Admiral in the Azure World

Chapter 731 Information about Lann

Chapter 731 Information about Lann

If Mirage discovers Tirpitz and the others' whereabouts, it is very likely that a large number of troops will be sent to attack and interfere.This is what Huang Jiang is most worried about. Although these dispatched troops still need to cross the bombing circle of the aircraft carrier before this, it is not completely impossible. After all, aircraft carriers cannot dispatch at night, and submarines can only fight at night. Mirage with limited interference.

From the perspective of Huangjiang, this island-hopping operation is really dancing on a tightrope. Once there is any flaw in the middle link, then those assault troops are likely to be surrounded by mirages.By then, Huang Jiang will probably no longer think of any tricks, and will directly dispatch the fleet to attack the mirage head-on.The chance of winning is actually better, but the consumption of resources is probably something that today's Jialan leaders can't afford. Even if they unlock the resource mail, it's still a bit tight. That's why Huang Jiang came up with this dangerous but very tricky method. The method is just like thinking about how to salvage the whole submarine every time. Although we know that there are many anti-submarine deep seas in Dao, we must save resources as much as possible.

But recent intelligence has slowly opened up a broader picture of the westerly drift in the Yellow River.When he no longer limited his sight to the mirage in the resource belt, Huang Jiang suddenly discovered that the mirage in the resource belt might not be as powerful as he thought. At least for now, they did not dispatch large-scale troops to surround the three assault forces. fleet strength.

Because...most of the main forces of West Wind Drift were involved in the Lann territorial waters.

Unlike the Gloria Territory, which has the Gloria Sea as a buffer zone, the waters of the Gloria Territory are really full of all kinds of head-on conflicts. This is also due to the Lann family's strong financial resources, O'Neill's troops and the sponsorship of the merchant alliance. Only the forces of the Edelweiss Territory can gain a foothold here. You must know that it has always been the place where the conflict between Tulip and Westerly Drift was most concentrated. Unlike the sea area in Gloria, which originally belonged to the Edelweiss Territory, the mirage has not been completely digested until now. .

Although now, Huang Jiang has the confidence to go head-to-head with the main force of the mirage drifting in the west wind, but he has to admit that if he was thrown into that sea area, he might not be able to rise so quickly.

If Jialan is constantly regaining the homeland of Edelweiss Collar from Mirage, then Lann is cutting flesh directly from the territory previously occupied by the West Wind Drift Front.Of course, if these sea areas go back to a longer time, they may still belong to the Federation. Of course, they are not Edelweiss, but originally belonged to the Tulip Territory.

If you unfold the federal sea map, it is not difficult to find that the best development direction for the Lann family is actually to start from Lann collar and go south directly from the Rose Island side to insert the resource belt that originally belonged to Edelweiss collar, that is, tea island and other resources The sea area where the island is located.Originally, Edelweiss Collar and Tulip Collar were adjacent to a large area of ​​sea, so it was no surprise that they were able to walk along the Yellow River in this way.

But in the end, Lann did not go like this. Instead, he first attacked the homeland of West Wind Drift and seized a territory first.Huang Jiang was very surprised, so he asked Pu Xi, a classmate from Erwuzi in front.

The answer he got made Huang Jiang scratch his head.

The Lann family believes that if they attack the resource belt first, it will be easy for the outside world to think that they have taken refuge in Milton and help Milton suppress the Jialan Territory. In this case, what is the difference from when they were under the Sun Shadow Lan Territory? ?The reason why the Lann family paid such a high price to come here this time is to get rid of the shackles of the Governor's family and even promote themselves to the Governor's family. Even if they want to suppress the Gloria Territory, they cannot do it just by obeying Milton's orders. The action should be cooperation!

Therefore, the first thing to do is to show off your momentum and let everyone know that the Lann family wants to be completely independent this time!Be your own king.

This inexplicable sense of family glory makes ordinary people like Huang Jiang, who comes from a grassroots background and has no inheritance, completely confused.But the most obvious thing is...that is, I seem to be underestimated by Lan?

They seem to think that they can't capture the resource belt before they capture the first territory...

Really, it seems that because of the belief that common people have no potential for development, Jialan's current success is only due to the luck of the loss of talent due to the Tulip leader's mistake in decision-making... Or is it immersed in the old concept?
Huang Jiang couldn't help but sneer. These people were very much like those foreigners who thought that their fellow villagers should still have pigtails. They buried their heads deeply in the ground and were unwilling to accept any new things that were different from their worldview.

Forget it, even if they know that Jialan is very powerful and has the ability to quickly annex tea island and other resource islands, the Lan En leader will probably continue to attack the homeland of the West Wind Drifting Front. After all, this is related to the family's honor.

Ah, the glory of the nobility, Huang Jiang finally saw a lifelike model. Even in the Blue Federation, this is a very rare old thing.

Although he couldn't understand it and was looked down upon in passing, Huang Jiang didn't mean to laugh at the fools of the Lann family. Compared with those governors who only focused on internal fighting and did not care about external affairs, Lann could be regarded as keeping up with Jia. Lan and Mandala's footsteps were much higher than those of a certain Milton who knew how to stab him in the back.

But what Huang Jiang cares about is another thing...Because of the need to defend the homeland, the West Wind Drift front deployed a large number of main forces on the battlefields between Rann Territory and West Wind Drift, and even the troops stationed on Cha Island. The "Flying Fish" bombing force is also there. It's no wonder that until now, Huangjiang has not received any information that the fleet has received bomber attacks.

This also means that other sea areas in the West Wind Drift are in a state of lack of troops at this time. Even if they are able to defend themselves, they will not be able to send a large number of troops to surround their fleet.Although it was the small fluctuation caused by Lan En's butterfly flapping its wings that caused such favorable changes in the battlefield on Jialan's side, Huang Jiang could be considered relieved.

God, this feeling is very similar to the state of the last shipment.

At that moment, he actually had a little illusion that he was the European Emperor.

But soon, Huang Jiang returned to reality.It is an indisputable fact that the island hopping tactic is used to advance rashly. Although Huangjiang had to advance rashly this time entirely because of the oppression of the Lann Territory, this matter should be avoided as much as possible in the future.

On the other hand, Huang Jiang couldn't help but feel doubtful when looking at Lan Enling's intelligence...

Even if the Lann family has just established a foothold, can it really directly defeat so many Mirage main forces?

Judging from the situation, the Rann Territory is undoubtedly at a disadvantage, but considering that they have just been established, even if they are at a disadvantage, they still captured several mirage islands. This is genuine and commendable. .

Huang Jiang believed that it was impossible to achieve such a situation with Lan En's current wealth.

What is going on...

Huang Jiang picked up the letter in his hand, which was information about the commander of the Lann Sea Battle passed by the intelligence department.'s an old acquaintance.


In the same class as myself, a tactical genius who has stabilized Sartre-Andrew in terms of tactical literacy...

In the joint exercise that year, the remaining troops were integrated and the one who fought Sartre evenly was [-]-[-].

Only then did Huang Jiang remember that this man had wanted to change his career long ago and come to work under Lan En...

At this time, Huang Jiang finally received good news from the front line. Hood and the Peanut fleet arrived at the target location one after another, leaving only the Tirpitz fleet.

(End of this chapter)

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