Wanjie experience server

Chapter 501: Saving a woman in the mountains, causing illness in the Zen forest

Chapter 501: Saving a woman in the mountains, causing illness in the Zen forest

After finishing his work, Ye Longfei returned to Wa Palace. After seeing Qingluan Huofeng, he threw a bracelet to each of them. Unexpectedly, Huofeng hooked his finger at Ye Longfei again, which made Ye Longfei stunned.

Huofeng then said: "Have you forgotten, we have a little guy to take care of now."

Ye Longfei: (°ー°〃)
Then he took out another bracelet and threw it to Huofeng, thinking: I have to avoid these two in the future, maybe one day the queen will take in a few more children on a whim, and I won't even be able to share these things.

After seeing the empress, he first saluted, then as if he was a different person, he sat down carelessly and started chatting with the empress.

The empress noticed that Ye Longfei was a little confused, so she said, "Tell me, why did you choose the fox this time? It should be the white deer or the longevity star. This doesn't suit your temperament."

This opened up Ye Longfei's conversation: "Mother, you don't know. I've been looking for it for a long time. Whether it's a birthday girl or a white deer, either the world level is low or not classic enough. The main reason is that there are too few Chinese speakers. Related to deer, the most famous one is "Nine-Colored Deer", which is definitely a mythical beast in other worlds. In our case, you can just say how many you want. In the end, I had no choice but to think of this white-faced fox. Although The level of this world is not particularly high, but it can provide new ways of practice. After much thought, I had to use this."

Faced with Ye Longfei's complaints, the empress said: "Then why not integrate the two worlds?"

Ye Longfei: o_o
Then he said weakly: "I forgot..."

Then the empress gave her a blank look.

After smiling, Ye Longfei handed the empress a bracelet and said flatteringly: "Empress, this bracelet is for you. I know you don't care about it, but you also know that in this world, in addition to transforming into an animal, you can also transform into a human being. It has become some means of transportation, and you can drive it around if you are bored.”

The empress readily accepted, and she would never refuse anything offered by Ye Longfei.

After the gift, Ye Longfei also ran away in a hurry. There was still a group of people at home to take care of.
Let's talk about Tang Monk and his disciples. After passing the Bhikkhu Kingdom, they walked an unknown distance and encountered a high mountain.

In response, the four masters and disciples looked at each other.

Sha Monk said in a muffled voice: "Master, we are at another place."

The masters and disciples naturally knew what Sha Monk meant by returning to another place. Such high mountains and ridges, even if there were no monsters from the heavens and the lower realms, would still have mountain spirits practicing in the forest. It must be a disaster-prone place for practice.

Sanzang breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "Let's go."

So Wukong opened the way in front, Sanzang rode his horse, Bajie carried the burden, and Sha Monk gathered the rope and continued to move forward.

After entering another black pine forest, Sanzang stopped suddenly and said, "Apprentices, let's take a rest here, Wukong, go and melt some vegetarian food."

When Wukong heard this, he immediately understood that this was the right place.

Thinking about this journey, if he is allowed to go to the fasting, leaving Bajie Sha Monk alone and reciting the "Maha Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra", there will definitely be monsters who will sacrifice themselves.

Sure enough, when Wukong rode the clouds to mid-air, he looked back and saw misty auspicious clouds and mist in the pine forest. This was Sanzang shrouded in auspiciousness, which made Wukong cheer.Then he saw black energy coming up from Lin Nan.It made Wukong sigh with emotion: "Perhaps there is no script in the sky, so I don't know where the goblin comes from."

Wudi suddenly remembered another sentence: "All crows in the world are the same."

Here, Sanzang suddenly heard the cry for help, so he got up and walked. After walking through the forest and trees, he saw a woman tied to a tree. The upper half was tied to the tree with kudzu vines, and the lower half was buried in the soil. .

Seeing this, Sanzang hurriedly asked why the female Bodhisattva was tied here. At that time, the female monster wanted to curse, but you should untie me first. She also asked why, can I tell you the real reason directly.

But she is still in a dramatic mood, her peach cheeks are weeping, and she has the appearance of a fish sinking and a wild goose falling; her starry eyes are full of sadness, and she has the appearance of a flower shy of the moon.Crying about his own experience, he said that his parents were in the church and were very kind. On the occasion of the Qingming Festival, they invited all the relatives and the whole family to pay homage to the deceased. When they were burning paper in the wilderness, a group of strongmen appeared and everyone was panicked. They each escaped with their lives. She was frightened to the ground because of her young age, and was kidnapped by strong men. Covetous for her beauty, several bandit leaders argued endlessly, and finally tied her here and dispersed. It has been five days now. Five nights.

As for this woman, even if Sanzang believed in it, he would be a fool.

Sha Seng and Bajie were communicating in low voices from behind.

Drifting said: "Second senior brother, has this goblin never seen the human world and experienced the sufferings of the human world?"

Bajie curled his lips and said, "Hey, Junior Brother Sha, wasn't it the same when we were in heaven? We don't know what is common sense in the world, we just do what we think it is."

Sha Monk nodded in agreement and said: "Yes, that makes sense. After this calamity, we will also give advice to the gods in the sky and correct these things that sound false. If not, let these boys ride in the lower world to practice for a lifetime. When you see the suffering in the world, don’t open your mouth.”

Bajie gave a thumbs up: "Junior Brother Sha, what a great idea. Next time we go to the Heavenly Palace, we will talk to the Jade Emperor."

Sanzang then asked Bajie to save the person.If it were the original Sanzang, he would definitely save the person. Even if he knew that this person was transformed by a monster, he might be very stupid, but he was still really kind, or in other words, a true holy mother, even worse than that.In mid-air, Wukong saw that the auspicious clouds on the top of Sanzang were shrouded in black energy, so he knew that his master had encountered a monster again.Not long after, the auspicious clouds shone brightly, and the black air had nowhere to hide. It turned into a small ball, trembling.

Seeing this, Wukong felt much more relieved, found a place, and made a vegetarian meal.

When he came back, he gave some food to the woman.After everyone took a rest, they continued to move forward without much conversation.

In the evening, I saw a pavilion, where Sanzang wanted to stay overnight.

As I stepped forward, I saw that the door was rickety and scattered.Sanzang couldn't help but sigh in his heart. On this occasion, a group of Taoists serving incense came here to introduce Sanzang into the temple.

Looking inside the third-story door, it is completely different from the outside. "The colorful cloud wall is built with blue bricks, and the glazed hall is built with green tiles. The holy statues are decorated with gold, and the steps are made of white jade. The blue light is danced on the Daxiong Hall, and His Excellency Piluo is full of vigor. The flowers are piled up green. The top of the three eaves is topped with the tip of the vase, and the embroidered cover in the middle of the Wufu Building. Thousands of green bamboos shake the Zen couch, and thousands of green pines reflect the Buddhist gate. The golden light shines in the Biyun Palace, and the auspicious mist floats in the purple mist. Chaowen The fragrant winds from all over the fields are far away, and at dusk I listen to the high mountains and the painting drums. There should be a morning sun to mend the broken clothes, how can there be no scriptures facing the moon? And only half of the wall lights illuminate the backyard, and a line of fragrant mist shines on the courtyard.”

Sanzang asked why, and the Taoist explained that there were many demons and strong bandits in the mountains, and the sky was clear. They were robberies along the mountains, and Tianyin came here to hide. The Buddha statues were knocked down, and the wooden plants were used as matches. The monks in the temple were weak and did not dare to say anything, so they abandoned all the broken houses in front. After giving the strong men a rest, they found some donors and built a temple behind them, one for the innocent and the other for the poor.

He also said that this is the style of Western temples.

Regarding this, Sanzang sighed: I think even in the Tang Dynasty, monasteries were also harboring filth and evil, but because their facades were all hidden in darkness, it was not a bad thing. They were open and aboveboard, and I don't know if they were deviant or just aboveboard.

When walking, I saw five large characters on the mountain gate, Zhenhai Chanlin Temple.As soon as I entered the door, I saw a lama monk. He was like an ordinary monk. He didn't believe that Sanzang could reach here from the Tang Dynasty. Unfortunately, Sanzang had no choice but to explain that he had three disciples who opened roads in the mountains and built bridges when encountering water to protect my disciples. brake.

Then the Lama Monk asked people to invite Wukong and the others in, as well as the rescued woman.

As usual, the young monk in the temple was frightened by the appearance of Wukong and the other three, and it was Sanzang who came out to explain.

After the fast, Sanzang met the Lama Monk again and asked about the way to the west. The Lama Monk happened to ask Sanzang something. It turned out that Sanzang's master and disciple had made arrangements, but he didn't know where to put the girl.

Sanzang explained that their master and apprentice had no evil intentions, the woman was rescued in Heisong before, and it was arranged by the master.

The lama monk arranged it in the Temple of the Heavenly King, behind the statue of the Heavenly King.

At dawn the next day, Wukong asked his master to walk. Unexpectedly, Sanzang's head was hanging, his eyes were swollen, and his skin and bones ached all over. Bajie stretched out his hand to touch it, and his body felt a little warm.He couldn't sit up like this, let alone mount his horse, so he had to rest here for a few more days.

Two days later, Sanzang's illness did not improve. He stood up and asked Wukong how the woman he had rescued earlier was doing. Wukong said honestly: "Reciting the sutra honestly, I have never exceeded the rules."

But Bajie said: "Master, you are like this, and you still miss this girl. Let me discuss it as soon as possible. We will sell the horse, pack the luggage, and buy a coffin to send the funeral."

Wukong patted Bajie on the head and said, "Don't talk nonsense, you idiot. You don't know that Master is the second disciple of Buddha Tathagata. His original name was Elder Jin Chan. It's just because he despises the Dharma that he deserves this catastrophe."

Bajie said: "Brother, since Master despised the Buddha's Dharma, he was demoted back to the Eastern Land. In the sea of ​​right and wrong, in the field of speech, he was entrusted with the human body and vowed to go to the West to worship Buddha and seek scriptures. If it weren't for the strong means of Senior Brother, the gods and Buddhas would not be willing to help. He suffered so many illnesses, why did he get sick again?"

Wukong said: "How do you know that my master did not listen to the Buddha's teachings, took a nap, stumbled down a grain of rice under his left foot and came down to the lower world, so he should have been sick for three days."

Bajie said in shock: "He eats like an old pig and scatters food, and he will be sick for who knows how many years!"

The traveler said: "Brother, the Buddha has no thoughts about you sentient beings. You don't know that people say it is noon on the day of hoeing, and the sweat drips from the soil. Who knows that every grain of food on the plate is hard work! Master only works for one day today, and tomorrow alright."

At this time, Sanzang felt thirsty again. Wukong went to the dining hall and asked for cold water. After serving Sanzang and eating it, he suddenly felt half sick.Then he asked for some more food. After eating, Sanzang asked Wukong how many days he had been staying. Wukong said three full days.

Now that the illness is over, it's time to continue on the road.

It’s time to understand this section.

So Sanzang asked Wukong to call the woman because he had something to say.

After Wukong brought the woman, Sanzang asked the three disciples to go out.Bajie said with a wicked smile: "Master is tempted."

Wukong gave him a slap as usual, and said: "You idiot, Master is not like you, who value sex over life, neglect righteousness, don't know what is good, and was coaxed into being a door-to-door son-in-law, and finally tied to a tree. "

Bajie asked for trouble and went out with Sha Seng to wait.

(End of this chapter)

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