Chapter 489 Rescue Team

Songhua River is the largest tributary of HLJ in China. Its drainage basin covers the four provinces of HLJ, Jilin, Liaoning, and NMG, with a drainage area of ​​55.72 square kilometers.

There are two sources, north and south.

Nanyuan is the west-flowing Songhua River originating from Tianchi in Changbai Mountain. Counting from Nanyuan, the length of Songhua River is 1927 kilometers.

The North Source is the Nen River that originates from the Yilhuli Mountains, a branch of the Greater Hinggan Mountains. Counting from the North Source, the length of the Songhua River is 2309 kilometers.

The west-flowing Songhua River from Nanyuan merges into the Nenjiang River in Xi City, Jilin Province, forming the east-flowing Songhua River.

The Songhua River finally merges into the HLJ at Jiamusi Tongjiang River.

At this time, both the Songhua River in the south and the Nen River in the north were facing huge challenges.

In the flood control headquarters of Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces, leaders and experts frowned.

A piece of data from observation points along the river shows that the flow of the two rivers is growing rapidly.

There was tension everywhere along the coast.

Everyone knows that if the rainy weather continues, a terrible disaster will be waiting for them.

Now not only Heilongjiang Province and Jilin are tense, but all parts of the country are taking urgent action.

Because the National Flood Control Headquarters has already made a prediction.

This year's flood conditions will exceed historical levels.

Water levels are rising in several major river systems in our country.

The flood situation is serious!
"How are the flood prevention supplies prepared?"

"We are stepping up our preparations."

"We need to plan the flood discharge area as soon as possible, otherwise it may not work no matter how much we block it."

"The flood discharge area must be prepared, and the blockage must be resolutely blocked. Let's mobilize first."

"it is good."

Soon, the Black Province issued a mobilization order for flood relief.

Mobilization orders stamped with red seals jointly by the provincial government and the Flood Control Headquarters were posted throughout the province.

Bac Ninh City Hall.

Shen Yang put down the phone in his hand with a serious expression.

One of the main tributaries of the Nen River is the Nemur River.

The river flows from east to west through Wudalianchi, Nehe City, and merges into the Nenjiang River.

The source of the Nemur River is the north and south rivers of Changshui Farm.

Both the North and South Rivers and the Namor River are within the jurisdiction of Bac Ninh City.

In fact, there is another river in the south of Beining City, which is the Wuyuer River.

But it is an inland river, and its lower reaches enter a nature reserve, forming a large wetland.

Most of the counties along the coast are under the jurisdiction of Bac Ninh, but its harm is relatively small.

Each county or city's own rescue teams can ensure safety.

Shen Yang was not very worried.

What worries him most is the Nemur River.

He has received instructions to quickly form a flood relief and rescue team in Beining.

Needless to say, the armed police and fire fighters stationed in Bac Ninh City’s jurisdiction became the first choice.

The artillery regiment within the jurisdiction is also the main rescue force.

When these forces are organized, there are only 6000 to [-] people.

They were the first team to arrive at Wudalianchi for support.

Although Nehe City is not under the jurisdiction of Beining, their flood control capabilities are too weak. According to the principle of nearby support, Beining is responsible for the rescue tasks in Wudalianchi and Nehe.

A flood control headquarters was established in Bac Ninh.

After discussion with the city leadership, it is not only the national defense forces that need to be mobilized urgently, but also the strength of enterprises.

The largest enterprise group in Bac Ninh is undoubtedly Changhe Group.

At this critical moment, how can we not find him?
"Changhua, are you still at the farm? You came to the city. I need your help now."

"Leader, I'll be there soon."

After receiving Shen Yang's call, Lu Changhua did not dare to delay.

He also saw the mobilization order.

At this time, you can't retreat.

The so-called greater ability, greater responsibility.

In addition to having money, I also have people.

Hundreds of thousands of workers and their families are an absolute force.

While driving, he called his wife.

"Daughter-in-law, the leader came to see me and said he had something to discuss. I guess it has something to do with flood relief."

"Really? I also received a notice to go to the city for a meeting."

"Okay, let's meet in the city."

When they arrived at the city hall, Lu Changhua was called into the office by Shen Yang.

As soon as they met, Shen Yang said straightforwardly: "Changhua, you should also understand the current flood situation. It is very serious. We have received an order from the headquarters to ensure that the Nemur River within our jurisdiction does not burst its banks."

He pulled Lu Changhua to sit down, and said: "The first team has already gone up, in Wudalianchi."

"You also know that the population of Wudalianchi is very small, and they simply do not have the ability to maintain the dam."

"What do you need me to do?"

"You not only have to provide people, but you also have to provide money and supplies."

Shen Yang stared at Lu Changhua and said.

"OK, no problem."

"Haha, don't you feel bad? Our city is still very poor, but we don't have the money to pay you back."

Shen Yang's face looked a little ugly.

He is also licking his old face to beg for help.

"It's okay, this is a natural disaster. In this case, there is nothing I can't bear to part with."

"That's good. On behalf of the Beining City Government, thank you!"

Shen Yang was a little moved.

"Leader, in the face of a catastrophe, there is no distinction between you and me. I believe that many people will support the country for free. Only by protecting the country and the people can we really stand up."

Shen Yang held Lu Changhua's hand and refused to let go for a long time.

After the two finished chatting, they walked to the conference room.

This conference room was filled with heads of major companies.

Sitting on the rostrum were leading members of the Bac Ninh City Flood Control Headquarters.

"In order to ensure the absolute safety of the Nemur River embankments in Wudalianchi and Nehe City, tasks are now divided among various enterprises."

"Beining Changsheng Machinery Factory has established a rescue team of 200 people and prepared its own emergency supplies."

"Beining Qinghua Tool Factory has established a rescue team of 500 people and prepared its own emergency supplies."


"Changhe Group Company has established a rescue team of 5000 people and prepared its own rescue supplies."


Lu Changhua and Wang Yao sat below and wrote down their tasks.

“Now, please ask all major companies to donate for flood relief!”

"Our factory donated 50 yuan."

"Our company donated 100 million."

Wang Yao looked at her husband.

Lu Changhua nodded to her.

Just now, he had secretly told his wife what Shen Yang meant.

We are now Shen Yang's support, and we must not lose control. "Changhe Group, donate 1000 million yuan. Donate 100 tons of food."

Wang Yao's clear voice instantly silenced the venue.

Everyone knows that Changhe Group is powerful.

But when it comes to donating money, it only needs to be a symbolic donation.

How can it be as down-to-earth as Changhe!
All of a sudden it’s 1000 million!
Shen Yang was on the rostrum, his expression straightened, and he took the lead in applauding.

Driven by Changhe Group, the amount of donations from subsequent companies has obviously increased.

At last count, this donation alone amounted to 5000 million yuan.

This made the leaders of the headquarters heave a sigh of relief.

You know, in the face of a catastrophic disaster, spending money is irrelevant.

How can a newly upgraded prefecture-level city like theirs have so much money to support disaster relief?

They all have to rely on provincial appropriations, but the Heilongjiang Province itself doesn't have much money, so it has to rely on the central government.

The central government faces the whole country.

There are also Yangtze and Yellow River basins waiting for money.

At this point, there is nothing Beining can do if he doesn't rely on himself.

As soon as the couple returned to the group, they convened a meeting of all middle-level and above cadres.

Announced the establishment of Changhe Group Flood Control Headquarters.

Lu Changhua is the commander, Wang Yao and Chen Liguo are the deputy commanders.

Several things were announced at the same time.

The first thing is the disaster relief donation initiative, where various factories and companies organize donations.

Donations will be collected and handed over to the company within three days.

The second thing is to select 5000 young, strong, and fluent male workers to form a flood relief and rescue team.

The salary package is double salary.

In case of injury or disability, the company will compensate according to the level.

If someone dies, in addition to the national work-related injury compensation, an additional compensation of 100 million yuan will be given.

Their children can enjoy priority in entering the factory to work.

For those who have no children, two quotas can be given to take care of their relatives.

As soon as these two things were announced at the conference, it exploded instantly.

Everyone knows that the company pays high compensation, but this also means great risks.

But the young workers in various factories didn’t think so.

The first is double salary.

Who can resist this?

Furthermore, not everyone can join.

First of all, those who are healthy, sick, and cannot swim are not allowed.

Fortunately, Changhe Group has many people.

It is more than enough to select 10,000 people out of 5000+ people.

Of course, these talents in technical positions cannot go even if they are qualified. If one of them is gone, it will be an irreparable loss.

Here Chen Liguo organizes the selection of team members.

On the other side, Wang Yao started to prepare according to the supply list given by Lu Changhua.

The first is food.

5000 people are rescued in the wild, how can they have time to cook?

Only food like bread can be eaten.

Fortunately, Lu Changhua notified Dahong as early as March to increase the bread reserve.

Wang Yao gave the order, and Dahong organized vehicles to deliver bread to Beining.

The second is sacks or woven bags.

This requires purchasing.

The quantity is first prepared to be 100 million pieces.

The third is a shovel.

A team of 5000 people needs at least 10000.

Produced in our own factory.

It's a piece of cake for them to produce this.

The fourth is waterproof generators, at least ten of which are needed.

This is also produced by ourselves.

Of course, the more production, the better, and other rescue teams also need it.

The fifth is tents, at least 200.

The sixth is the electric kettle, 200 units.

There was a lot of water on site, but it was not drinkable.

It is common sense that water should be boiled before drinking.

The seventh is transport vehicles, one hundred sets.

That is, a tractor.

This is used to transport food and drinking water, including transporting various tools and sand.

The tractor comes with a rear trailer as standard.

Water trucks need to install a water tank on the rear trailer.

For these vehicles, Changhe Group does not need to ask for help, it has its own inventory.

The eighth item is medicine.

Various cold medicines, fever medicines, diarrhea medicines, etc.

Iodine, alcohol, gauze, hemostatic bandage.

At the same time, 50 medical personnel are equipped.

The ninth item is hemp rope and horse needle, which are used to sew the sandbags.

The more the merrier.

In just three days, these supplies were in place.

A team of 5000 people was divided into 100 teams based on a team of 50 people.

Each has a captain.

The captains all wear red armbands.

The team members wore overalls with Arabic numerals handwritten on them.

Just by looking at the numbers, you can tell which team he is from.

Lu Changhua knew that in the rescue team, rain gear was not suitable.

Who would wear a raincoat during an emergency?

They were all soaked in the river and already soaked.

Raincoats are cumbersome.

So, none of these rain gears are available.

Shen Yang came to Changhe Group on the third day.

When he checked the supplies prepared by Lu Changhua, he also saw the high morale of the team members.

He couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

"Changhua, you grew up in a peaceful time. If you were in the old society, you might actually be a general."

On the fifth day, the headquarters sent an order for the Changhe rescue team to rush to Nehe City.

(End of this chapter)

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