Ghost Rider's Judgment

Chapter 296 Cinderella and the Blood Prince

Chapter 296 Cinderella and the Blood Prince

I once fell madly in love with a girl, and then I chopped off her head with my own hands.

I still remember that scene, how beautiful it was.

Just like fragrant red wine pouring out of a person's body, falling on the ground and turning into an elegant rose.

Since when did I start falling in love with the feeling of decapitating people!Ah, yes, it all starts with a dance.

I am a prince of a country. My father has taught me since I was a child that as a leader of the people, only by loving the people can I be loved by the people. I long to be loved by everyone, so I have always done what my father said.

As a qualified prince, I am outstanding in all aspects, whether it is appearance, talent, martial arts, or even governing the country.

In this way, I naturally became an excellent prince and a qualified heir to the throne, and I was loved by everyone. I was even the dream lover of all the girls in this country.

But after getting all these, I felt an unprecedented emptiness. I don’t know why, and I felt loved by the people, but I was not happy, as if something was missing.

Until that dance party came, I knew what I was missing.

That ball was held for me by my father, hoping that I could find my marriage partner at the ball. As a prince and a qualified heir to the throne, I must marry a princess.

But at the ball, I couldn't look down on any of the princesses my father introduced me to.

Until the dance was about to start, a girl walked into the dance.

At that moment, it was as if the whole world stood still, and all the focus at the ball was on her.

That girl is so perfect. Although she wears a mask, her charm cannot be concealed. Her every frown is so moving, her laughter and anger make people forget about it, and every movement is elegant to the extreme.

From that moment on, I decided that only this girl was worthy to be my queen, Olenov.

I could no longer control my restless heart, so I stepped forward and danced with the girl.

She will be my only dance partner tonight and my destined bride. Once tonight is over, I will propose to her, even if my father objects, I don’t care.

However, just when the dance was about to end, she left in a hurry. She left so anxiously that she even accidentally dropped the glass slipper she was wearing.

I have not seen the queen since.

But I have chosen her. I will not marry her unless I marry her in this life. I found the glass slipper she dropped that day, and then let people all over the country try it on. The girl who can wear that glass slipper must be the girl I am looking for. that girl.

After a day and night of investigation, I gradually lost my patience, but when I was about to call it a day, a young girl came here and said with a smile that she wanted to try.

The girl looked very ordinary and was a little fat, but she smiled extremely confidently, as if she could definitely wear this glass slipper.

It disgusted me to see her, it was such a blasphemy against that wonderful existence, but I let her try anyway.

However, what I never expected was that this glass shoe fit just right on her feet, as if this shoe was tailor-made for her.

Could she be the girl I'm looking for?No, absolutely not, there is no way I could mistake her for her.

At that moment, I was angry. Her behavior was unforgivable. She was tarnishing the most beautiful existence in my heart. This person was unforgivable.

I looked at her, and she had a disgusting smile on her face, as if she was imagining her life as a queen.

A woman like this still wants to be a queen?How disgusting!
I no longer hesitated, pulled out my sword, and chopped off her head in front of everyone.

And the moment I cut off her head, I suddenly felt that my whole person had been sublimated. At that moment, I finally knew what I had been missing.

It was my first time killing someone, and I loved it.

My father always told me that as the leader of a country, although he enjoys great power and the love of the people, on the other hand it is very hard. At this time, we need to develop a hobby.

My father always suggested that I learn to grow flowers, play the piano, or hunt.

But none of those things interested me, and I never knew what I was interested in.

It wasn't until this moment, when I chopped off this bitch's head, that I finally knew what I liked.

That's what I like, chopping people's heads off.

And from that moment on, it was out of control.

The trial of the glass slippers is still in progress, but there is an additional rule. Anyone who does not meet the conditions will be beheaded by my own hands.

What a wonderful job, looking for your destined lover and cultivating your own hobbies at the same time.

The emptiness I felt for so many years is gone.

But a few days passed, and almost no one came to try on the glass slippers. In the end, I still couldn't find the girl.

Although it is a pity, I have gained a lot of heads, and from now on, I will gain more heads.

It was also from that day that I no longer wanted to listen to my father and be a qualified prince, but to be a tyrant. Of course, the name tyrant was just a nickname given to me by those untouchables.

I am still me, the best man in the country, Olenov, but I finally have some hobbies.

As time goes by, my hobbies have evolved into various forms. For example, my favorite is the hunter game.

I take off a person's clothes and put him in the jungle, give him 10 minutes of hiding time, and when the time is up, I will go fully armed to hunt him.

If he is not killed by me within one day, then he wins and will eventually get a bonus, but if he loses, he will be chopped off his head by me.

Of course, no one has ever won this game so far.

However, during a hunting game, I accidentally passed a dilapidated village in the jungle, and then in that village I met a girl who was collecting herbs.

After seeing that girl, it was as if an electric current flowed through my body.

That beautiful hair, charming blue eyes, and slender figure.

There was no mistaking her, she was the girl who showed up at the dance and made me think about her day and night.

The girl didn't notice me at this time. I dropped the hunting props in my hands, followed the girl quietly, and followed her into the shabby village.

(End of this chapter)

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