Chapter 220

The Super Seven Council, the current Super Seven, only has five people left.

The Motherland, the Phoenix Warrior, Queen Maeve, Starlight, Shockwave, and the previous Black had died in the hands of the Phoenix Warrior.

As for the reason, everyone basically understands that Xuanzi wanted to abandon his motherland and was killed, but they basically didn't know that the person who killed Xuanzi was actually the Phoenix Warrior.

At this moment, the five people were looking at the TV screen, which was playing the scene of Edgar's arrest.

"What did you do?" Maeve turned to ask the motherland.

However, before the people of the motherland could speak, the Phoenix Warrior said: "We did what we should have done all along!"

Maeve and Starlight both looked at the Phoenix Warrior in shock. At first, they thought that although the Phoenix Warrior had a bad character, he had never done anything particularly bad, and he was also a member of the people who resisted the motherland.

But now, the Phoenix Warrior seems to be the one helping the evil.

"As we all know, Vought is a superhero company, so don't you find it strange that such a company is controlled by a mortal?" Phoenix Warrior said, turning his attention to the people of the motherland, and continued: "So we just let things return Get on the right track and let our company be controlled by superheroes!"

The motherland man nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, now that Edgar has fallen, those people who were once protected by him are no longer protected!"

"Let's go, Phoenix Warrior, let's go do business and see that person!" said the motherland man.

He said, then turned his attention to Maeve and Starlight, then turned and left.

The Phoenix warrior was also about to leave, when Xingguang suddenly stood beside him and said, "I misread you!"

"Sorry to disappoint you!" Phoenix Warrior said calmly: "But if I were you, I would be extremely careful when speaking at this moment. Don't forget, the people of the motherland have super hearing!"

After saying this, the Phoenix Warrior left.

"You must do what I say and memorize your lines. You have made so many movies, so small things like this should be no problem for you!" On the way, Chen Qi urged: "And you must remember "Stay, don't, don't shed a single tear, and let your father know that you are a tougher guy than him!"

"Yes, I remember!" the motherland nodded.

At this moment, both the Phoenix Warrior and the Motherland were flying in the air, and the Motherland was carrying his son Ryan in his hands, and their destination was Vermont, where the twin princes of dynamite were located.

For the Phoenix Warriors and the people of the motherland, flying there alone is faster than any means of transportation.

In front of a mansion in Vermont far from the city, two figures fell from the sky.

Just as the motherland and the Phoenix Warrior landed on the ground, the door of the mansion suddenly opened, and two elderly brothers and sisters walked out.

Although the two of them are old, their clothes are indeed very inappropriate for their age at the moment.

The man wore a robe that exposed his breasts, while the woman wore an extremely sexy vinyl tights.

"Wow wow~! Look who's here, the supernova Phoenix Warrior of the Super Seven, and the famous native of the motherland!" The man said, "I'm your big fan!"

"Oh my gosh, Tommy, you're so flattering!" the woman said.

The man glanced at his sister, then looked at the Phoenix Warriors and the people of the motherland and said, "Sorry, my sister is a bit mean!"

"Dynamite King Twins?" the native said straight to the point.

"Yes, it's such an honor for us that you actually know us!" The man said, "To have a big star like you come to our party really gives us a face!"

The motherland person frowned and said, "Are you having a party?"

The man smiled mysteriously and nodded.

The motherland man was about to ask, but the Phoenix Warrior on the side patted him and said: "There is no need to ask any more, let's go in and take a look!"

The motherland man nodded, and then followed the twins in with Chen Qi.

However, when the people from the motherland entered, they were shocked.Because there is emotional music in it, and there are many men and women gathered here.

This scene directly made the people of the motherland look stupid, and said in their mouths: "What is this horse riding?"

"It's a promiscuous meeting!" Chen Qi patted the shoulder of the motherland and said: "Don't you know? It's clearly written in the information. Your father initiated this. My God, your father is so talented. Got it!"

The motherland man shook his head. Although he had behaved badly, he was not in the mood to engage in such things at the moment, so he said: "I can't meet my father in a place like this. It's too ceremonial. Do I want to kill all these people?" ?Including the twins outside, my father will kill them anyway!"

"No no no no~!" Chen Qi immediately stopped the crazy behavior of the people from the motherland: "Today is the day you meet your father, and it is even more inappropriate to let the blood here flow into rivers, as long as they leave quickly!"

Then Chen Qi said again: "Oh, by the way, the dynamite king Shuangzi stayed here, tied them up, and then when your father comes, kill them in front of him and let your father see how powerful you are. man!"

The motherland man nodded and said: "Yes, this is a good idea!"

I saw the body of the motherland slightly in the air, and then looked around, and found that music equipment was arranged in many places, which is why the music in this room has always been so emotional.

Immediately afterwards, the people of the motherland suddenly emitted heat rays, destroying all the music equipment instantly. For a moment, the entire screaming club was in panic.

And the people of the motherland shouted in the air: "Quiet!"

Everyone calmed down and looked at the people of the motherland, who then said: "Now I declare that the shouting will end, everyone get out of this room, except the dynamite king and the two princes!"

Although there were many superhumans here, they did not dare to disobey the people of the motherland, so they all left in a hurry.

When the twins saw this scene, they stepped forward in confusion and said, "What are you doing?"

Without saying a word, the people of the motherland strangled their necks, and then their eyes glowed red.

Chen Qi took a step forward and said to the people of the motherland: "Hey, don't get excited, brother, have you forgotten? You have to kill these two traitors in front of your father!"

(End of this chapter)

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