Ghost Rider's Judgment

Chapter 237 Rubik’s Cube and Wand

Chapter 237 Rubik’s Cube and Wand

Dr. Selvig still controlled the light beam flying into the sky from the Cosmic Cube, but when he saw a skeleton covered in fire riding a fire dragon flying into the void, tearing apart the Kirita people's spaceships, he was completely stunned.

"This guy is more powerful than Thor!" Selvig said blankly, looking at the sky.

Although his mind was forcibly controlled by Loki at the moment, he had not forgotten his previous memories. His niece Jane Foster was Thor's girlfriend, so he himself was very familiar with the concept of superheroes.

Now his actions are completely out of his control, and everything must be obeyed by Loki. However, the Mind Stone can control a person's mind, but it cannot erase a person's basic personality. Even if the doctor is completely controlled at the moment, he still has deep feelings in his heart. Still hoping someone could stop me.

But at this moment, he saw hope.

Seeing the Kirita people falling from the sky one after another, the fire dragon also flew from the void, but his direction was not towards him, but towards the other side of the building.

The Ghost Rider rode Agares into a building and broke in through the window. At this time, a young man wearing gold armor and a green cloak was lying on the ground. It was Loki. There was a floor next to him. of broken glass.

Just after the Ghost Rider destroyed the Kiritan spaceship, Loki was flying in the sky on a Kiritan aircraft.But all of Kirita's technology and people are connected to the mothership, which is why once the mothership is destroyed, all the Kirita people will fall to the ground.

Therefore, after the Ghost Rider destroyed the mothership, the Kirita aircraft that Loki stepped on also lost its energy supply, causing him to fall directly from the air, into the building, and fell from the ceiling to the ground.

"Hi Loki!"

Ghost Rider removes the flames from his body and turns back into a human.

Loki stood up in some embarrassment, and then shouted angrily: "Enough~~!"

Loki shouted at Chen Qi and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Chen Qi: "Ah, okay, okay! I know what you are going to say!"

Just listen to Chen Qi say calmly: "What will you say next: 'You are nothing, I am a god, you idiot, you ant can't even think of humiliating me!', and then I will beat you up and go to You spit on me!"

After listening to Chen Qi's words, Loki was completely stunned. How could this guy know what he would say next?

After all, this is a classic scene. Chen Qi has watched this scene more than once just by watching short videos. He has already memorized the lines of this scene.

Then Chen Qi said again: "So let's not waste time, skip this tedious step, hand your scepter to me, and then I will go do business!"

As Chen Qi spoke, he stepped forward and snatched the scepter from Loki's hand. Before Loki could even react, Chen Qi rode Agares away.

"Hey~! Give me back the scepter, you stupid mortal!" Loki shouted from behind.

After Chen Qi got the scepter, he rode Agares and flew to Selvig's place. At this time, Selvig was still driving the Cosmic Cube. Although the Kirita army had been destroyed, the beam of light Still connected to the void in the air.

Chen Qi wants to close the portal as soon as possible. After all, who knows what Thanos will release to the earth after knowing that all the Kiritas are dead.

When Selvig saw Chen Qi coming, he just shook his head and said, "Sorry, kid, I can't turn it off!"

Since the scepter has been taken away by Chen Qi, Loki can no longer control Selvig through the scepter. Therefore, Selvig has returned to normal at this time, and for what he did while he was controlled, he I feel like I can't even die.

"I know, but it can!" Chen Qi said, holding up Loki's scepter: "Use the power of gems to fight against gems."

Selvig didn't know what he meant by using gems to fight gems. After all, they didn't have the concept of infinite gems yet, but he had imagined that Loki's scepter might indeed affect the Cosmic Cube.

Because although their abilities are very different, the energy they release is surprisingly consistent, and they all release powerful gamma rays, as if they have the same origin.

I saw Chen Qi holding the scepter, using the gem on the top of the scepter to easily pierce the energy shield around the activation device of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and then inserted it deeper.

The moment the Mind Gem on the scepter came into contact with the Universe Cube, a huge energy wave vibrated, and then the light beam in the air gradually disappeared, and the void in the air also disappeared and dissipated along with the black hole.

At this moment, everything is over.

At this time, the six Avengers were still standing there blankly, looking at the black hole disappearing in the sky. Captain America hesitated and said: "Uh, is it over? So the Fire Skull is from our side, so why didn't he take action before? , and why didn’t the Avengers plan call him?”

"He may be as unwilling to obey Fury as I am!" Stark said: "But I'm not sure how I feel now. I'm already ready to fight!"

Then Stark said to the five teammates around him: "By the way, let's go have barbecue! I know a very delicious barbecue restaurant. I'll treat you without a flaming skull!"

After closing the space hole, Chen Qi's cell phone suddenly rang.He thought it was Annie calling him, but when he opened it, he found it was an unfamiliar number.

Chen Qi connected the phone, and a familiar voice came from the other side of the phone: "Well done, you angry boy!"

"Fu Rui, hehe. Is this the new nickname you gave me? It's even worse than the last nickname!" Chen Qi said lightly.

"No, it's just me calling it that!" Nick Fury said.

Chen Qi did not dwell on this topic, but said, "Where is Coulson? How is he?"

"Loki stabbed his chest with the scepter, and he's still in the hospital!" Fury said.

Chen Qi was startled. Although he knew that Colson would most likely not listen to him, it seemed that he had at least saved his life now. He should have taken precautions after listening to his warning!
"Then, what's your business doing calling me?" Chen Qi asked, he knew that it would be no good for Fu Rui to call him.

"It's very simple!" Nick Fury said: "You stay where you are now, and I will send someone to pick you and Dr. Selvig up!"

"Pick me up?" Chen Qi smiled and said, "You mainly want to send someone to pick up Loki's scepter and the Cosmic Cube, right?"

"Of course, it is an extremely dangerous item and needs to be treated with caution!" Nick Fury said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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