The group pet goose is a full-level boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 461 Chapter 461: Anyway, Sister Wan is here, so there’s no need to be afraid!

Chapter 461 Chapter 461: Anyway, Sister Wan is here, so there’s no need to be afraid!
Ever since Song Tian and Meng Wan went out for a picnic together, they had been studying hard when they came back, trying to pass on the required courses and graduate successfully.

So she had already thought of an idea when Lu Zhiyan came to find her.

Lu Zhiyan drove his low-key Land Rover to Song Tian's apartment to wait for her.

Song Tian ran out wearing very loose clothes and rushed forward with open arms and threw herself into the man's arms. She rubbed her head against Lu Zhiyan's chest with a faint light in her eyes and a happy smile on her lips.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been with Ayan.

"Miss me?" Lu Zhiyan smiled on his handsome face and raised his hand to rub Song Tian's head.

"Of course I miss you! I also miss Auntie and Xiaoran." Song Tian raised her head and said.

Lu Zhiyan held her hand and led her into the car. After pulling up the seat belt, he said, "In that case, I will take you home."

Song Tian smiled and said, "Ayan, what have you been busy with recently? It feels like you are busier than me."

She thought she was busy enough, but she didn't expect Lu Zhiyan and Xi Changzhou to be so busy.

The kind that has to be busy flying.

Lu Zhiyan concentrated on driving, "It's just one thing. I won't be busy when things stabilize in the future."

It is better not to let Tiantian know about this matter, so as not to worry her.

Song Tian rolled her eyes and said, "Is it because of the Cheng family's matter? This matter is indeed a bit tricky, but as long as Mr. Xi and Sister Wan are here, it won't be a problem."

She thought it was almost the end of the story, so what Lu Zhiyan and Xi Ye were doing should be related to this, but why did they look so worried?
Is it possible that her arrival caused a butterfly effect not only for Qin Shaojun but also for this matter, which made it more difficult?
Thinking about it this way, Song Tian didn't know what might happen, but she still believed that they could solve it in the future.

A flash of surprise flashed in Lu Zhiyan's eyes: "How did you learn about the Cheng family?"

Song Tian puffed up her cheeks and said, "Well, after listening to Sister Wan's words, I can make some guesses. Anyway, Cheng Tuo is not a good person. He just wants to unite the major families to resist the four major families and establish himself as king. In short, he wants to be the master. Well, Mr. Xi will not give him this chance."

Lu Zhiyan couldn't help laughing and said, "Do you believe him so much?"

Song Dessert nodded: "Of course, Sister Wan is here!"

Lu Zhiyan just smiled and stopped talking. He just felt that Tiantian was so cute, and there was innocence and romance in it. Naturally, she didn't want her to accept filth.

He wants to protect such sweetness.

Driving all the way to the Lu family’s old house.

Yang Fang knew early that her eldest son had gone to pick up Tiantian, so she started busy early to prepare all the desserts and put them in the refrigerator. She also squeezed fresh juice. In short, she gave her daughter-in-law a lot of good food and drinks.

After finishing the job, he walked around in the hall and dazzled Lu Ran. He couldn't help complaining, "Mom, your sister-in-law who is wandering around may not be able to come early."

She dragged her cheeks helplessly and sat on the sofa looking at the big-screen TV over there. She was watching a popular rural drama, which was really too exciting.

Just as the conflict between the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law was being played, Yang Fang began to say: "Look, the mother-in-law in this TV series is quite good. She is much better than some people in reality, and she can still have conflicts with the daughter-in-law." , look at me, I'm thousands of times better, but I don't know if there will be any conflict with Tiantian."

(End of this chapter)

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