ball king training device

Chapter 1254 Show Your Own Stage

Although the Rose Garden Stadium is not as famous as the Bernabéu Stadium and the Nou Camp Stadium, the influence of the Copa del Rey semi-finals is still there, especially the competition that Lin Yu participated in. The whole of Europe, no, it should be said that the whole world will pay attention.

For this group of young people, their only purpose is to show themselves on the big stage, and then sell themselves. They don't want to spend their whole lives in the youth team, and they have greater ambitions.

In fact, the reason why most young people can become famous is not necessarily because they entered the giants, but because they are in some second-tier teams, and they may mix better.

Cristiano Ronaldo has already made his mark in Sporting Lisbon, and Isco won the Golden Boy Award in Malaga. Gotze, Royce, Shinji Kagawa, including Lin Yu, were all known from Dortmund. People came out.

Neymar and Hazard were also favored by giants because of their outstanding performance in the second-tier teams.

After all, in such a team, you will get more chances to play. This must be admitted. As long as you have enough talent, you can exercise it, which is better than staying in a wealthy club.

Now these people in the Real Madrid youth team no longer expect to be able to directly enter the first team to play. Their more realistic wish is to be able to show excellent results in games such as the Copa del Rey semi-finals and the Copa del Rey final, and then be accepted by others. The team fancy, that's enough.

To put it a bit bigger, this kind of game is actually a game that concerns the fate of all youth team players, and it is impossible for them not to play well.

Enzo also needs to use his performance in the game to prove that he is absolutely capable of entering the Real Madrid first team.


After Real Madrid arrived in Malaga, they announced their squad with a high profile.There's even a starter list.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of thing is only announced when the game is about to start.Even so, when the game really started.Also subject to change.

But this time, Zidane just wants to let everyone know what kind of lineup he will use to play this semi-final. The reason why he is so high-profile is to give those young people enough confidence to show that he believes in them.

Of course, when these young people heard Zidane's words, they were all eager to try, and they didn't want to disappoint Zidane.I don't want the media to gossip about Zidane. No matter what others say, they are very grateful to Zidane for giving them such a chance to perform.

They backed Zidane, but the journalists were outraged.

"Have a good time in the Copa del Rey semi-final, what kind of trick is this playing? Do you really think you can sit back and relax after winning 4:2 at home?"

The reporters found that in this starting list, except for Lin Yu, Khedira, Karas, Mignolet, and Nacho, the rest are all youth team players. exactly the same.

A lot of strange names.They haven't matched up yet.

It is even more difficult for foreign journalists. They have to translate Spanish names into other languages, because many transliterations are not uniform.As a result, no one knew who it was.

The Chinese journalists were more straightforward and completely replaced their original names in English.I won't translate it, lest the bull's head be wrong when the horse's mouth is said.Anyway, they don t care much about these people, they just want to know how Lin Yu is performing.

The reporters all felt that Zidane was a little too careless.In the first round of the game, it was because Malaga was not well prepared and underestimated the enemy, so they lost 2:4 in the end, and it was still a game at the Bernabéu Stadium. The second round was completely different. Raja must be fully prepared, coupled with the advantage of the home court, Zidane is simply playing with fire in doing so.

They can be regarded as professionals. It can be seen that Real Madrid exposed many weaknesses in the first round of the semi-finals. The cooperation was not tacit enough. The youth team players could not keep up with Lin Yu's rhythm. Lin Yu also did not cooperate well and made many mistakes , so they have enough reason to worry that the second round of the game will be abused miserably.

Malaga only needs a 2:0 to eliminate Real Madrid, which is not too difficult to do, after all, this is just a lineup that is not even a substitute lineup.

After some analysis and reprimands, the reporters also gradually calmed down. They felt that Zidane could not be so stupid and could not have thought of these things, so why did he insist on doing this?

There may be only one reason.

That is, Zidane is not particularly enthusiastic about this King's Cup champion. Maybe he doesn't want to give up, but reality forces him to give up.

The reporters thought of the recent match. Although Real Madrid and Paris Saint-Germain won the Champions League match and advanced to the semi-finals, the process was not as easy as imagined.

And their next opponent in the semi-finals is Chelsea. To play against Chelsea, you can't do it even if your physical strength is slightly weaker.

In addition, the current league points are quite subtle. Although Real Madrid still has the opportunity to make mistakes, it is only once. It is estimated that Zidane does not want to make mistakes.

For these reasons, Zidane had to let the main players of the first team and even the substitute players rest together, in order to prevent various emergencies.

Reporters are generally people who would rather believe what they think than the facts, so the more they think about it, the more they feel that their idea makes sense. Some reporters even bought football lottery directly, betting that Malaga will advance to the final .

Of course, they didn’t dare to buy too much in order to take care of the time. After all, Real Madrid still has Lin Yu. As long as Lin Yu is on the court, anything can happen. Zidane may be really forced to give up. But will Lin Yu do it?Obviously not, Lin Yu is not the kind of person who will give up easily.

How can others understand this kind of entanglement.


After returning to the hotel and settling down, and taking a break, Zidane pulled the team to the Rose Garden Stadium to adapt to the venue.

This time there is no need to compete, just to get used to the hardness and humidity of the turf of the Rose Garden Stadium, so as not to be uncomfortable during the game.

Many youth team players burst into tears after entering the stadium.This made Lin Yu a little confused.

"Enzo, why are they crying?" Lin Yu thinks it is more appropriate to ask the captain of the youth team this question: "The Rose Garden Stadium is not a special place. There is no need to be so excited."

"Boss Lin, you don't understand. For the youth team players, it is already thankful to be able to participate in the King's Cup semi-final once. In the last round, we all thought it was just improvised, and we thought it was the only time. , I didn’t expect us to continue to play in the second round, so I was very excited.” Enzo explained.

"Then why didn't you cry?" Lin Yu asked.

"Me? I will definitely be able to enter the first team. I believe in my performance. If it doesn't work, I will transfer and leave. I can't waste my youth in youth team games all the time. It doesn't matter to me." It's challenging." Enzo laughed.

"Good job! But you still go to persuade those boys and tell them not to cry. The semi-finals are nothing, and they have a chance to play in the final, as long as the game is beautiful enough." Lin Yu said.

"Boss Lin, are you serious? I know my dad is very stubborn. Will he agree with your suggestion?" Enzo asked.

"He has already agreed, why didn't he agree? We played so well. He has no reason to object at all!" Lin Yu made an ok gesture and said, "Relax, things are not as complicated as you imagined. In fact, for your father For me, the Copa del Rey is just a trivial champion. He may even give up, but he also understands how important this championship is to you, so with his character, it is absolutely possible for you to perform to your heart's content of."


"That's right, rest assured to go to training. Today we are here to adapt to the venue, not to express emotion. If you don't perform well because of abnormal emotions, then don't even think about the finals, let alone them, even you may not be here." I can get a chance to play. Your father is sometimes easy to talk, but sometimes, as you said, he is very stubborn!" Lin Yu exhorted again.

"Don't worry, Boss Lin, I'll tell them right away!"

For Enzo, this may be the most meaningful game he has participated in in the youth team. It is also his last season in the youth team. Whether he is promoted to the first team or chooses to leave Real Madrid to join It is impossible for him to stay in the youth team in other teams, so he must show his best side to the fans and the media, and he must show his value.

He wants to perform well, and of course he cannot do without the help of his teammates. If it is a group of teammates who are slowing down, it may not only not help, but may cause some troubles, so he really has to make his teammates excited.


When the Real Madrid players were leisurely adapting to the field at the Rose Garden Stadium and preparing for a big fight here, Real Madrid's coach Zidane was being questioned by the media at the press conference.

That scene really felt a bit accusatory, Zidane was almost becoming a criminal being paraded, and saliva could splash all over his face.

All the reporters' questions were basically directed at this time's starting roster.

"Mr. Zidane, we have seen your starting lineup, is this just a smoke screen, or do you really intend to let those children play this game?"

"Are you planning to give up the Copa del Rey?"

"Although your team won the first round, it doesn't mean that it is absolutely certain to advance to the final. You may think clearly. A wrong start may directly cause you to lose a very meaningful championship!"

"Six-time champion, Mr. Zidane, have you forgotten your wish?"

"If you lose this game, won't you regret it?"


Faced with this question that flew like random arrows, Zidane did not show any impatience, because he knew it in his heart, so he was relatively calm.

How to answer these questions and how to face these reporters, he has actually thought about it a long time ago, because he knows very well that once such a list is released, it will definitely arouse strong doubts from the reporters. Something to worry about.

He knew that he didn't want to give up. On the contrary, he was bound to win the king's championship. Because of this, he decided to send such a lineup after careful consideration. He felt that the main players of the first team should play , On the contrary, it may make mistakes, after all, lack of fighting spirit, this is a big problem.

"The questions you raised are actually not a problem at all. Our players have proved that they are qualified to play a beautiful game. Didn't we win the first round with a beautiful 4:2? Won, why would I replace them? If you were the coach, would you let a player of yours who was doing so well go out of the game without an injury? That would be a blow!"

What he said is very reasonable and reasonable. Everyone understands that although players can be traded with money, they are not ordinary things after all, but living people with their own thoughts and feelings. You don't let them play when they are doing well, it hits their pride and morale very badly, only a stupid manager would do that.

Zidane is not trying to perfunctory reporters, because he also believes what he said. (to be continued..)

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