my gilded age

Chapter 110 Lao Bai, expanded (More achievements, please subscribe, please support)

Chapter 110 Lao Bai, expanded (ten updates completed, please subscribe and support)

In fact, if you think about it carefully, these days, a young man under the age of 20 can spend 50 yuan to buy a car in full, which is really awesome!

But from an investment perspective, this is the first investment Bai Shiqiu has made that is destined to depreciate, but from other perspectives, this is also necessary.

However, I bought this car, and I can't drive it for the time being. Zhang Mo, Zhou Shen and other students in the troupe couldn't put it down.

These days, a BMW is really quite classy.

Therefore, when Lao Bai usually travels, he still has to take a taxi or take the subway. Fortunately, the transportation in the capital is considered convenient.

The drama of "Yi Tian" is almost done, but the troublesome part is that Song Qingshu, himself, has to follow the crew all the time. In fact, from this point of view, the role of Song Qingshu is just a special contract.

Fortunately, the remuneration was not small, much higher than the original contract.

This drama has almost no requirements for Baek Shi Qiu's acting skills. In his opinion, it's just a matter of acting in whatever way you want, just following the director's instructions.Moreover, Sister Xiao Taohong's scene ended soon, and she left.

Before leaving, he said a lot of grateful words to Bai Shiqiu, and what he said was tears.

In the end, the two of them really recognized each other as brother and sister. This seems to be Bai Shiqiu's biggest gain from filming "Yitian", as they have an extra godson sister.

So in this scene, apart from hooking up with Gao Yuanyuan and learning some kung fu from Ma Yucheng, the rest is nothing.

It was easy to do this, and Bai Shiqiu came back more often to do a lot of things like his own Red Star Production Co., Ltd.

"Brother Zhang, are you done with it?"

"Old Bai! I'm really interested in it, but the book is just a first draft now. I want you to take a look."

"Brother Zhang, that's too polite of you. Where are you? I'll be there right now."

But it was Zhang Meng who called and said that he had already written the script, and of course it was "The Piano of Steel".

Bai Shiqiu is very concerned about this drama. It is a drama that reflects his hometown. His parents are also laid-off workers. How could such a story not attract him?
Hurry, go to Zhang Meng's side and take a taxi.

Bai Shiqiu thought it was funny about taking a taxi. He had obviously bought a BMW, but now he couldn't drive it. Those friends were really good at it.

There is no problem in taking a taxi here in the capital, but sometimes, some things can easily happen.

"Oh, I'm anxious! I'm anxious!"

Bai Shiqiu originally stretched out his hand to stop the car, but he didn't expect a girl to rush behind him. This girl was quite tall, with long hair and sunglasses covering her face.

But even if this is the case, it was our man who drove the car first.So, he quickly grabbed the girl. Bai Shiqiu has been practicing martial arts recently and is much faster. Don't let her get into the car.

"Hey, hey, what's the matter with you? Are you here on a first-come, first-served basis?" Bai Shiqiu was naturally unhappy.

"I said big brother, just let me do it, I'm really very anxious, really." The girl's words obviously have a Sichuan flavor, not that strong, but you can hear it.

But isn't Bai Shiqiu anxious?

"I have something urgent too! Otherwise, why would I fight?"

"Brother, you are a man, can't you let us women do it?"

"Do men have to give in? Is it a sin to be a man?"

"Why are you such a stingy man? Or are you not a man?"

What he said was actually Bai Shiqiu's fault.Moreover, this girl is also very powerful. When Bai Shiqiu wasn't paying attention, she got into the car.

Bai Shiqiu was so angry that he had a BMW and couldn't drive it, but he was beaten and robbed. This girl actually questioned whether he was a man?

I couldn't hold back the fire, and I saw that Bai Shiqiu was really capable and quickly went around to the taxi driver's side.

"Brother Driver."

"Hey, hello."

"Brother, let me tell you, this person in the car is my girlfriend, and she got into trouble with me, so you didn't even let me get in the car. In this way, I'm very worried about her. She's emotionally unstable now, and she's always You must say you don't know me, you must scold me, this...she, she lives in Mentougou, you can just send her to Mentougou, um, there is 300 yuan here, don't be too little."

As he spoke, Bai Shiqiu actually took out three big tickets from his wallet, and then said: "Brother, I remember your license plate number. Why don't you send her to the place?"

When the driver heard this, he looked at the three hundred, what else could he say?

"Okay! Don't worry, I'll send you the invoice. What's your address? Can you tell me it conveniently?"

Can Bai Shiqiu not laugh?

"Brother, just tell me your mobile phone number and I'll call you."

"Oh, you're so polite. You're such an authentic boyfriend."

After saying this, the mobile phone number was given and the taxi started. However, when the girl sat down in the back row and turned to her mobile phone to call, she finally heard that something was wrong.

"Brother driver, where are we going?"


"Huh? No! You can't go there! I don't even know that bastard just now! He is just a bastard!"

"I said, girl, there's something wrong with you. Look at how handsome that young man is, and he treats you so well. You should just stop. Where can you find such a good boyfriend?"

"Brother driver! Stop the car! Stop the car! I want to get off!" "This can't be done. The destination is Mentougou. If it's not delivered to me, my sign of civilized service will be smashed."

"Brother driver! Brother!"

"I said, girl, it's useless to tear it up. Our protection is in place, and you messed up and got into a traffic accident. Don't blame me."

The girl finally broke down at this moment and turned around to look at the smiling guy over there through the car window.

"Asshole! Asshole!"

Bai Shiqiu couldn't hear at all, he could only see the girl's desperate eyes and helpless cries.

Are you the only one who still fights with me?You girl's movie is still 1 years behind!
I feel much more comfortable...

Bai Shiqiu took another taxi and came to Zhang Meng's place in a happy mood.

"Old Bai, haha... let's take a look at the book."


Both of them are straightforward people and don't talk much. Come and read the script.

As agreed before, Zhang Meng has two ideas. One of them is "The Piano of Steel". He originally wanted to make a movie, but for now, he can try to make a drama first.

Bai Shiqiu was very impressed by the movie "The Piano", which was quite good. But when he saw the script, he had two questions in his mind.

One is that this play has become a drama, and "The Piano of Steel" is a story that reflects the old industrial base, so the background of the whole play should naturally highlight the industry, or simply put steel as the background.

It must have that heavy metal and industrial feel, but from a drama perspective, the cost of the stage set will definitely become very high.

Regarding this matter, it would be cheaper to shoot on location, because you can find such closed and abandoned old factories everywhere in Northeast China.

No money at all.

The second one was this book written by Zhang Meng. Bai Shiqiu knew immediately after reading it that it was a musical.

Obviously, Brother Zhang watched Baek Shi Qiu's "He Killed", and Brother Zhang also wanted to use singing and dancing to express some artistic expressions. Especially for this play, "The Piano of Steel" itself has a lot of music. element.

Having said that, these are all okay, but there are still some problems in the script.

"Brother Zhang, the whole book is very good, but there seems to be something missing in it." Bai Shiqiu handed Zhang Meng a cigarette and lit one himself.

It is very normal for investors to express their opinions. Zhang Meng was naturally not surprised, so he directly replied: "Lao Bai, you can say whatever you want, I'll listen."

Bai Shiqiu took a sip and said, "Brother Zhang, to put it simply, I think our drama is missing some jokes."

"Huh? What a joke?" Zhang Meng seemed to be choked and coughed twice.

"Yes, you are here..."

"I think it's a lot of fun."

"But, a lot of your humor is cold humor. What if the audience becomes cold to you after listening to it?"

"Then this..."

Yes, there are no jokes in this book, but it is a bit cold. It seems that Zhang Meng is born to be a master of telling cold jokes.

In fact, Zhang Meng's main job now is to help others make up sketches, and he is really not bad at all when it comes to jokes.

Probably on purpose.

Zhang Meng took another two puffs, "I thought, it's awesome if we can laugh about this matter, let's be colder when it's cold."

Bai Shiqiu understands, laid-off, this is not an ordinary laid-off in the Northeast. Many companies in the South have also gone bankrupt and laid off, but this is incomparable. Just the Northeast, not to mention the famous bankrupt street, Northeast Main Street. , counting one by one, the ceramic factories, cement factories, steel pipe factories, steel factories, construction machinery factories above the head... all went bankrupt, that's tens of millions of people.

It's just a street, and it's still a pretty good provincial town.

The whole atmosphere is desperate, and that kind of despair is very simple. Just stand there and see the endless steel jungle, which is covered with weeds, the steel is rusty, and the roof of the factory is missing. .

As long as you are here, there is no need to think about anything, no need for any deliberate effort, it is just despair.

"Brother Zhang, I know this is difficult, but I really want to convey a spirit..."

"Optimism? Isn't it talked about on this fucking TV station every day?"

"I know, but what else can I do? My idea is that the optimism they convey is too fake, but what we have to do is different. We are playing it real, and only if it is real, can it be real. Only by spreading optimism into the hearts of every laid-off worker can we truly inspire everyone’s energy.”

To be honest, Bai Shiqiu didn't expect that he could say such awesome things, but at this time, he couldn't help but say it.

Zhang Meng seemed a little strange when he heard this, "You mean..."

"Otherwise, let's just make the movie too."

It turns out that this guy Bai Shiqiu has even greater ambitions.

 Ten updates, really ten updates. Hei Che himself doesn’t believe it. I only had a few chapters yesterday. Of course, it’s a bit fast and there may be more typos. You can give Hei Che a hint and Hei Che will correct it.

  Well, please subscribe, please give me a monthly pass, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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