Chapter 118 Translation Translation
"Tongzi, don't pretend to be dead, reply quickly." Bai Gu waited for a long time, but didn't get any response, so he couldn't help but speak.

The system remained silent, as if it was down.

"Check personal information." Bai Gu ordered.

In a blink of an eye, a detailed personal information form appeared in front of him.

Personal attributes:
Name: Bones.

Realm: Ghost Immortal (ninth level); Experience value: 799334/900000
Kung Fu: Immortal Sutra of Transforming Demons (Introduction); experience value 4552/1000000
Magic weapon: Mottled Bone Sword, Naxumi Ring, Sun Moon Star Sword.

Resources: 3 high-grade fairy crystals, 6 low-grade fairy crystals, 75 top-grade spiritual crystals, 827 high-grade spiritual crystals, 2099 medium-grade spiritual crystals, and 11368 low-grade spiritual crystals.

Combat Skill: Mountain-Moving Sword Technique (Entry: Proficiency +992)

Influence: Bones Society (1299 members)
Special skill: Kill by touching the head.

It can be seen from the current information table that through the conquest of the eight major powers, his personal assets have increased significantly.

In addition to the number of immortal crystals remaining the same, the number of top-grade spiritual crystals increased by 28, high-grade spiritual crystals increased by 327, mid-grade spiritual crystals increased by 1301, and low-grade spiritual crystals increased by 4536. The harvest was rich. It is difficult to achieve it simply by luck or by doing tasks for many years. It is in line with the classic saying: A man will not be rich without windfall, and a horse will not be fat without night grass!

However, a sudden increase in wealth is certainly a gratifying thing, but what is more important now is that being able to summon personal information means that the system is not down, but it just doesn't know how to reply to itself, or simply doesn't want to reply.

"Tongzi, Tongzi, don't hide and keep quiet, I know you are not down." Bone called: "Explain to me quickly, what is your situation."

[The question you asked exceeds the calculation range of the system, so it cannot be answered. 】Under his extremely persistent questioning, the system finally gave a response that was not an answer.

"Hey, why are you in a daze?"

At the same time, in the deserted forest outside, Ao Shuang waved his hand in front of the bones and asked doubtfully.

Hearing this, Bai Gu temporarily ignored the changes in the interrogation system, focused his eyes on reality, and released the palm that was holding the green-faced kid: "You continue to talk."

The green-faced kid immediately distanced himself from him and silently ignored the matter of his own bloodline: "11 years ago, I was still living in the water. Although I didn't live up to expectations, I lived a carefree life.

Unexpectedly, one day, a monster sneaked into Ruoduixian Mansion, knocked me unconscious, and dragged me here. When I woke up, she asked me to call her mother...

If I didn't obey, she would beat me, very hard. I was afraid of being beaten, so I had no choice but to give in.

Here, I am living a very uncomfortable and tormenting life.

I don't like people controlling me every day, not allowed to do this, not allowed to do that, and all kinds of preaching make me depressed to the point of going crazy.

Over the years, I have sent requests for help to countless people who passed by here. Some people flatly refused, some sneered, and some promised me to go to Ruoduixian Mansion to report, but there was still no news.

I waited until despair, and the murderous intention in my heart became more and more intense.Why should I endure this pain?Why can't it be someone else..."

Seeing that his face was showing signs of changing from blue light to dark green, Bai Gu turned to look at Ao Twin and secretly sent a message: "Are you sure you want to take care of this trouble? Matters involving the descendants of the Black Emperor must not be the kind of little things that can be done easily. question."

"It's not that I want to deal with this trouble."

Ao Shuang said through the message: "But if we push this kid and make him think about dying with us, it will definitely be more than worth the loss for us... In this case, it is better to let him take us to see the monster that kidnapped him. , then we may have more initiative.”

..."The above is the whole process of the whole incident." While the two of them were communicating secretly, the green-faced kid slowly raised his head, his eyes full of hope: "Can you help me kill the fish mother? As long as If she dies, everything will be solved."

"What level of cultivation is the fish mother?" Bai Gu asked without answering.

"In the human-immortal realm, if someone is caught by surprise, if you two join forces for a sneak attack, you will definitely be able to kill him." The green-faced kid said quickly.

"Nothing unexpected?" A flash of light flashed in Bai Gu's eyes: "Translation, translation, what does it mean to be unexpected."

The green-faced kid was confused by the question: "Unexpected means unexpected! Why do we need to translate this?"

"No, you have to translate." Bai Gu emphasized: "Otherwise, how would I know, what the fuck is called surprise, and what the fuck is called surprise!"

The green-faced kid: "..."

Ao Twin: "..."

"What are you stunned for? Translate! What a fucking surprise!" Not long after, Ao Shuang shouted to the green-faced kid.

The green-faced kid's momentum was taken away, and he said calmly: "The so-called surprise is that every full moon night, the fish mother will go to a mountain stream to practice practice. This is the time when she is most defensive, but her reaction is the weakest. This is also the time when you are most likely to succeed in a sneak attack."

"Haha, it turns out this is the ****'s surprise!" Bai Gu smiled, turned to look at Ao Shuang and said, "How about you try a sneak attack first, if it doesn't work I will take action."

"I can never do it myself, not to mention how can you have a chance to take action after alerting the enemy?" Ao Shuang asked in return.

"But I can't help it! I have a quirk. If there is no benefit or no reason, I will not do it well. If I do not do it well, the efficiency will be low, and the success rate will be low." Bai Gu said lightly.

"You kid, why are you so stupid?" As soon as he finished speaking, Ao Shuang said to the kid with hatred: "Hurry up and say it, what's the benefit?"

The green-faced kid: "..."

Something always feels wrong.

Things shouldn't unfold this way!
"Looking at you like this, isn't there any benefit at all?" Bai Gu raised his eyebrows and shouted in a deep voice.

The green-faced little ghost woke up like a dream, and subconsciously said: "If you can kill the mother fish, I can take you to find the treasure that the mother fish has hidden all these years!"

Bai Gu and Ao Shuang looked at each other and saw the smile in each other's eyes.

Very good, the cooperation was perfect this time, successfully turning passive into active, and ensnared the immature child like the green-faced kid.

"How do you know where the fish mother's treasure is?" Shao Qing, Bai Gu didn't give the green-faced kid time to think, and continued to talk.

"Because she may really regard me as her child in her heart, and she has no defense at all. Or maybe she believes too much in the formation she arranged and thinks that with my strength, it is impossible to break through. "The green-faced kid said.

Bone's eyes moved slightly: "Shouldn't she have more than one treasure location? To prove that what you said is true, and you are not deliberately deceiving us, I think it is better for you to take us to a treasure location first."

The green-faced kid: "..."

This bastard is so deceptive!

(End of this chapter)

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