Chapter 380
It is said that when Mrs. Wang visited, Yuanchun felt guilty, so he agreed quite simply.

But after Mrs. Wang left, she hesitated.

After all, Queen Tian knew clearly that her whereabouts had been discovered by Lai Shangrong, and now she wanted to use his name, so she didn't know how to speak for a while.

Unexpectedly, when he was in a dilemma, news came that Queen Tian had summoned him.

As the visit period passed, Jia Zheng's condition spread in the palace.

As a virtuous concubine, she once again became a joke in the palace.

Empress Tian originally took care of Yuanchun with the mentality of winning over Lai Shangrong. Now that the Jia family has had such an accident, the icing on the cake is not as good as providing help in the snow. At this time, comforting is twice the result with half the effort.

Therefore, after Yuanchun bowed, he said kindly: "The emperor won't see you either. As long as you correct your mentality and ignore those gossips, that's all."

"I don't care about my concubine. It's just that my younger brother is not married yet."

After saying that, he knelt down with a plop and begged: "I would like to ask for a favor from the queen to grant a marriage to my brother."

The opportunity was rare. It was better to be summoned by the queen than to ask for an audience by myself. Now that he had expressed goodwill, it was just the right thing to do.

Queen Tian was unmoved and said: "With this kind of thing happening in your family, I'm afraid it's inappropriate to grant a marriage!"

With Jia Zheng's illness, no good family would be willing to marry him. This must be why Yuanchun asked for a marriage.

Moreover, although the marriage grant would not have anything to do with the Rong Mansion, the cause of Jia Zheng's illness could be avoided if possible.

Hearing the queen's refusal, Yuanchun couldn't help but think of Mrs. Wang's words, that even he was taken care of by the queen because of Lai Shangrong's face.

I can only bite the bullet and say: "Please do it for Master Lai's sake..."

"Oh? Minister Lai also knows about this?"

"It was Mr. Lai who told my mother that my father was ill because he was busy with government affairs and couldn't get away..."

When Queen Tian heard this, she immediately thought that it was Lai Shangrong's response to her taking care of Yuanchun.

There are even plans to place bets in advance. After all, Lai Shang is honored to be a minister. Perhaps because he sees his intentions and is pregnant with a dragon, it is not impossible to hand over the certificate of investment in advance.

But then doubts arose again. Since he could spy on the leopard, how could he be so bold?
Didn't you worry about the emperor's reaction?

After all, he saw something he shouldn't have seen in front of the emperor, so how dare he not avoid suspicion?
As the daughter of an imperial merchant, she was able to become a queen. Although there was an element of luck involved, she was also well versed in the ways of maneuvering.

Thinking of Yuanchun's punishment, he suddenly felt enlightened.

He secretly thought that Lai Shangrong was able to hold a high position at such a young age. Sure enough, he did not come out of thin air.

On the surface, he remained calm and said sympathetically: "That's all! I don't have any brothers. I'm so pitiful and sincere, so I'll do my best!"

Yuan Chun hurriedly informed Xue Baochai of his name, and explained the relationship between the Xue family and his own family to the queen.

"The two families had this plan, but now..."

The queen nodded and sent Yuan Chun away, but did not issue an order. Instead, she sat on the phoenix couch and bowed her head in deep thought.

In fact, Yuanchun asked the queen to grant a marriage decree, but she said she would do her best and obviously did not respond directly.

But Yuanchun didn't understand the difference and just kowtowed to thank him.

In the evening, the emperor arrived at Fengzao Palace.

Empress Tian rode Emperor Zhenglong and listened to her belly, and then said with concern: "Now the palace has begun to spread the news about Concubine Xiande's family. Last time, the emperor only imposed a slight grounding, which led to the impeachment of Minister Lai. Now that's all. I’m afraid Concubine Xian De’s biological father’s official position will still be…”

Seeing that Emperor Zhenglong was thoughtful, he continued: "I am just worried that someone will take the opportunity to embarrass the emperor again. If this impeachment is also caused by the silver coin decree..."

She mistakenly thought that the marriage grant was really Lai Shangrong's idea. Based on the reaction of the court when Dao Yuanchun was punished last time, she thought that this was Lai Shangrong killing two birds with one stone, making a bet in advance and blocking the court's counterattack.

Originally, she would not be so direct, but when she saw Emperor Zhenglong thinking deeply, it was obviously in line with her guess, and then she came up with a follow-up association.

Not only were the rumors created by Mei Hanlin not refuted, but they became even more widespread with Emperor Zhenglong's encouragement.Affected by Jia Zheng, many people have recently made remarks about Lai Shangrong's style. These words indeed aroused Emperor Zhenglong's thoughts.

Lai Shangrong's reputation is not important, and the worse it is, the better. However, the implementation of the new currency is related to the court and cannot be lost.

Emperor Zhenglong pondered: "It's just that this Jia Zheng is not only a corpse, but also a disgrace to the country. If we can't deal with it, how can we serve as a warning to others?"

"It is not appropriate for me to comment on the affairs of the court. However, today, the virtuous concubine asked for a marriage favor for her brother. I think it can show the emperor's kindness."

"Hmph!" Emperor Zhenglong snorted coldly: "This is because he knows that his reputation is bad, and he wants to use this opportunity to oppress others!"

At this point, the conversation changed: "Which girl are you trying to harm?"

As far as Emperor Zhenglong was concerned, sacrificing a girl was not a big deal as long as the decree could be implemented.

Of course, if the Jia family does not understand the situation clearly and tries to follow the dragon and the phoenix, that is another story.

"The Xue family and the Jia family are aunts and cousins, and both parties had already planned this. It was only because the Jia family was worried that they asked for my concubine."

She was well aware of the emperor's grudge, and of course she would not have anything to do with Lai Shangrong, so she only said that it was Yuanchun who begged for mercy.

"Huh? Isn't the Xue family daughter going to be Lai Aiqing's concubine?" Emperor Zhenglong asked doubtfully.

Queen Tian hurriedly explained: "I have asked, the person who is given to Minister Lai as my concubine is the second eldest daughter of the Xue family, and the eldest daughter of the Xue family is the one that Concubine Xiande has invited!"

"Ha! They are self-aware, and the merchant's family is a perfect match for his family!"

Emperor Zhenglong made a sarcastic comment, and then said: "The effect of the Queen's marriage is not as good as my own marriage, so as to remind those who are not discerning."


At the same time as Emperor Zhenglong made the decision.

Mrs. Wang, who has already received the news, is also moving.

Since she came back from the palace last time, she reported her idea of ​​praying for Yuanchun to Jia Mu.

The daughter-in-law is so thoughtful, so Jia Mu certainly has no reason to disagree.

But there was nothing going on in the palace. She was wondering if she should go another day, so she kept delaying.

Today, Wu Cuo received the good news from Yuanchun and did not want to delay it any longer.

However, the destination of the move was not Caocui'an, but the Jade Emperor Temple next to the East Point Gate.

The temporary change of location was still caused by Mrs. Xing.

That day, Jia She had a crooked idea, and Mrs. Xing was also worried, so she also thought of moving to the Grand View Garden.

After all, Jia She was still her husband in name only. If she ignored her after drinking, she really couldn't do anything to him.

Although she was not worried about being known by Lai Shangrong in Dongkuayuan, Mrs. Xing was afraid that Jia She would be just like Jia Zheng.

A while ago, in order to express my determination in front of Lai Shangrong, I told him my plan to move to Qingtang thatched cottage while we were rubbing our hair together.

Originally, this was not enough to make Mrs. Wang change her original intention, but she added one more thing, saying that this would not require Lai Shangrong to take a detour. She would only need to reopen the east corner gate from Grand View Garden to Lai Family Huifang Garden, which would also save Uncle Lai a few steps. walking path.

Mrs. Wang was not willing to let Mrs. Xing focus on her beauty, so she hurriedly changed the courtyard and resettled the location to the adjacent Jade Emperor Temple.

Of course Lai Shangrong would not object, but was rather pleased. The Jade Emperor Temple and the Qingtang Cottage were located on the north and south sides of the East Point Gate, just like two door gods.

This meaning is extraordinary, just like letting the two ladies of Rong Mansion guard the Grand View Garden for him.

Of course, for Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Xing, Lai Shangrong would have to go to their house to visit the dock first.


(End of this chapter)

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