Chapter 350 Annan is broken at a touch
Here in Nanjing, it has become more and more lively and prosperous.

The gradual transformation of the entire capital is also being continuously expanded and maintained.

It is precisely because of the strength of the capital that the absorption of the surrounding small counties has become very terrifying.

Industry is the foundation. In recent days, Zhu Yunwei has been continuously maintaining various aspects of industry, and developing in the direction of modularization in all aspects.

To put it simply, there are already hundreds of factories of all kinds, large and small, around the current capital.

Only a small part of them were opened by Zhu Yunwei, and most of them were privately operated.

The current population of Nanjing City is already more than 200 million. It is like a place in a small alley, and it is a scene of crowded people all day long.

For this reason, we can only continue to widen and extend the outer city of Nanjing.

The busiest one is of course Zhengyang Gate. The other city gates that were previously deserted are now also crowded with people.

For Zhu Yunwei, the 18 billion treasure banknotes are just white paper and have no meaning if they are not spent.

When these treasured banknotes are in place, they will be equivalent to today's Daming treasured banknotes, and are approaching the consistent treasured banknotes of one tael of silver in the true sense.

In the current capital, Zhu Yun'ao, who is rich and powerful, has already made such a conversion.

Accompanying it, the first is the establishment of the Daming Royal Bank.

Daming Royal Bank is a grand building on the west side of Zhengyangmen Square.

In order to better accommodate more people for management, the land here covers an area of ​​five acres, which is more than 3000 square meters when converted to future generations.

It doesn't sound big, but this is Nanjing.

It is not an exaggeration to say that every inch of land is expensive.

Only when Zhu Yunwei was repairing and constructing Zhengyang Avenue could he say that he would leave such a place.

The Royal Bank of Ming Dynasty adopts a brick-powder structure instead of the traditional wooden structure.

In terms of decoration, it is naturally Chinese style.

Just say that there are as many as 49 windows for handling business.

The most important thing is that in this Daming Royal Bank, silver and treasure banknotes are exchanged on a one-to-one basis.

In other words, if you come here with ten guan notes, you can directly exchange them for ten taels of silver.

In addition, there is a trade-in service.

Recycling is carried out according to the integrity of the treasure banknotes. Slight damage to the treasure banknotes will not affect the equivalent exchange, as long as the writing on the treasure banknotes is clearly visible.

On these two points alone, it is tantamount to completely stabilizing the value of the Daming Treasure Banknote.

When these news appeared in the Dibao, many people still didn't believe it.

After it opened, I couldn't help but not believe it.

With the rapid development of the economy, the macro control of the entire Ming Dynasty's economic status has become a more important direction.

With a stable economy, Daming now fully possesses the ability and preparation for multi-party combat.

The issue of military pay is no longer an issue for Daming today.

For some small countries that are not conducive to opening up, they now have good investment capital, and they can slowly recycle over a long period of time.

For example, Annan now.

After Annan was shot down, there must be a return in name.

But it is completely possible to achieve the degree of demilitarization.

After Annan's demilitarization, there is actually not much difference from the current direct subordinate of Ming Dynasty.

The only difference is that the nominal supreme leader of Annan is the Annan royal family.

Law, commerce, construction, security and many other aspects were all taken over by Daming.

Moreover, Annan is needed to bear the reparations regulations on the war.

It is at this point in time.

The silver deposits in Wa country have been mined on a large scale.

The mined silver ore will first be built locally for initial processing, and then transported to the capital of the Ming Dynasty in a unified manner.

"Our eldest grandson is right. This Japanese country is really a country rich in silver. Why didn't we know about this before."

"Dasun, come and take a look, the first batch of silver delivered is said to have exceeded 800 million taels."

In the Qianqing Palace, Zhu Yuanzhang called Zhu Yunwei over to share the good news.You must know that the Japanese country has not yet been fully developed. This is only the first batch of results. When various facilities are improved later, more silver will naturally be transported.

800 taels!

Even for the current Daming, this is a wealth that cannot be ignored.

You must know that this does not mean that there is only one batch of delivery every year. According to the current standard, it will be delivered every three months.

That is, four deliveries per year.

Calculated according to the least, there are more than 3000 million taels of silver in the account a year.

In the past, Daming was losing money every year, but now Daming is making a lot of income every year.

There is so much money that the household department does not know where to spend it.

Needless to say, on the domestic side.

It is imminent to build a basic civilization.

The first thing in front of us is cleanliness and public toilets.

From another perspective, it is a healthy and civilized city.

This sounds simple, but it actually means building a sewage treatment system for the entire city of Nanjing.

It is equivalent to digging a large amount of ground for unified collection and discharge.

This is a big project, especially for Nanjing today.

The previous public toilets were mainly in places like inns, restaurants, and tea houses.

Wherein the use is also mainly for toilet basins and urinals.

With a population of 200 million, if it is not properly treated, it will easily lead to a smelly feeling.

Such a situation occurred in ancient European castles.

All kinds of stench radiated from the whole castle.

Now that you are rich, you naturally have to keep up with it in many aspects.

The capital of the Ming Dynasty held Fengshui conferences and large-scale construction here.

On the Guangxi side, the 30 troops are basically well trained.

Compared with the army of the capital, Guangxi is still dominated by guards.

Because of their planting, they are usually much less familiar with combat preparations, and the pre-war drills are of great significance.

"I don't know what kind of muscle this Annan has broken. He actually wants to fight against our Daming."

"Don't you even know how much strength you have?"

"To deal with a mere Annan, how can we need 30 troops, like killing a chicken with a bull's knife."

"Commander, allow me one hundred thousand soldiers, and watch me take him down in one go."

Puding Hou Chen Huan said carelessly, not paying attention to Annan at all.

Of course, he does have the capital to be proud of. Although he is getting older now, his body is not as good as before because of the charge and battle in the early years.

But his vision is getting higher and higher.

Especially when it comes to leading troops in combat.

The Grand Commander he was talking about was naturally Jingning Hou Yesheng.

Ye Sheng, Marquis of Jingning, laughed and said: "You can't do this, Annan is only so big, after all, he wants his brothers to make meritorious deeds."

"If I follow behind you, I'm afraid I won't even have a chance to drink soup, and my brothers won't blame me to death."

When Pudinghou Chen Huan heard this, he naturally knew that he had nothing to say.

As for the credit for defeating Annan, the two of them are actually not very fond of each other.


Now they are already at the level of Lord Hou, and if they go up, they are Feng Gong.

The Duke didn't say it was so easy to get.

Take a look at those who were conferred the title of Duke before, which one didn't make great contributions.

(End of this chapter)

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