Wanjie experience server

Chapter 360: Resurrecting Cybertron

Chapter 360: Resurrecting Cybertron

Soon, all the guardian knights woke up, but their first reaction when they woke up was: the scepter of protection!

Regardless of anything else, this belief and persistence are worthy of everyone's admiration.

Steel Rope and the others instantly subdued these guardian knights and created a path.

Ye Longfei waved to Vivian Wembley behind him to follow him.

They came to a coffin, and Wembley hesitated to open it, because if nothing unexpected happened, this would be the tomb of her ancestor, Merlin.

Ye Longfei wouldn't give her time to think about it and directly opened the coffin lid.

This scene made Wembley's eyes sparkle. It originally made Wembley doubt the various operations of the world. Now, Ye Longfei conquered the British professor with his power that he didn't care about.

Looking at Mei Lin's bones in the coffin, Ye Longfei complained: "If cremation was popular at that time, I would give away his ashes now."

Then he took out the scepter that the corpse was protecting tightly.

At this moment, all the guardian knights became excited: "Protect the scepter!"

Ye Longfei didn't tolerate them at all, and let Steel Rope lead more than twenty legendary warriors to beat up these twelve.

Throw the scepter in your hand to Wembley and say: "Activate the scepter in your hand."

Wembley didn't know what to do at all, but when the scepter fell on her hand, the scepter was activated. Starting from her palm, the original wooden staff gradually revealed its true appearance, and Wembley The scene when Merlin held the scepter also appeared in front of Lee's eyes.

The moment the scepter was activated, Quintessa on Cybertron felt the presence of the scepter.


Early the next morning, Ye Longfei got up from Wenrou Village and found the Twelve Guardian Knights.

"Hey guys, now is not the time for you to fall asleep again. You have to stretch your muscles and face the upcoming Quintessa."

King Kong, a knight with a big ax in his hand, replied: "You just want to be lazy."

Ye Longfei was not happy at that time: "Hey, why sleep while you are alive? You will sleep forever after death. Besides, you have been sleeping for such a long time. Don't you want to have a hearty battle at all?"

Another King Kong with an ax said: "In addition to looking for torture, you also torture and kill. You just want to be lazy."

Helpless, Ye Longfei took out the cross medal, threw it twice and turned it into a cross sword. He raised the sword high and shouted: "Kill Quintasha!"

The next moment, all the knights consciously raised their weapons and shouted: "Kill Quintessa!"


Two days later, Optimus Prime returned.

It's just that something is very wrong with Optimus Prime now. His eyes that originally glowed with blue light are now flashing with a dazzling red light.

Seeing this scene, Ye Longfei instantly guessed what was happening to Optimus Prime, not to mention that there were still scars on the left side of Optimus Prime's face.

Therefore, Ye Longfei gave an order to the guardian knight and the legendary knight: "As long as they can't be killed!"

The steel cable directly swung the sledgehammer...

After giving Optimus Prime a "massage", the heroic Optimus Prime fell.Facing the attack of dozens of warriors, even though he was a descendant of the royal family, the owner of the leadership template, and the leader of the Autobots, he couldn't hold on any longer.

Ye Longfei stood in front of Optimus Prime and said with a smile: "Optimus Prime, welcome back!"

With that said, he gave Optimus Prime another ear-scratcher.

This time, it slapped Optimus Prime awake.

After Optimus Prime spat, he said, "Ye, this kind of welcome ceremony should be reserved for Megatron."

Ye Longfei shrugged.

Optimus Prime slowly stood up and promised loudly: "Brothers, I will never betray you again. I am Optimus Prime. In order to save the earth and for Cybertron, we must go to Cybertron and kill Kun." Tasha!”

At this time, the sound wave came with news: "Sir, I have found Lord Megatron."

The vision on the horizon attracted everyone's attention, and the ruined Cybertron was now visible to the naked eye.

Ye Longfei immediately ordered: "Transformers, assemble!"

...Cybertron, 6400 meters above sea level.

Quintessa began her incompetent rage: "You, you, are all weak, you are all rubbish, you can't do anything, the scepter, the scepter I want, where is it now!?"

Megatron knelt on the ground and comforted: "My Creator, we will get the scepter, and we will eventually rebuild Cybertron!"

Quintessa directly hung up Megatron and shouted loudly: "No, you can't do it. Without the scepter, you can't do anything!"


Just when Quintessa was angry because Optimus Prime failed to get the scepter, a harsh voice appeared here.

"Do you want this scepter? Wave your magic wand to absorb the earth's heat energy to rebuild Cybertron, so that you can become the creator of Cybertron again."

Quintessa instantly became alert: "Who, who is there!"

I saw Ye Longfei waving his scepter casually, followed by all the Transformers appearing in Quintasha's field of vision.

Quintasha stared at Ye Longfei closely and asked sharply: "Who are you, and how did you get here unscathed?!"

Ye Longfei did not answer, but asked back: "Quintasha, why did you choose to be in this state in the first place, just because of the fragility of the body? Where have the rest of you gone?"

At this time, Bumblebee came in with a Transformer's head: "Ye, do these guys want to recycle the waste?"

Quintessa was furious: "No! Those are my knights! Megatron, kill them!"

Then, Megatron stabbed her in the back: "Quintasha, you destroyed Cybertron, making it impossible for her to repair it even if she absorbed the energy leaves of the earth and the sun!"

The injured Quintessa wanted to leave directly, but sadly found that she could do nothing.

Ye Longfei stepped forward slowly, pulled the floating Quintasha down from the top, pinched her neck and said: "Tens of millions of years ago, why you became like this, I don't want to know; absorb the earth's heat energy in order to Come and restore your own strength. This kind of thing will never happen again. Quintasha, the stupidest decision you made was not to create these Transformers, but to sacrifice the earth to revive Cybertron. After so many years , don’t you know that once the earth is destroyed, Cybertron will not be able to survive forever?”

At this time, Quintasha couldn't say anything, lost all energy in fear, and then died in Ye Longfei's hands.

But Ye Longfei was not going to let Quintasha go so easily. He threw the body in his hand to Megatron and said, "Burn her, spread her ashes, and let her make some contribution to the earth."

Megatron took Quintasha's body and couldn't calm down for a long time.


The crisis has been lifted again, but this time, the Transformers have to say goodbye to the earth because they want to rebuild their home.

Ye Longfei took out four things: the Fire Source Rubik's Cube, the Leadership Matrix, the Seeds, and the Scepter.

The four powers were absorbed and strengthened by Ye Longfei, bursting out powerful energy, covering the entire ruined Cybertron.

Then, Cybertron began to reunite, and all the lands connected to Cybertron's core began to gather.

Little by little, Cybertron gradually returned to its original spherical shape.

Then, start to absorb more solar energy.

A dazzling landscape appeared in the astronomical telescopes of various countries. A dazzling pillar of fire burst out from the sun and headed straight towards Cybertron.

Gradually, Cybertron's core gained heat...

A few years later.

"Hey Bumblebee, is Ye here?"

"Oh, Tiepi, you don't love me anymore. You didn't even ask me, but went directly to Ye."


Optimus Prime and Megatron stood side by side, looking at the scenery in the distance. There used to be only dark metal and the noise of war, but now it is full of tranquility and peace.

Optimus Prime: "Brother, are you really ready?"

Megatron nodded: "Well, your lord saved Cybertron and built a new home for us. Now, it's time for us to do something for your lord."

Optimus Prime looked into the distance, where there were various small Transformers, and said: "Ye has opened a new era of transformation for us. This era will belong to new young people. Like humans, they still need to grow. The young eagle will not He will stay in the nest for a long time, but he will eventually spread his wings and fly.”

Megatron pulled out the long sword behind him, inserted it into the land in front of him, and said: "We will follow the Lord and expand our territory, no matter which world it is!"

(End of this chapter)

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