1979 The Life of Idle Fish

Chapter 335: Uncle and nephew

Chapter 335: Uncle and nephew

The leaders of this district have realized something. People in the capital are still surnamed Luo, so this is inseparable.However, this person has already left long ago, and now he cannot catch up even if he wants to.

He sighed, feeling a little regretful for not checking.

He knew about the winery in Xishan. Not to mention how many people the winery could create employment for, that stretch of road alone was enough to make people salivate.

Seeing that Director Zhang was still there, he still wanted to be the leader, so he sighed and sent him away without saying anything depressing.

"Comrade Genfa, if they come next time, they must inform me. This is a great thing that benefits the country and the people, and we cannot be careless at all. You must cooperate well with this work..."

The wind changes at will, and I'm not afraid of dazzling my comrade's waist.

He is also an expert at making fried dough sticks. He has been doing it for so many years, and his sense of smell is quite good.

He responded with a smile.

"Please rest assured and promise to complete the task and never let down the country and the people..."

"Well, I'm very relieved that Zhang Genfa is doing things. That's okay. Just go and do your work."

The leader's words must be reverberated, and the sound of the drum does not require a heavy hammer. Zhang Genfa left the leader's office with blood all over his body.

After he left, the district leaders were busy calling acquaintances to learn about the specific situation so that they could prescribe the right medicine.

The most important thing is to find out who Luo Tao is and whether he will go to the leader to sue him for neglecting them.

After a few phone calls, my worries were relieved.

Unanimously praised Luo Tao's integrity, but I have never heard of an example of him playing tricks.

Comrade Zhang Genfa returned to his office.

"What? You haven't left yet." He was a little surprised to see the young people just now staying in his office.

"Uncle Six, why are there only two of the five of us arranged? Can you please think of a way to get the three of us into the district's motorcade." The man wearing a white shirt and bell-bottom pants said, his tone A little more arrogant and a little whimsical.

"That's right, Uncle Zhang, for such a big leader like you... it's just a matter of one sentence."

The second person who was not chosen by Luo Tao also spoke up to support the leader.

The ranger can be inappropriate, and the team in this area can condescend to enter.

These days, few jobs are more popular than drivers, but competition in this industry is also fierce.

The drivers of the district's fleet are basically retired personnel. Their salaries are high because many of them are in special circumstances and receive two salaries.

One side is the local salary, and the other side is the military subsidy.

"Hmph, you can just enter the district motorcade? Also, what do you know at such a young age? Do you know who those two were just now?"

Zhang Genfa glanced at them, sat down directly on the throne that symbolized his power, and questioned them with a bit of hatred.

It's really a big toad that wants to eat swan meat.

Taking out his cigarette, the young leader lit the fire.

He knows the temperament of his sixth uncle, so don't even think about it.

His life is transparent, and his past decades can be summed up in just four words.

Bully the soft and fear the hard.

In this situation, there must be a story, so ask him carefully.

"They are not the big bosses of Hong Kong businessmen."

Zhang Genfa uttered lotus flowers and glanced at his eldest nephew who was not close to him, who he thought was more capable.

"Ignorance." This sound really shocked these people. They were all a little afraid of him and stood there tremblingly, not daring to speak.

Zhang Genfa also realized that he was a little excited just now and forgot that he was still in the district.

Then he whispered: "I just came back from the leader...that person named Luo is very likely to be related to Xichang Tower in the city."

To these young people who were just starting out, these words were completely false. They didn't take Xichang Tower seriously at all, and they didn't know the background of the owner of Xichang Tower.

After listening to what Zhang Genfa said, they all complained in their hearts, suspecting that Zhang Genfa wanted to find a reason to send them away.

Because one of the two people Luo Tao selected just now is his nephew.

Although the eldest brother who took the lead affectionately called him Uncle Six, in fact, the two of them had no blood relationship at all.

If it doesn't matter, it's nonsense, but they are all related to each other from the previous generation, and they have mutual benefits, so they would come to enjoy the shade under his big tree with status.

These people are now regarded as non-staff personnel in the district (like urban management officials in later generations, who assist the officials and do things that offend people) and receive 30 to [-] yuan a month.

The best thing is freedom. If you have something to do, you will go to work. If nothing happens, you will be the stubborn master of Mentougou.

Ye Zi was thinking about other things, but he said a few perfunctory words.

"Uncle Six, it's nothing, let's go back. There are a lot of vendors on the streets!"

Zhang Genfa also had a very embarrassed look on his face, and said with a smile: "Yi Zi, you three, don't worry, I will definitely not forget you if something like this happens again later, and I will also be in trouble this time.

Come, take this money, you guys can have something to eat and drink tonight, don't worry about the money. "

The man named Ye Zi took it over without any courtesy, thinking to himself that Zhang Genfa was indeed Zhang Genfa, he was so generous after all, and the money was only a big ticket, and the rest was just a fraction of a cent.

"Thank you Uncle Six, you are busy."

He led the people and walked out, "Fang Zi, don't you want to see me if you have something to do?"

The few people who were about to go out stopped, and within a few seconds they followed Ye Zi's footsteps and left again.

The man named Fang Zi consciously returned to the office and carefully closed the door.He smiled and asked, "Uncle, what can you tell me?"

"This time is a rare opportunity. It costs 60 yuan a month, which is much better than going to the streets every day to bluff people. You must work hard, kid, and don't fool around with them all day." Zhang Genfa said to his nephew. Still good.

"Uncle, is this ranger a little too tired? Can you get me into the convoy in the area?" He was still a little reluctant to go.

At first, when they heard that they would get 60 yuan a month, and that they might get promotions and raises in the future, they were happy and came without asking anything. But when they heard that it was a ranger, they lost interest.

If it weren't for Zhang Genfa and Zhu Lin's good looks, they would have left long ago.

"You little elm-headed boy, the forest ranger didn't ask you to live in the mountains. If you have time, go there. If you don't have time, just rest!"

This explanation is absolutely incisive. Talent alone cannot lead.

When Fang Zi heard this, he thought about it carefully. On his own territory, being lazy is nothing.

You can still get 60 yuan for free, this uncle is your biological uncle.

"Uncle, you smoke. When my nephew gets his salary, I will get you two bottles of Maotai to try." If you don't work hard at this time, why wait?

"Huh, you have some conscience, just go back if you have nothing to do!"

Zhang Genfa sent this nephew away while smoking.

He is just a little director. If he hadn't fallen in love with the district leader, he would have had the power to show off.

"The leader's birthday is coming soon, so it seems like I have to work harder."

"Monthly Ticket Recommendation Ticket"

(End of this chapter)

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