ball king training device

Chapter 1219 Not for sale?Priceless?

Mubarak held a press conference in Manchester and answered reporters' questions specifically about Lin Yu's question.

Not only reporters but also many fans were present.

Of course, they didn't come to make trouble, they just wanted to know the truth. If the team really wanted to buy Lin Yu, they would definitely like 1 likes.


Don't be ridiculous. If he is an opponent, he is an enemy. If he becomes one of his own, can he be considered an enemy?

What's more, this is not a war, and no one is dead. How can there be such a big hatred?

The so-called hatred probably means that Lin Yu once led Chelsea to defeat Manchester City, led Dortmund to defeat Manchester City, and led Real Madrid to defeat Manchester City.

If this is deliberately counted as hatred, it is so simple, after Lin Yu joins, he will help Manchester City win a few more trophies, it is really no big deal.

And for Manchester City fans, once Lin Yu joins, they can show off to Chelsea fans, "Look, this was your trump card back then. You don't know how to cherish it. Now he is ours."

It's just that they need to figure out this matter, so they don't want to be happy when the time comes, it would be a shame.

Media from all over the UK, even from Spain, came to the scene of the press conference. They wanted to know how Mubarak would explain this matter.

After all, up to now, Manchester City has not officially expressed its position. All the news came from the media. No one really knows whether it is true or not.

"As you have heard. We did have a strong interest in Lin Yu, but the transfer is two-sided. Whether Lin Yu can join Manchester City depends on his own wishes."

Mubarak said this very well.Because he didn't insist on it, but left himself a way out, and he didn't mean to threaten or coerce Lin Yu, so he gave Lin Yu enough face. After all, he knew in his heart that others could not decide Lin Yu's transfer. , only Lin Yu can make up his mind.

Lin Yu is a dutiful son, a good husband, and a good father, but this person also has strong independence.Regarding work matters, he doesn't like others to interfere with him, even his parents, wife and daughter, so it's useless to rely on his relatives to coerce him. The only way is to make him feel good about himself.

"Once Lin Yu joins, will Aguero, Dzeko, and Negredo have to leave?" A reporter asked the most acute question.

On this question, Mubarak did not hesitate, and he answered very firmly: "Our club does not lack the salary of those few people. So they can continue to play in the club with peace of mind."

Even if he has already made up his mind to sell someone, Mubarak will not say this, because it will affect the morale of the army, which is very detrimental to the team.

He is not stupid.

"Do you really want to activate the liquidated damages clause? That's [-] million euros. It will violate UEFA's financial fair play policy." Another reporter asked.

"We respect UEFA's efforts, so you can rest assured that we will abide by UEFA's policies."


"Okay. Next question!"

Mubarak didn't want to answer more on the issue of liquidated damages. In fact, the reason is very simple.Mubarak doesn't want to be taken for a ride, for him.Activating the liquidated damages clause was the last move after being forced to do nothing, but now, he still has more room to consider other methods, and he has not yet reached the point where he is at the end of his rope.

"What about Lin Yu's salary after joining?"

"We'll have to wait until later. It's still the same sentence. Whether Lin Yu can join Manchester City depends entirely on Lin Yu himself. We will provide him with the best treatment, but if he is unwilling to come, we can't do it no matter how much magic power we have." It's useless."

After saying this, Mubarak received a work call, and he reluctantly stopped the press conference and left.

The chairman of a club and Mansour's big steward of money, he has many things to do.

The reporters didn't ask anything else, but this press conference was officially prepared by Manchester City, that is to say, they have now got the most reliable news, and they can release the news.


Almost at the same time, in Madrid, Spain, far away across the sea, Raul also prepared a press conference. No matter what the outside world said, he had to declare something to reassure the fans and allow the players to train with peace of mind. .

There were also a large number of reporters on the scene, and many of these reporters were Lin Yu's die-hard fans.

Outside the venue, there were tens of thousands of fans, they all came from all over Madrid, and there were even fans from abroad.

Seeing Raul getting out of the car, a group of people rushed up. If it wasn't for the security guards and police who stopped him, they would have squeezed Raul into a pie.

"Gonzalez! You are our former captain, do we really have to sell Lin Yu?"

"Does Lin Yu really have to leave?"

"We can't do without that Chinese kid in our lives, can't he leave?"

"Please Gonzalez, don't sell him please?"

Such a scene made Raul feel a little bit emotional. Thinking back to when he left, although it was not so crazy, there were also many fans blocking the club door to protest and not let him leave.

"Don't worry, everyone, Lin Yu will not leave. Have everyone forgotten? Lin Yu's goal in Real Madrid has not been achieved yet? How could he leave? Don't listen to Manchester City, they just want to disturb us Training normally, just trying to beat us in the quarter-finals of the Champions League."

Talking about feelings is the most useless at this time, so Raul didn't talk about feelings, he didn't say that Lin Yu and him were friends, because that was boring.

In football, although there are many friends, this does not affect the transfer. Just like when Lin Yu left Dortmund and Chelsea, he still has many good friends.

"Why didn't Lin Yu come out to express his opinion?"

Someone asked a very pointed question.

Raul smiled and said: "Lin Yu is resting now. I'm afraid he doesn't know that such a big thing happened. You must know that he rarely watches TV and newspapers. Especially after he had a very stiff fight with the media. "

The fans believe this, because they all know that Lin Yu is sometimes a bit nonsensical.During the rest days, maybe I really don’t have to contact any media, and it’s possible to stay at home all the time.

After entering the press conference, the questions Raul answered were basically the same as those of the fans outside, but the questions asked by the reporters were obviously more professional.

For example, they mentioned the issue of liquidated damages.

"If Manchester City really activates the liquidated damages clause, you will have to let him go, even if you don't want to let him go. What you said will all become nonsense!"

Raul shook his head and said: "No, you don't seem to understand one thing. Now not only will we not sell Lin Yu, but Lin Yu will not leave either. Do you think it is necessary for him to leave a company with a deep background? Are you going to join a local wealthy team that has nothing?"


Although Raul said with certainty at the press conference that the club would not sell Lin Yu, he himself thought so, and this was also supported by Chairman Soros, but there are some things that you think are impossible, That's not necessarily the case.

There is no unbreakable shield in this world.It depends on whether you are willing to contribute.

Although Mubarak has the idea of ​​activating the liquidated damages clause, [-] million euros is not a small amount after all. If Lin Yu is bought like that, he will not be able to show his own ability.So he called Raul again, and he couldn't believe that this brick couldn't be broken.

Other than that, of course.He also did some other work, such as making promises to some people at the top of Real Madrid.As long as Lin Yu's transfer is successful, each of them will get a lot of money.

These top brass wield power.But in fact, the annual income is not much. Except for the big real estate boss behind the scenes, the entire top management is the chairman Soros who is relatively rich. There are still a lot of people without money, not to mention the price offered by Manchester City is too tempting. Yes, if you get it, even if you don't do anything in the future, you don't have to worry about it for the rest of your life.

Raul can also be regarded as a person who can speak at the top, so Mubarak thinks that he can try to win over Raul.

"Mr. Gonzalez, I haven't talked to you on the phone for a long time. What do you think about the matter you mentioned last time?" Mubarak seemed very polite, but there was also a trace of politeness in this politeness. arrogant.

As the saying goes, one person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, and the dog of the rich has more status than the poor. This is the cruel reality.

Although Mubarak is Mansour's servant, he feels very good about himself, just like a student who has just graduated from university and entered a Fortune [-] company, he will show off to his classmates and teachers. No matter how good his company is, it is not his, but he just has that indescribable sense of superiority.

"Hmph, aren't you going to activate the liquidated damages clause?" Raul said angrily.

"Don't be angry, it's just nonsense from the media. I didn't intend to bypass Real Madrid." Mubarak said with a smile.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, what he said is really correct. Even at the recent press conference, he tried his best to avoid mentioning the so-called liquidated damages clause. He didn't want to make some plans unable to be implemented because of that matter. .

Raul thought about it for a while, so he said: "I have stated the club's attitude many times, we will not sell Lin Yu, he is not for sale!"

Hearing this, Mubarak secretly laughed.

Not for sale?

There has never been anything not for sale in this world. How many players were once called not for sale, and didn't they still transfer in the end?

Even those things that are said to be priceless by the world, in the end, as long as you pay enough, you can still buy them.

There is no priceless treasure, and there is nothing not for sale. The key is money.

"You have won so many championships now, and Lin Yu is not young anymore. In fact, there is no need to pay him such a high salary all the time. You can spend that money to train your future generation. After all, Lin Yu I will grow old, I believe you understand, just like you back then, had to leave Real Madrid because of age, Lin Yu will retire sooner or later, and even transfer. While he is still worth some money, selling is not a Is it a good choice?" Mubarak asked earnestly.

Raul sneered in his heart, Lin Yu is old?What do you still buy when you are old? Could it be that your money was robbed or stolen?

As if guessing what Raul was thinking, Mubarak continued: "We are different from you. Real Madrid's money belongs to those members. What they need to see is the hope of Real Madrid's future. When Lin Yu retired, Real Madrid's performance plummeted. Did you just think about cultivating talents? Members probably wouldn't agree. But we are different. Our boss's money, to put it bluntly, is no different from what was stolen. Oil in the Middle East He can't sell it all in his life, and he can't take the money away when he dies. Naturally, he has to spend it. Even if he buys Lin Yu and ruins it in his hands, he won't feel bad, just treat it as a gambling loss, But you can’t, you have to be responsible for those members.”

I have to say that Mubarak's words really have to be said in a decent way, and it sounds really reasonable. If you are not a professional, you might be fooled into believing it. (to be continued..)

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