I, God Lord, recruit witches to make money

Chapter 139 Humanity is from barbarism to civilization (please subscribe)

Chapter 139 Humanity is from barbarism to civilization (please subscribe)
Due to the time difference, South Africa is shrouded in darkness. There is no thick smoke in developed countries to cover the starry sky. Stars are dotted on the black screen, shining like South Africa's diamonds.

Gao Liujing landed on a square, lattice-shaped tall building. The evening breeze brought a bit of the chill that should have been winter, making her tremble slightly. "What a wonderful ability. What is your serial number?"

"It's not polite to ask someone with a bloodline about something private like this."

Jirei replied with a smile, flipping his right palm over, and a telescope appeared in his palm, "Look over there, the banquet is being held."

Gao Liujing took the telescope and took a look.

The banquet was held in the atrium, and the Carlos family members were tied to wooden stakes on the lawn. The spirits dug out their hearts and souls and held a barbecue party among these people.

She frowned slightly and said with an indifferent expression: "What a disgusting scene. Do you have such interest?"

Jire smiled and said, "If you knew what the Carlos family did on a daily basis, I believe you would find this ending very satisfying."

Gao Liujing immediately understood the meaning of the other party's words and asked: "Is he a traditional retro-style extraordinary family?"

Ji Lei nodded and said, "That's right."

"Tsk." Gao Liujing sneered with disdain, not because she had unreasonable malice towards ancient cultures, but because some ancient cultures are indeed dross that should be discarded.

As we all know, before the fifth civilization, human beings had four civilizations. The first civilization mainly revolved around the enslavement of human beings by spirits and human resistance. It lasted 5000 million years and ended in human failure.

The second civilization is the sudden influx of monsters, breaking the advantage of spirits and monsters over humans, allowing humans to take time to breathe and develop, and the bloodlines are the most during that period.

Humans, monsters, and spirits are strangled in this world. When humans are about to win, the existence known as the king of monsters single-handedly destroys all the extraordinary, bringing the 6000 million-year war to an end. Failed again.

Fortunately, the King of Monsters did not stay in the human world for too long and returned to another world.

The remaining humans thus entered the third civilization, and the dead supernatural beings turned into evil spirits and wandered the earth.

Both the spirits and humans were maimed by the king of monsters, but they were still fighting each other, and monsters from other worlds came from time to time to fight Qiu Feng.

The more mankind resists, the more evil spirits appear. Under this vicious cycle, mankind struggles to survive 8000 million years of darkness.

The fourth civilization is marked by the appearance of gods. At first, humans wanted to use the power of gods to eliminate monsters, spirits, and evil spirits. In the end, they found that the side effects of gods were too great.

But it's easy to invite gods but hard to send them away. In the end, human beings were almost wiped out by a global strange event caused by a god.

Fortunately, this weirdness is not only aimed at humans, it is equivalent to a comprehensive cleaning of the planet.

The survivors ushered in the fifth civilization. Relying on the extraordinary inheritance of the previous four civilizations, mankind got out of trouble as quickly as possible and took a dominant position for the first time.

That was the golden age of extraordinary beings, and what followed was the conflict between extraordinary beings and ordinary people.

In the past, human beings lived a very difficult life, like a couple in love who just wanted to hug each other and had no time to think about the daily necessities of the future.

When human beings stabilized, the contradiction between extraordinary people and ordinary people came to the fore. The extraordinary people initially wanted to maintain the system of the fourth civilization, but later felt that ordinary people were of little use and imposed rule by force.

At the same time, the conflicts between the extraordinary forces are also increasing, and they are gradually entering a bloody era of killing one person, destroying the whole family, and eradicating the roots.

The extremely cruel and bloody era triggered a global war of extraordinary forces, plus monsters, spirits, weirdness, and evil spirits, which eventually led to a great flood that drowned all living beings.

The extraordinary beings realized that if they continued to fight, humanity would not perish in their own hands.

They quickly stopped fighting and began to think about a new order. The struggles between the major forces would not affect their families, and the banishment system was implemented.

If someone doesn't listen to the family, they will be kicked out directly. The family will not care who kills him, and try their best to prevent large-scale extraordinary conflicts from happening.

Secondly, extraordinary beings no longer directly rule mortals, but use mortals to rule mortals.

However, in some remote places, there are always wild places that civilization cannot reach.

The Carlos family is one of those people who lives far away from civilization.

In fact, the FBI is also very different, but the FBI is not so obvious. They never disobey the orders of the President of the White House, and they will only consider changing a president who can get along well.

Therefore, Gao Liujing didn't believe that the FBI was cleaning up the Carlos family because of their many evil deeds. "Did the Carlos family do anything to harm our interests?"

Jire said with a smile: "The director's plan needs to unite the extraordinary forces here in South Africa so that he can lead everyone to develop another world together, but the families here do not agree to form an extraordinary alliance.

The director decided to draw lots, and if the Carlos family was drawn, he would have the goblin guild destroy them, creating a powerful panic among the goblins and forcing the other families to unite to cope with the possible destruction. "

"Tsk, tsk, that one is really good at making offers that people can't refuse."

Gao Liujing complained, looked at the Carlos family again, and was completely devoured.


The Fairy Guild had a full meal and did not stay in the mansion to continue discussing matters.

They know very well that there will be extraordinary beings who will reenact what happened at the scene afterwards, and whatever was discussed there will be told to the enemy.

Disguising themselves as other people, they quickly left Johannesburg and gathered at an estate outside.

Chika Saito called them to the hall, poured the steaming blood into the wine glass, and said to the people below: "I have a question for everyone, do you know why the spirits were born?"

This sudden philosophical question made them a little confused, and one of them said directly: "If there is nothing else, I will go back and rest first."

"Don't be so anxious. Don't you care about the meaning of your birth?"

Chika Saito's face mimicked a human smile.

One replied: "Spending time thinking about meaningless things is meaningless in itself. If it doesn't make sense, why think about it?"

"We never think without meaning."

"No, President Merlin doesn't think so."

Saito Chika shook her head and said to them: "We are gathered by this meaningless question. From before, President Merlin has been thinking about what is the meaning of the existence of spirits in this world?
In order to get this answer, it transformed its whole body and tried to combine with humans and give birth to a child, the goblin killer Adolf Bachmeier. "

"That Adolf is the child of a human and the president?" A man with obvious blond hair asked.

"That's right, but the blood she sheds is 100% human, with no trace of spirits at all, and the president didn't have the heart to kill her at the time."

Saito Qianhua spread her hands, "When the guild grows to Japan, it will combine with a high-level spirit as a man, and the child born will be the body I have now.

Incredibly, the children of the two high-level monsters are also human beings. I ate the brains of the children when they were five years old.

I remember that the president had the thought of killing me at that time, but it was only for a moment, it controlled that thought and began to train me. "

"What exactly do you want to say?" Another senior elf asked.

"President Merlin wants to know the meaning of the birth of spirits in this world. Gathering us and establishing a country is to understand the meaning of our existence step by step."

Chika Saito took a sip of blood and said slowly: "But this is a very difficult thing. Unfortunately, President Merlin was killed by Adolf. I will succeed him as the second generation head of the guild and stick to its policy.

If you support me to stay, those who oppose me can leave.

If you want to fight me for the position of president, I will not refuse the challenge. "

Merlin's death caused the spirits in the hall to think for a while, and nine chose to leave. They did not trust the president other than Merlin.

Thirteen people tasted the sweetness and thought it was okay to cooperate with the FBI and get what they needed.

They don't care too much about who is the president.

The Goblin Guild itself does not have very clear rules and is an extremely loose guild.

Saito Chika smiled when she saw the spirit left behind. It was not very interested in realizing Merlin's dream of founding a country.

It is pragmatic and only cares about making itself stronger.

And when the world is changing, it needs the power of the same kind to seek a higher level for itself, and there is no future for it to do it alone.

(End of this chapter)

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