The group pet goose is a full-level boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 345 Chapter 345: Survival in the Wilderness 2

Chapter 345 Chapter 345: Survival in the Wilderness 2
Song Tian shouted first, "Brother Xu, please see if it's poisonous first, otherwise you'll be in trouble."

She still felt a little scared. What if the grass was poisonous?

When Xu Xing heard this, he also felt that there was some truth in it, so he looked at the introduction of Anomatis on his mobile phone and grinned, "It's not poisonous!"

Then he pulled up the anomatis and said, "Hey, there's only one. Let's continue!"

[Wow!Brother Xu is so awesome! 】

[That little girl is my Brother Song’s sister? ! 】

【See you soon! 】

[My sister is so cute, I like it! 】

But Meng Wan's side gathered a lot of people, and the reason was that there was a young girl who pulled grass whenever she saw it!
"Hey, why do you pull out all kinds of grass?"

"What's the use? You have to find something valuable."

"What do you know? Although this grass is not very valuable, it is of some value. It can be used as a dressing for trauma, and it can also be used to make medicine to prevent minor symptoms such as heat stroke and colds." Li Yan glared at them and said, feeling that these people I really haven’t seen the world, I don’t understand anything and I just scream nonsense here.

"What is this big thing?" Bai Yiren asked as a curious baby, having never seen it before.

"There are a lot of plantains in the mountains, and they have many benefits." Li Yan grew up in the countryside and later became rich by raising pigs. She heard that she could get 3000 yuan for participating in the show this time, so she came.

Meng Wan squatted down, picked up a piece of grass, and looked at other grasses.

"Sister Wan, what are you holding?" Bai Yiren asked quickly upon seeing this.

Meng Wan said softly: "Solanum nigrum, wild mint, and foxtail grass. You can also pick some, these are valuable things."

Bai Yiren took a few of them doubtfully.

I saw that the rest of the people were about to go back.

"Hey, why did they go back so quickly?"

"Bai Yiren, you are so stupid. Is there anything of great value in this? Do you want to stay here to feed the mosquitoes?" Tian Meimei walked past the two of them with a sneer on her face.

Bai Yiren rolled her eyes at her, "Cut, you think you can change a tent with only a few stalks of grass in your hand? I still need to find a few more stalks!"

After complaining, Bai Yiren immediately bent down to look at a few strands that looked the same as Meng Wan's hand and picked them up.

【Hahaha! 】

[Why is it so funny?I saw these grasses everywhere when I was a kid! 】【Yes, I remember that nightshade can be used to clear away heat and treat tumors. It is also one of the commonly used wild vegetables. It has the functions of protecting the liver, strengthening the stomach, and improving eyesight. 】

[Miss Wan is pretty good, she knows everything! 】

[Don’t be so pushy if you’re a fan of someone, everyone understands this, right? 】

It was only when it was getting dark that Meng Wan and Bai Yi got up and went back.

Director Liu asked someone to order some herbs.

"It's just a few plants, can you change the tent? I owe it first!"

"What are you talking about? You can't tell it's a herb at first glance! I owe you!"

"Ang, this is not bad, you can exchange it for two things."

It wasn't until the director walked over to the pig-raising lady that he nodded with satisfaction, "What a great harvest! Very good! Three things!"

Then he looked at Song Yujin and Song Tian with a hint of surprise on their faces, "Hey! Anomatis? You are really good. There are also nightshade, plantain, and black's really good, five of them." thing!"

Song Tian's face was filled with a smile, "Thank you, director!"

[Hehe... We watched Brother Song and the others pick it. It’s really a good supplement! 】

"Goosetail grass, nightshade, wild mint, fleece-flower root... I counted almost fifty plants that can be exchanged for four things." Director Liu looked at Meng Wan and said, quite satisfied.

After walking around, I realized that only half of the people could actually find some herbs.

He raised the trumpet again and said: "What you owe must be paid tomorrow!"

"You can rest for a while now."

[The director hates the fact that iron cannot become steel!Ha ha ha ha! 】

[Yes, I said it was valuable, but I didn’t say it was super valuable. I didn’t expect that I couldn’t find a single herb! 】

[It’s so funny, Actor Song’s side and Meng Wan’s side are much more interesting! 】

【Why!Don’t forget our pig sister, hahaha! 】

For a while, the barrage kept coming and I was laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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