Admiral in the Azure World

Chapter 102 New Member

Chapter 102 New Member

"Senior U47! You're still wet! Don't hug your commander at this time!" A blue-haired girl dived up from the sea and shouted anxiously towards the ship.

"Hee hee! It's okay, U156, sir, you're not angry yet!" U47 smiled and climbed down from under Huang Jiang because she found two strangers standing behind Huang Jiang.

Huang Jiang pressed his forehead helplessly. His clothes were already wet from the sea water on U47.

"How do you feel, U47?" Huang Jiang asked with a smile.

"The sea here is great!" U47 said with a hearty smile.

"Senior U47! I told you to dry yourself when you go ashore! It's easy to catch a cold~" U156 said anxiously.

"It's okay, it's okay~" U47 jumped back into the sea with a splash, and the splashed water bounced all over Huang Jiang again.

"..." Huang Jiang was speechless and felt a vibration under his feet.

"Ah~! Senior U47! Don't jump down so suddenly!" U156 subconsciously blocked the splashing sea water with his hands, "Really, why are seniors so excited when they arrive?"

"Because I want to show my cute side in front of the commander." U505 crawled to the sea with difficulty, with a lump on his head.

"What's wrong with you?" U156 approached with concern and gently touched U505's forehead with his hand.

"I accidentally hit the boat just now." U505 complained, holding the bag on his head aggrievedly, "I've been so unlucky since I got here..."

"Ah~! Senior U47!" U156 was paying full attention to U505's injury, but found that U505, who had just been complaining about her unlucky situation, was suddenly pulled down. When she lowered her head, she saw that it was U47 under the sea, and she saw her face was red. Covering U505's mouth, he whispered something into U505's ear.

At this time, a string of bubbles suddenly appeared around her, and U81 sneaked up silently.


"(Gurgling), U47 is struggling with U505." U81 muttered, "U156 is thin-skinned and will not take the initiative. (Gurgling), Friedrich, prepare to attack!"

U81 clenched his fists to cheer himself up.

"Huh? What are you talking about! U81!" U156 looked confused.

"I mean!" U81 said imposingly, "Today's chief is my U81's! (Gulu Gulu)"

As soon as U81 finished speaking, she jumped up from the sea, grabbed the side of the ship with one hand, and jumped on board like U47 before. Before Huang Jiang could react, she threw Huang Jiang to the ground. .

"Hey!" Huang Jiang helplessly looked at U81 riding on him and said helplessly, "There are still outsiders here..."

"There are no outsiders." U81 looked around and said.

Upon hearing this, Huang Jiang subconsciously looked around and found that Thors had taken Nicholas off the boat at some point...

"Also, sir, what I said means that as long as there are no outsiders..." U81 pretended to be disgusted, "This is really perverted, sir."

"Fuck! I didn't mean that!" Huang Jiang quickly denied.

"It's too late! Such a commander must be punished!" U81 pointed at Huang Jiang's nose righteously, "Otto! Berg! Friedrich!"

Following the cry of U81, three little wolf cubs emerged from her swimsuit. The wolf cubs howled and kept licking Huang Jiang's face and neck with their barbed tongues, making Huang Jiang's face and neck so yellow. Jiang was itching uncomfortably and kept twisting.

"I can't let you run away like this, sir!" U81 pressed Huang Jiang down and put all his body weight on Huang Jiang.

"Come down quickly! Come down quickly!" Huang Jiang kept begging for mercy.

"U81!! You actually ran away!"

He heard a commotion from the sea below the boat, and then U47 jumped on the boat again and appeared in his sight again. U47 squeezed U81 away and sat on Huang Jiang's body.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing?" Huang Jiang was being licked by three wolf cubs. He wanted to escape, but was pinned down by two submarines. He couldn't move at all, so he could only say helplessly.

"Stop making trouble! Seniors!" U156 did not jump up, but obediently led U505 through the main entrance, and then walked ashore onto the ship. "Hurry up! Come and help too! U156! Hey, you abandoned your own ship girl without authorization. Such a commander must be punished!" U81 greeted.

"Yes, yes!" U47 looked excited.

"Holy shit! U156, what's going on with that reasonable expression on your face!" Huang Jiang yelled, and could only watch with a speechless expression as U156 came over and held down his feet.

"Don't do this. Don't do this." Huang Jiang kept begging for mercy.

"Ah! Berg! You can't lick there! Hahahahaha!" Huang Jiang wanted to twist his body, but the girls firmly suppressed him.

But an admiral is an admiral after all, not to mention that Huang Jiang is still an admiral of the R-series. Even though he was pinned down by three ship ladies, he finally managed to sit up unsteadily with his own strength.

"Don't let the officer escape!" U47 shouted loudly.

This shout woke up U505, who was still in a dazed state after the collision. She looked up and found several of her cousins ​​sitting around the commander, so she shouted very happily: "What are you playing at!" I want to play too!"

Then U505 also pressed up.


Huang Jiang was once again pushed to the ground, and the three wolf cubs began to lick happily again.As for Huang Jiang, he gave up his resistance. No matter how powerful he was, he was still no match for the combined suppression of the four ship girls.

Huang Jiang looked at the sky absentmindedly.

The sky is exceptionally blue today and the sun is extremely bright, but why do I feel so cold...


It turned out that before he knew it, his clothes had been soaked by the sea water. The greasy texture made Huang Jiang feel a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't move no matter how hard he twisted.

"Sir, please apologize!" U81 lowered his head and approached Huang Jiang and said angrily, "Why did you leave without saying goodbye in the first place!"

I traveled through time and can't log into the game. What should I do...

Huang Jiang explained the ins and outs of the matter speechlessly.

After all, he had just summoned them in the morning and hurried to inspect them without explaining the reasons for this world in detail.

"I see..." U81 nodded.

"So...can you let me go?" Huang Jiang smiled with difficulty.

"If that's the case, it's okay to reluctantly forgive the commander." U81 nodded.

"So hurry up and get off the officer's body." The obedient U156 said.

"Haha, it's so fun!" U47 was already sitting on Huang Jiang's belly and jumping up and down.

"Senior U47! Don't do this!" U156 grabbed U47 in panic.
"What are you doing!" Although U505 is suppressing Huang Jiang with everyone, she still doesn't understand what happened.

"So get off me quickly!!!" Huang Jiang shouted helplessly.

"Master, I finally found you. Miss Hood is looking for..."

Huang Jiang heard a woman's voice above his head. He raised his head with difficulty and saw Sheng Sheng in a maid uniform.

"Ah, reputation! You are finally here!" he said with relief.

When Sheng Sheng saw the scene on the boat, he was silent for a while, covered his mouth and said, "Ah, Master, you are really in a good mood."

"What's the interest?...Wait! Wait! Reputation! Why are you unfolding your ship suit!!"

(End of this chapter)

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