who know the current affairs are heroes. She took small steps with her small bowl and turned to sit opposite Luo Tao.

He lowered his head and didn't look at Luo Tao, just taking a big mouthful of food with a small spoon.

Zhu Lin glanced at Luo Tao but said nothing.

When Luo Shaoyi came back from outside holding the broom, he washed up and went into the house to see the little girl sitting in his seat.

Head down to eat.

"Hey, what's the matter with the girl today? She doesn't talk when she sees grandpa."

He sat next to the little girl, stroking the hair on her forehead that was about to be put into the rice bowl to take a shower.

"Father, you're pissing me off." After speaking, she raised her chin and faced Luo Tao's sitting position.

Luo Shaoyi was happy at first, then glanced at Luo Tao, then came to his senses and asked the little girl: "Why did your father bully you? Tell grandpa that he will help you take revenge."

She wiped her mouth and nodded her head quickly.

At first he was very matter-of-fact, but as he went on he became more and more nonsensical.

Not only was he cruel to her, but he even had the plot to beat her. Isn't this pure fabrication?

Luo Shaoyi couldn't help but smile bitterly, and nodded along with her words without saying anything.

The more the little girl spoke, the more touching she became, and within a few words she was moved to tears.


"Don't cry. Grandpa already knows. After breakfast, I will help you beat your father, okay?"

She sobbed a few times, miraculously showing the brightest smile in the world.

"Grandpa is the best." She took Luo Shaoyi's arm and kissed him on the cheek to express her most sincere gratitude.

After breakfast, the little girl saw her father taking her brother to build a snowman in Dongkua Yard. She was more excited than anyone else, walking on her short legs, followed by Zhu Lin.

When she caught up with Mr. Luo Tao, they were very shameless. One hand held her father, Luo Tao, and the other hand held her brother, Little October.

"Dad, I want to make a snowman too."

"Brother, can I help you build a snowman?"

"I like making snowmen the most. I really won't lie to you, okay?"

Along the way, she looked around and whispered about the two men. Even when the two of them carried her through the hanging flower door, her little mouth didn't stop.

The two of them also had a tacit understanding and ignored her when they entered Dongkua Courtyard.

However, this does not affect the little girl's shamelessness at all.

Seeing a lot of snow in the yard, "Dad, look at the snow."

"I know, girl, can we say a few words less?"

She replied very positively: "No."

He also threatened the two men: "If you don't let me play, I will be naughty."

Luo Tao was speechless when he heard such arrogant words.

He let out a long sigh, thinking how many people in the capital would dare to be so arrogant and unreasonable in front of him.

It may not be you who defeats you, it may also be your daughter.

Little October raised the panda hat on her head and threatened her in turn, saying: "If you dare to be naughty, I will give your little hat to Pomegranate."

The little girl was not afraid of her brother who was several years older than her. She let go of her brother's hand and said, "Huh, I won't play with you anymore." This threat was comparable to that of He Dantou.

This girl can't tell who is playing with whom?Maybe she was just pretending to be confused.

To be unreasonable is to be reasonable.

Zhu Lin stood behind and supported his daughter with a smile, "That's right, girl, we won't play with my brother anymore. Mom will take you to Aunt Zou's house to play with your little sister, okay?"

Since Xu Le had a daughter, the little girl likes to go to his house to play. The little girl likes to go mainly because she is curious about the newborn baby.

She shook her head and said, "I don't want to go."

"What's wrong? The little sister is so cute."

"I talked to her, but she ignored me."

At first glance, don't tell me that it really makes sense. If you ignore someone when they talk to you, it's rude.

Little October laughed loudly, "Mom, my sister is stupid."

Rubbed her little face again: "Children can't talk, and you couldn't talk before."

With a particularly loud voice, she said to her brother Xiao October, "I'm not the one, I can talk."

Zhu Lin pulled the little girl from Luo Tao's hand and said, "Look, they're quarreling again. You two can't play together."


"Mom, after my brother and I build the snowman, we won't play with him, okay?"

Luo Tao was really defeated by this girl of his own. He missed her mother Zhu Lin so much. Not only did she look like her, but even her face was so similar.

If I don't take the little girl to build a snowman today, the girl might turn around and tell her grandparents about their unruly behavior.


After working for more than an hour, I finally piled up a species that resembled an alien civilization.

What a pity for that crispy and sweet carrot.

There are also two black beans that serve as the finishing touch.

There is also a broom that has gone through spring, autumn, winter and summer.

If it were not for these three treasures to set off the snowman, the scene would be like an avalanche, with the mountains falling apart and the ground cracking, and I couldn't bear to look at it carefully.

Luo Tao also painted a lot of Chinese paintings. No matter how good he was, at least he had some background in painting. It stands to reason that building a snowman wouldn't be so horrible.

Luo Tao really can't let Luo Tao carry this pot today. The snowman's shape is so strange, it is inseparable from the little girl's genius imagination.

Other people's snowmen are all fat, but she insists on a thin one.

Someone else's snowman has a cherry mouth, and she insists on having a big mouth.

Other people's snowman's four gums are intact, but she insists on making it look incomplete.

other people's house...

If you don't say anything, you will be tears if you say too much.

My daughter is happy, let’s play as much as she likes!

I also wanted to build a snowman and take some photos as a souvenir, but it was impossible to take photos like this.

If this photo is taken in black and white, the pixels are not clear enough, and it will be easily misunderstood when taken out decades later.

The little girl's snowman was a failure. Fortunately, little October could still comfort herself by completing the snowman independently.


"What? You have acquired four pieces of land in Qiong Province."

"Yes, you don't know. Since Pengcheng opened the door at the end of last month, Qiong Province has been going crazy these days. No one is speculating on cars, and they are all switching to land speculation. ..."

At the end of last month, Pengcheng created my country's first paid auction of land use rights.

Although the area is not very large, its impact is extremely large. From here, the history of Chinese real estate is written.

Why is China's economic development so fast? It is not an exaggeration to say that it is driven by real estate.

Just look at the housing prices in the years around 2000.

"Oh, please remember not to be hot-headed, and be sure to stay awake at all times... it is not necessarily a good thing to rush into this industry."

In the past few years, Huang Yuanchao and Liu Hai, in addition to working in the Beijing escort and other industries, they often secretly went to Qiong Province to sell cars and other imported products.

In the 80s, there was a "Qiong province craze". It started with selling cars, and later it was engaged in real estate. With the opportunity of the establishment of Qiong Province, "10 talents came to Qiong Province". In the early 60s, "[-] educated youths came to Qiong Province". Province" pioneering feat.

One generation does the same thing. The first 10 people worked to build the agriculture of Qiong Province, and the later 10 people worked to develop the economy of Qiong Province. It is not easy and both are worthy of respect.

To talk about "Qiong Province fever" again, we must start from 1983 to speed up the development and construction of Qiong Province Island.

At that time, the economic construction of Qiong Province was also very backward, and there was not much money to support them.

Therefore, the above specially approved Qiong Province to import some production materials for production and construction.

This is to give Qiong Province a privilege that can't be asked for. You must know that the imported things in the 80s are under the control of the top. What to import next is to ask for instructions, and it cannot be done in private.

This power seems very big, but it is also limited. Imported things can only flow within Qiong Province, and you will make mistakes if you go out.

This rule is dead, but people are alive.

The rapid development of Qiong Province in the future is inseparable from one person, and this person is called Lei Yu.

In fact, in late 1984, Fuzhou and Guangzhou provinces began to sell imported goods to other provinces.

Once this hole opens, it is like a flood that is out of control.

During those years, the word "car" was permeated in every corner of Qiong Province.

Even the aunt who was sweeping the floor and pouring tea in the office would use her fingers to settle accounts with Uncle who was guarding the door and collecting newspapers.

In just one year, the income from this item alone was more than one billion yuan more than the total industrial and agricultural output value of Qiong Province.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Cars are not diamonds and gold. They are small and unnoticed. They have such a big iron shell and are so grand that even a blind person would know.

Guangzhou quickly put an end to this capital feast.

The frenzy ended abruptly.

However, the import and sale of other commodities has not stopped.

Huang Yuanchao and the two entered the business after the storm. Having learned from the past, they also worked in small businesses. In addition to cars, they also bought and sold some exotic exotic goods, and they could earn a million a year.

Later, they listened to Luo Tao's words and met Wen Xieli through Luo Tao. The two of them planned to go to Qiong Province to find opportunities to engage in real estate.

"Don't worry, I understand what you mean. If you want to be prosperous, you must decline. ... I called you firstly to thank you, and secondly to ask for your advice. Tell us what's going on with this real estate." thing?"

Luo Tao was not shocked when he heard this. Good guy, you still don’t know what real estate is about feelings?I dared to dive in and took four pieces of land.

The 90s were truly a reckless era.

"Yuanchao, you two have been with that boy Wen Xieli for so long and you haven't learned anything from him?"

"I have learned a little bit, but that kid talked too deeply, and what I said was cloudy,...some of it was understood at the time, but later..."

Luo Tao quickly stopped him, and if he allowed him to continue talking, Luo Tao would have to test his IQ.

For the sake of being good brothers for so many years, and being the one who let them break in, Luo Tao couldn't control it, so he told him everything he knew, and told them to find someone who understood if they didn't understand.

But his reply did not amuse Luo Tao to death.

"Except for the two of us, no one else in the company understands."

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(End of this chapter)

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