Chapter 429 Chapter 429: What if you beat yourself silly?
Lu Zhiyan lowered his eyes and froze for a moment with a gentle smile on his lips. He raised his hand and rubbed Song Tian's head and said softly, "I'm always here."

He knew that Tiantian had experienced a lot yesterday and would be in a bad mood today, so he quickly came over to see her after arranging his work for the day.

Fortunately, Tiantian's mental state is not bad.

Song Tian's eyes were moist and misty, she sniffed quietly, pursed her lips and said with a smile, "I want to eat grapes."

The sweet and sour taste of the grapes is appetizing.

Her Ayan is the best Ayan in the world, and it is also hers.

Lu Zhiyan nodded with a smile, reached out and took out her favorite bunch of grapes from the fruit basket, and also took a plastic plate to wash.

As soon as he entered, he saw Bai Mian washing the dishes and chopsticks. He said, "Auntie, you are here too."

He was so anxious when he came in that he didn't notice anyone else was inside.

When Bai Mian heard the sound, he turned around and saw that it was Lu Zhiyan. A smile suddenly appeared on his face and he said with satisfaction: "Xiao Lu, you are here too. Wash the fruits quickly. Tiantian likes grapes the most."

"Okay, Auntie, go out and accompany Tiantian." Lu Zhiyan nodded and made way for Bai Mian to walk out, taking a large bunch of grapes and washing them in the water.

Bai Mian put the bowls and chopsticks in the bag, sat down, looked at Song Tian and smiled, "Fortunately, Xiao Lu is still thinking about you, so mom is relieved. If you want to go home, mom will take you home, otherwise You can go and relax with Xiao Lu."

Fang Zheng felt in her heart that Xiao Lu was really a good son-in-law.

Song Tian heard what Bai Mian said was quite acceptable. After living at home for so long, she would be going back to school soon if she accompanied Ayan, so she had to think about it.

"Here you go, crystal clear grapes, do you want to tear off the skins?" Lu Zhiyan sat on Song Tian's right hand and handed the grapes one by one to Song Tian.

"Auntie, do you want to eat?" Lu Zhiyan raised the plate in his hand, but Bai Mian refused and picked up the bags and bags next to him, "No, I will go back after you chat."

"Bye Mom, stay safe."

"Auntie, go slowly."


Song Tian bit the grape that was handed to her mouth with a sparkling smile in her eyes, and raised her hand to rub Lu Zhiyan's hair, "Ayan, shall I go home with you today?"

Lu Zhiyan's eyes suddenly burst into light, "Really?"

"Of course it's true. I want to go back with you. School is about to start anyway." Song Tian blinked his eyes and looked at Lu Zhiyan with a small mouth and a smile.

"Okay, I'll take you back after you've rested." Lu Zhiyan said gently, "Do you still want to eat?"


"I want to spit out the seeds." Song Tian still had grape seeds in her mouth after eating the meat. She looked at Lu Zhiyan and couldn't help but smile.

Lu Zhiyan patted his head and said, "Oh yes, I forgot. Come and vomit on this small box."

Song Tian immediately stretched out her hand to rub the area where he slapped her, glared at him and said, "Why did you hit yourself? What if you hit yourself stupidly?"

Lu Zhiyan smiled and said, "I'm happy."

"I want to eat grapes, ah~" Song Tian smiled arrogantly, opened her mouth and waited to be fed.

"Okay, okay, I'll feed the baby grapes."

After eating the grapes and asking the doctor some precautions, Lu Zhiyan packed Song Tian's clothes and headed to the airport to get on the plane and fly to the capital.

Song Tian told Tang Qianyun on WeChat and fell asleep in Lu Zhiyan's arms.
(End of this chapter)

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