eye of fate

Chapter 610 Condor Eagle City

Chapter 610 Condor Eagle City

Wang Chu's eyes lit up, and a flash of excitement flashed across his face: "This wilderness is not bad! If I hunt a few more mutant beasts like blood dragon beasts, I may be able to evolve quickly. Evolve into a third-level or even a fourth-level evolutionary!" "

Wang Chu has the Eye of Destiny. As long as he has enough destiny points, has sufficient resources, and masters extraordinary cultivation methods, he can increase his strength crazily.

This wilderness is a dangerous place for many people, and they can be killed if they are not careful.But for Wang Chu, it was a paradise for hunting and evolution.

"Huh? Not good!! Everyone get in the car immediately! Evacuate!!"

Wang Chu suddenly felt a warning sign in his heart. He shouted loudly and decisively pulled Annie and Lily, jumped onto an armored vehicle, stepped on the accelerator, increased the speed of the armored vehicle to the limit, and fled madly into the distance.

Wang Chu's subordinates were shocked when they saw their boss running away in panic. They all jumped into the armored vehicles and followed Wang Chu into the distance.

Hundreds of miles away, countless huge, ferocious mutant beasts were fleeing in embarrassment, and the direction of their escape was exactly the direction that Wang Chu and his party were originally heading.

A giant hand covered with black hair reached out and grabbed a blood dragon beast king with a body length of more than [-] meters.

The blood dragon beast king was extremely powerful, comparable to a fourth-level evolver among humans.One can easily destroy the town of Mingston.But it was vulnerable to that giant hand covered with black hair, and it couldn't break free no matter how hard it struggled.

The owner of the giant black-haired hands is a figure over a hundred meters tall, covered with a layer of muscle armor, with black hair, a skull-like head, red eyes, and 36 sharp-edged bone spurs on his back. A mutant with a long tail filled with sharp blades and a pair of fleshy wings on his back, exuding a terrifying aura.

The terrifying mutant stuffed the Blood Dragon Beast King into his mouth and chewed it.

"That's a supreme-level monster. The wilderness is still too dangerous for me now. I'd better go to the Golden Condor Company to develop it for a while."

After Wang Chu drove for dozens of kilometers and escaped, the premonition of danger of death disappeared, and he felt a little relieved.He understood that the supreme-level terrifying monster was just passing by and did not pay attention to these little ants at all.

ten days later.

"We're here, that's Condor City, the headquarters of our Golden Condor Company!"

Anne sat in the car and pointed towards a big city ahead of the road, full of pride.

Wang Chu looked into the distance and saw a majestic and huge city surrounded by white walls appearing in front of him.

The huge white city wall alone was 50 meters high. Permanent fortifications were built on every part of the city wall, and countless bullet holes extended from various places.

Every other section of the city wall has 36 automatic cannons that look like Phalanx formations.

If those high-level mutants dared to attack those giant cities, they would be blown to pieces before they even touched the city walls under the fire of the Phalanx automatic artillery.

At the entrance of the city gate, there was a steady flow of traffic. Countless mercenaries and vehicles from other towns and cities loaded with various supplies entered the condor city.

Golden Condor Company is one of the two overlords in this area that can produce source energy gene evolution liquid.Small towns and cities all over the wilderness will come to the Golden Condor Company to buy source energy gene evolution liquid and various supplies.The management of Shenying City is strict. Wang Chu and his party each paid 10 eagle yuan at the entrance and applied for a temporary identity card before they were allowed to enter.

A temporary identity card is required to stay in a hotel, ride a car, eat, buy bulk goods and first-level source energy gene evolution potion in the condor city, otherwise the purchase will not be allowed.

A temporary identity card can only be used for one month. You must leave Condor City within one month, or you must apply for another temporary identity card.

Only by obtaining a citizen card can you live permanently in Condor City.The Citizen Card of Condor City is extremely difficult to obtain. Only the true elites from the outside world can join the Golden Condor Company. Only after they have served the company to a certain extent can they obtain citizenship.

Countless people are willing to spend huge sums of money for the citizenship of Condor City, but it is still difficult to join Condor City.

"Compared to the small town of Mingston, this place is truly a paradise!"

Wang Chu sat in the armored vehicle and looked outside.I saw a lot of people on the street, and most of them were well-dressed.High-rise buildings can be seen everywhere, and cars gather here, full of the atmosphere of high civilization.

Among the countless high-rise buildings, there is an extremely huge building, like a giant condor. That condor-like building is the headquarters of condor city.

"Tony, thank you very much this time! I will contact you after a while."

Annie got out of the car, waved to Wang Chu, and then walked towards the headquarters of Condor City.

Wang Chu took a group of his subordinates to find a hotel to stay in, and then asked those subordinates to collect various books.

Books are not sold at all in the town of Mingston, but in Condor City, bookstores can be found everywhere.Wang Chu easily mastered physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology and other knowledge, as well as some knowledge about the history of this world.

It is recorded in those history books that there are four extremely powerful countries on this planet called Saida.Those four extremely powerful countries have been advancing in science and technology, and finally mastered the source energy fission bomb, a terrifying weapon that can destroy a city with one shot.

For some unknown reason, a world war broke out between those four extremely powerful countries, and a fission bomb with energy energy was thrown directly at the enemy country.

The entire world was blown into ruins by the source energy fission bomb, and everywhere was polluted by source energy. Humans mutated into mutants, and wild beasts became mutant beasts.

Some human forces rose up in such an apocalyptic world and formed forces one after another.The Golden Condor Company is one of the extremely powerful forces.The man who rules the Golden Condor Company is the Eagle God.

That history book is full of praise for the Golden Condor Company.However, Wang Chu also saw the development process of Golden Condor Company from those praises.

The Golden Condor Company was originally only a small force in this apocalyptic world.It turned out that the son of the chairman of the Golden Condor Company, Ying Shen, was a real genius. He was proficient in all kinds of knowledge and evolved crazily. He led the Golden Condor Company to defeat each force and finally founded the Condor City.

If it weren't for the Skeleton King of the Black Skull Company who was also a terrifying evolver, the Golden Condor Company would have dominated this area.

(End of this chapter)

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