ball king training device

Chapter 1243 Showdown of Soccer Realm Masters

For Real Madrid, the second round of the national derby against Barcelona can actually be played with a more relaxed mood. After all, they still lead by four points. Even if they lose this game, they still have a one-point lead. .

But Barcelona is different. They must win this game. If they lose, the gap between them and Real Madrid will widen to as much as seven points. There is basically no hope of winning the championship, unless Real Madrid kills themselves in the last few rounds.

Even if it is tied, there is still a gap of four points, which is also unfavorable for Barcelona, ​​so to put it bluntly, Barcelona is a road to Huashan, and only by defeating Real Madrid can they be on the way to the championship Grab a chance, otherwise, you can directly announce that you have given up winning the league this season.

The second round of the national derby will be held at Camp Nou, which is Barcelona's home stadium. They have to seize the opportunity, otherwise it would be a bit shameful to lose to Real Madrid at their own gate, and they may even lose It is absolutely impossible to cause an overall decline in team morale and affect the Champions League and King's Cup games.

For them, this is a challenge, and of course it is also an opportunity. After all, it is home and they have a certain advantage. What's more, in the first round of the national derby, even at the Bernabéu, Barcelona played very well. Almost won Real Madrid, which also makes them full of confidence in the second leg of the national derby.

There is no going back.

Behind is the abyss.

The only way is to move forward and defeat the mighty Real Madrid giant in front of him, otherwise it will end up falling to his death.

The moods of the two sides before the game were different.This could also go back to the difference that led to the final outcome of the game.

Zidane arrived in Catalonia and arrived in Barcelona with the Real Madrid players in a rather relaxed mood.Here, a battle of life and death belongs to Barcelona.The battle of glory belonging to Real Madrid is about to begin.

The national derby happens every season, but every season is the top priority of La Liga, including fans from Europe and other countries and regions in the world, even if they are not fans of these two teams, they will pay attention to such games , this is its huge influence.


There is no doubt that Real Madrid and Barcelona must be the two most successful teams in the history of La Liga. Both teams have had a period of dominance in football, and both have made the whole of Europe tremble with fear.

This is like the Soviet Union and the United States back then.Their existence makes them completely impossible opponents. They are the two poles of the world, the two bosses, and Real Madrid and Barcelona are almost in the same situation in La Liga.

I don't know when it started, the two teams have become mortal enemies, enemies, and they can only completely trample each other under their feet.Only then can you show your strength, otherwise even if you win the La Liga championship, if you are double-killed by your opponent in the season, it will be a shameful thing.

If the Madrid derby between Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid is due to geographical factors.Then the national derby formed by Real Madrid and Barcelona is not the case at all, it is more important.It is a duel reflected in the strength of the two teams and who is the number one club in La Liga.

So in the few seasons before Lin Yu joined Real Madrid.Barcelona fans are basically happier because they put Real Madrid under their feet.It made them quite content.

They have successively won league championships, Champions League championships, etc., and the envious Real Madrid fans are gnashing their teeth one by one.

Although there are occasional rebounds in the middle, they are no match for Barcelona's dominance in the end.

But since Lin Yu came, everything has changed. Real Madrid seems to have a new vitality. They have won almost all the championships they can win in the league, Champions League, Copa del Rey, Super Cup, Club World Cup Yes, they even double-killed Barcelona for several consecutive seasons, making Barcelona a little dizzy.

This sense of humiliation makes many Barcelona fans unacceptable. They have a sense of helplessness of being bullied and humiliated, which is a bit too aggrieved.

They have been clamoring for revenge, wanting to stand up, and want to take back everything that belongs to them, but every time they play against Real Madrid, they come happily and return disappointed, which is really very uncomfortable.

But this time, they seem to be full of confidence. This is their home court, and this season they are not as passive as before against Real Madrid. They feel that maybe this season, this game, is the time for them to turn around.


The media tried to hype up the game before the game, trying to set off a war of words, but this time they were disappointed. The whole Real Madrid team didn't answer the questions, and Barcelona seemed to be focused on the game itself, unwilling to slobber at this time battle.

The reason why Lin Yu didn't answer the question was because his mind was also on the game. Perhaps for him, this game could even be regarded as a preview of the King's Cup final. He wanted to see how Barcelona played this season. How much ability has grown.

There was no quarreling or shouting. Before the start of the game, it was very calm, so calm that many fans felt a little depressed, as if the oppressive atmosphere before the storm was coming.

Masters who have reached the level of martial arts no longer need to deal with the enemy through intrigues and tricks, because all plots and tricks are in vain. The real confrontation can only be face-to-face and a serious victory burden.

And Real Madrid and Barcelona are like two masters of transformation. They know each other very well, and in order to win this game, they have also made sufficient preparations and are absolutely unwilling to lose to their opponents easily.

The two sides, who seemed to be calm, were actually already secretly working hard, as if it was a duel of momentum.


The game came on schedule.

It is strange that the Barcelona fans behaved politely in this game.When the two teams entered the field, they did not issue ugly boos and curses.Just cheering on your players, rooting for your players.

Maybe they figured it out too.Booing and cursing have little effect on Lin Yu, or even Real Madrid as a whole. Instead of wasting energy on it, it is better to simply use all your energy to cheer for your team.

At the very least, cheering and cheering can still produce effects, while boos and scolding may have counterproductive effects.

It's not that they suddenly become polite and less vulgar, but they feel that they shouldn't do useless things.

It is impossible for them to forget the hatred for Real Madrid.It is impossible to forget the hatred for Lin Yu. If Lin Yu wants to join Manchester City, Manchester City fans will welcome it, but if Lin Yu wants to join Barcelona, ​​it may not be possible. Maybe a large number of fans will go directly to the club. before protesting.

This is hatred, resentment from the bottom of my heart, I would rather be defeated by you than become one of us.Because of that, we wouldn't be able to get revenge, and that feeling is so unpleasant.

Why did Cao Ang's mother leave Cao Cao?It is because Cao Cao not only failed to avenge his son, but also accepted the enemy as his subordinate.Cao Cao could accept it, but Cao Ang's mother could not accept it.

Why was Liu Bei willing to risk failure to attack Wu?In the end, the company was set on fire!Doesn't he really know that Zhuge Liang's suggestion is right?He knew, but he couldn't tolerate his brother being killed by Wu Guo.As if he was powerless, he had to take revenge.Even if it's death, even if it's losing your country.

Some hate can be tolerated.But some hatred can't be tolerated.


With the whistle of the referee, the fans in the Barcelona stands cheered loudly, and the game began.

The two experienced masters knew each other very well, so there was no need to spy on each other at the beginning of the match, and they just fought each other.

After Klopp's training, Barcelona has basically abandoned the playing style of staying on the spot. Although there are still a lot of cooperation and passing, but more of them are running and moving. Short pass cooperation.

Klopp combined his Dortmund style of play with Barcelona's own style of play to create a style of play that is more suitable for this team today.

He believes that this style of play is more advanced than the previous Dortmund style of play, and better than the previous style of Barcelona.

But no matter how good the style of play is, it has to be based on results, so if he can win this game, then he can justify his tactics!

At the beginning of the game, Barcelona played very aggressively. They firmly controlled the ball and launched attacks frequently, trying to rely on the advantage of the home court to gain an advantage in the score first. In this case, the next game will be easy to play.

Seeing that their team has the upper hand, Barcelona's fans are even louder. Nowadays, there are very few teams that can gain a statistical advantage in front of Real Madrid. It is undoubtedly commendable for Barcelona to do this .

On the other hand, Real Madrid played conservatively from the beginning. After all, on other people's territory, you have to guard against traps and ambushes. If you play too impulsively, it is in line with other wishes.

Defensive counter attack.

That's right, that's Zidane's strategy for this game, and that's why he's playing Khedira and David Luiz in the holding midfielders, with Azpilicueta at full-back and Callas.

These are all defensively skilled players.

The central defenders are the more stable Ramos and Varane. In fact, there is no one else to use, because David Luiz and Callas are both on the field.

As for the attacking midfielder, he used Pogba, who is more capable of handling the ball and has a stronger body. The key point is that Pogba also has a very good long-range shot.

The first three people have not changed. Royce, Lin Yu, Bell, and the three fast horses are good materials for counterattack.

What Zidane seeks is the word "stability". He is not complacent because of the previous double-kill Barcelona. He always believes that Barcelona has always been the team that threatens Real Madrid, so this game, even if it is a draw in the end , he can also accept it, as long as he doesn't lose.

Why counterattack?It is because of this reason.


In fact, if you look at the situation of winning the championship, even if Real Madrid loses in this game, it is acceptable, as long as you don’t lose too badly. The key point is that if you lose too badly, it will form a chain reaction, and it may even lead to Team morale is down, the game is not played well, then it is really bad.

It is precisely because of these considerations that Zidane will seek stability. Even if he cannot win, he must not be defeated. The impact of the defeat is too serious for them. In the end, it may affect the King's Cup and the Champions League. It also affects the league.

Of course, these are all strategies based on Zidane's prudence. In fact, Barcelona is not that terrible. They really want to slaughter Real Madrid, which is really impossible.

Perhaps because of this, in this game, although Real Madrid's players were crushed badly, no one was nervous. If you are not nervous, you will not make mistakes easily, and if you do not make mistakes, you will not give the opponent a chance.

Some people may say, what if you relax too much, wouldn't you be underestimating the enemy?

Don't worry about this, now that Barcelona is so overwhelmed, it's impossible to let Real Madrid's players relax completely. (to be continued..)

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